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White Bird

I Bought a white hen to donate it to charity and I put it inside a box ( like the ones for LCD TVs ) . it came out a couple of times and I put it back in there but the last time its leg was broken and it almost can not walk.
I was feared and sad and asked a woman if she knows a butcher to kill the bird and give it to a poor family or charity and she said yes and gave me an address.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Male 37 Iran

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes 10th May 2016

Re: White Bird

It will be Friday at the earliest before I will be able to analyze your dreams. I apologize for the delay but have other pressing responsibilities I must take care of.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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Re: White Bird

My sense of the dream is there are issues related to giving and receiving love. It could have to do with maternal/mother aspects {hen}. Here is how I interpreted the images/actions.

-bought hen-maternal/mother associations
-donate to charity-ability to give and receive love
-put inside box-limitations that prevent balance/wholeness/happiness
-broken leg/can not walk-lack of balance/unable to function emotionally
-butcher to kill bird-eliminating aspects that prevent achieving balance/aspirations in life
-give to poor family/charity-receiving love/affection

Something is missing in your life that may be related to childhood and may have to do with your mother of mothers in general. Those issues may have to do with relationship with women in your adult life. Do you have occasions where you feel sorry for yourself?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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Re: White Bird

" Do you have occasions where you feel sorry for yourself? "

Yes , unfortunately often .

"Something is missing in your life that may be related to childhood and may have to do with your mother of mothers in general. Those issues may have to do with relationship with women in your adult life"

I would say it is a maternal issue and yes I have had problem with relationships in general (as a shy person ) and specially with women.
I remember some childhood fantasies in which I imagined my mother as a cruel and very controlling person . Actually I had some difficulties to ask my parents for the things children ask. But at the same time I have always received a strong support from my mother who always tried to compensate for my father who was not a very caring person.

Re: White Bird

Childhood experiences, especially early childhood, become the basic foundations for personality, traits and attitudes that go with you in adult life. Genetics/inherent characteristics play a role also and the two aspects need deep examination so to discover what can be done to resolve negative traits. Shyness is not by chance, there are reasons for it. As is all traits and personal attitudes. Dreams are nature's device in helping discover and resolve the 'negatives'. Psychological counseling using dreams is the best path in this discovery and resolving the negatives. You may want to try this approach.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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