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Me and my son

recently I almost see this dream every time I am about to go to sleep and even sometimes I have a sudden shake in my body :
I have hugged my 6 months old son and we are beside a window or on a roof top and all of a sudden because of his movement he falls from the window or roof top.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Male 37 Iran

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes 10th , 15th May 2016

Re: Me and my son

Your 6 month old son would be symbolic of an emotional aspect within you {he is you}. Here is my interpretation of the images/actions.

-hugged 6 month old son-related to issues as a child where you sought love and affection
-beside a window/on roof top-unconscious aspects that are now coming to consciousness
-because of movement he falls- fears of failing or an inability to give love and attention/did not receive proper love and affection as a child

I do see issues from childhood related to love, affection and a need for attention. Those issues may be resurfacing because of recent experiences that are related to such issues.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa/Soace Coast, Fla

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