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Maybe frequent

My car was robbed and the spare tire was stolen. also the content of the briefcase in which I hold my documents specially identity documents was robbed .
presence of car in my dreams have become frequent , and as far as I contemplate it is related to job .
the briefcase represent the identity and my overall understanding of the dream is that I had been identified with my job and now I feel some sort of crises in this regard.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Male 37 , Iran

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? 10 may 2016

Re: Maybe frequent

I'll provide analysis of both dreams Thursday. I have set plans tomorrow with the family construction business. I have analyzed all the images and actions and can see patterns {of emotional/psyche energies} because the dreams are short I want to look again at what the message may be {I usually interpret all the images and actions to get a final analysis}.

You mentioned ties to your job. Recent experiences where there are strong emotions are usually a part of almost every dream {the intent to hep you resolve the issues}. The car being robbed could represent 'feeling unfairly'. Eating stew could represent
stewing in your emotions' or consuming emotions {associated with experiences in your job}. But those images/symbols and actions will address other aspects of you, your life, your personality and your personal attitudes. All dreams have at least two meanings/applications with recent emotional energies as well as the deeper energies that go to the foundations of who you are {and what is out of balance} and why you are that person.

Have you posted another dream before these two? If so what day?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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Re: Maybe frequent

Hi there,
Apart from the two mentioned dreams I haven't submitted anything else yet.
Maybe I can provide some more information
I have six months old son .
I mostly feel angry about my job and the policies.
Although I am still working in the same company, some months ago I resigned from a responsibility I had .
Hope it helps with the interpretation

Re: Maybe frequent

I'll provide an interpretation of this dream as well as you other posted dream Eating Lizards {which I have provided below with my analysis}.

My analysis of this dream.

Something of emotional value has been taken from you. Something that goes to who you are as a person and you relied on in a crisis. It would be something that affected you emotionally. You may have realized something related from a recent experience, something you may not have known or expected previously, something that affected you deeply. It may involve reaching certain goals. Those goals may have been altered because of the crisis.

My analysis of this Lizard dream with the dream posted first.

I was eating some king of stew made of lizards , and suddenly I remembered that lizards are poisonous . I told my mom but she said cooked lizards are not poisonous. there was also some chicken in the stew and I continued eating chicken.

There are emotional energies that are consuming you. Energies that cause tension and also may affect you in a way that is destructive. It affects you in a very negative way. It may involve another person who you now see in a negative way. Your nurturing in early life taught you to believe in the positives but this recent experience has changed that. You go about your life with these consuming emotions because you are expected to do so.

The dreams are likely job related. But they also are going to the core of who you are. The experiences have affected you tremendously, not only in your job but also how you are expected or how you feel you must endure or react to the situation.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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Re: Maybe frequent

Thank you for the explanation

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