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Multiple mini-dreams

So I was in and out of a dream state last night but here goes with what I can remember.

I am on a date with a very attractive women that I knew from high school. We are at the movies and she is dressed in a very attractive manner. At some point we leave the movies and she is walking ahead of me. I tell myself that I need to lead and race to catch her. I believe that she stops and states that she needs to use the restroom. She stops and says this while we are standing in a food court at a mall. I feel like at some point we are doing or attempting to do the deed but I am getting "ahem" performance anxiety. At this point the dream ends/becomes vague.

Another mini-dream I had is where I am with 3 other people. I am wearing sanuks, which are a slip on style shoe. I am walking across some gravel or rocky type terrain and keep stopping to take my shoes off and dump out dirt and gravel. The three people gather around me as I am sitting down and emptying my shoe. They inquire as to the type of shoe it is and even though I know it to be a sanuk I cannot thing of the word to save my life. We throw out multiple names that are close to it like sanuli and other S style names. I pick of the shoe to look and it is no longer labeled as a sanuk but has another shoe name.

Final dream has me traveling with a group of people around or on a mountain. This feels like a "walking dead universe" if you are familiar with the show. A group of people I am traveling with but "not apart of" asks me a question, something life if I have anywhere to go or something to that affect, the person who asks is an older lady with grey hair. I answer that I do know a place but am unaware if it is available to us or occupied. Immediately I regret saying this as it was a secret that I probably should of kept. I am with 1 or 2 other people who are aware of this secret location and feel that they are thinking the same way. Regardless we reach an entrance that leads into a mountain. We are on top of this mountain and the entrance has you opening this spinning lever/wheel (I can't think of the word) that leads to a ladder. Going into this mountain, down the ladder it is dark but I can feel and barely see that there is a lot of machinery in this place, like it is a mountain hideout that would be used by the government/elite. I make it to the bottom and am walking down some stairs when I and a few others encounter two other people. It is initially a hostile encounter and at some I am behind one of them with a knife to their throat. We realize we know each other as the roof is slowly opening up and allowing in more light. We then venture farther in, I feel like there are now more people present. I end up in a room and in front of me is a massive metallic door, this thing is just huge. I then jump to a birds eye view and I can see this same door from the top down. Even with this doors size and strength there is slight trepidation as we want this thing to stay closed and keep something out. At this point as far as I can tell the dream ends.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Male Virginia

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Re: Multiple mini-dreams

All three dreams appear to be addressing making changes to old developed attitudes, taking negatives and making positive changes. The first two seem to about these attitudinal changes and although the third is also there looks to be something deeper in it. I'll examine that dream in more detail.

The dream is about the changes I mentioned, trying to overcome established and inherent attitudes. But it also appears to be addressing particular recent experience{s} as well that are related to your making the needed changes. Only you can know the personal experiences but the overall theme seems to be related to overcoming the negative attitudes.

In your attempts to make life better/make positive changes to developed attitudes, you face and over come obstacles only to find more work is required. The last part of the dream seems to be pointing to deeper issues, perhaps past negative experiences that have yet to surface. There are 'mechanical' attitudes at work which may suggest you are unconsciously driven by these past/hidden experiences. A particular attitude seems to be what this part of the dream is pointing to. You are beginning to realize the old attitudes are holding you back and you are working to resolve those issues. But in doing so you encounter one very large barrier that needs to be understood. Bits of light to this issue are slowly surfacing but because it is buried within the deep unconscious it is difficult to get to. Repression may be an issue.

As for the recent experience. Whatever that it is that is buried may have control {unconscious} of your actions in the present. Are there any particular 'drives' that you have difficulty with, uncontrolled actions that you need to get rid of because they cause or can cause damage to your personal life?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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Re: Multiple mini-dreams

Alcohols by big vice, use it to turn my negative thought processes off.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29 Male Virginia

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Re: Multiple mini-dreams

Discovering why you need to use alcohol to turn off the negative thoughts is what the dream is attempting to do. Alcohol is as much a psychological additional as it is a physical one. People to use alcohol to cover up the emotions and the reasons for those emotions. From your posted dreams I get a sense you know some of the reasons. Discovering the underlying causes for additions, the emotional reasons is the path to recovery.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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