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My dream

I have recently lost a close friend, a week before this I was meant to go see him to drop one of his things off however I didn't manage to have time. couple days after his passing, I dreamt of him. He didn't say anything and neither did I, all that he done was sit next to me and gave me a massive hug and looked at me and smiled. after this dream I haven't dreamt of him. Did he come and visit me? I get gold shivers in hot rooms all the time, I almost feel like hes always with me. maybe the wish of just wanting him to be here again is very strong. please advise me :(

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 23 female Cornwall

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Re: My dream

Dreams are about the emotions. What you feel and what the dream is presenting are the emotional energies you have toward your friend. He 'came to visit you' emotionally and not as a ghost. He is still with you in an emotional aspect and in ways will always. Take what you see and feel toward him and embrace those emotions.

That is the primary issue the dream is focused. But all dreams have at least two meanings/applications. One would be the loss and emotions you feel about your friend. The other would have to do with deeper aspects of your own self. Getting to those issues would require a lot more work and analysis of other dreams. Your deceased friend would represent an animus or masculine aspects. Something related to these inner aspects may be missing. I don't wish to confuse you by this by dreams are important in discovering your true emotions and true self. Whatever is out of balance emotionally in your life {including issues of life and especially your foundations/childhood} will be the subject matter of your dreams. An inner masculine aspect that is missing {as is your deceased friend is in your outer life} would need to be understood or there is a likelihood that important aspect will influence your psyche into adulthood. Relationship with your father or negative experiences with males in early life could cause an out of balance animus. A balanced psyche requires a proper inner masculine self so when you engage men later in life you are not burdened with something that is missing psychologically.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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