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Leaving the city

Had a weird dream. To start with I was at home and there were people outside, like they are threatening us. Lots & lots of. Our house was on ground floor and lots of space maybe in the front that so many people were actually standing and saying I guess something like 'we won't leave'. That was all for my mom. They thought my mom did something wrong and at the moment I was actually protective of my mom. We never opened the door but I was like standing in front or being of front in case if required. Then after time passed the voices faded. I guess I did a quick check of the outside from the inside. We took our bags and rushed out. Then we just came out of Rickshaw (we must have taken it to reach somewhere) someone tapped us and said that she overheard that those people are very very angry and they went to buy or bring gun to shoot my mom. I was really scared and depressed like don't know what to do. We picked up the bags and we're going to the station when I thought about telling one of my girl to come with us. Told my dad too that I'm thinking this. But then said that "she is living in Thane (which is somewhat one hour or something away from train, so if we wait for her we will have to wait for an hour or more). So he said "then we can't wait, we need to leave" and we went on platform, inside the station. And then I woke up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 female Mumbai, India

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Re: Leaving the city

I'll provide an analysis of your dream on Tuesday.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65

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