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Dear Dreams Forum,

In my dream, I asked my boyfriend where he got the ring that he was wearing. He replied that it was from a friend of his (she is his friend in real life). In the dream, I then had the thought that there is an emotional intimacy between my boyfriend and this other women. I then woke up.

Thanks for your help!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 Female

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Re: ring

There are always at least two meanings/applications to all dreams. One would be a 'literal' application and another symbolic {the images/actions represent something other than the literal}. The literal application of this dream would be an issue of whether there is an emotional/intimate relationship between your bf and his female friend. In waking life you do have 'thoughts' of a possible intimate relationship. The ring would be honoring his commitment to the relationship with you {that is in question} which would be important to you since it would 'complete' the relationship {the ring would represent his commitment to the relationship}.

The symbolic application would have to do with inner aspects {within you}. Your bf would 'represent' your animus/masculine which could point to deeper issues of trust {past experiences, including childhood, may have trust issues with men/relationships}. You are 'wearing' these emotions within your unconscious and where you 'got them' {again from earlier life experiences} would be something you would need to discover and resolve.

His reply {symbolically speaking} would point back to aspects/negative experiences in your past that you have rejected {the friend would be a part of you}. Being a friend to your animus/masculine self could be point to 'learning' experiences that are now causing you to question {literally} the relationship between your bf and his female friend. The issue of trust would be an inner issue within you which causes you to question your present relationship with your bf.
Note: The inner issue could go back to childhood where trust in men is an issue that carries over to adulthood. Or/and it could be related to earlier relationships in your life where you where betrayed {trusted and you were betrayed}.

The intimacy part may point to something lacking in the relationship, an issue to do with the other woman within you {inner self}. Resolving inner issues of trust {inner intimacy} would be part of the problem in questioning the relationship between your bf and his female friend. There also could be issues with sex but because you used the word emotional intimacy {words are important} I would think it would be a lesser issue if one at all. You have emotional issues with the relationship and perhaps trust itself.

To gain insights to how I come to my analysis of your dream I suggest you read my page A Simple Guide to Dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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