The Psychology of Dreams<>On Line Since 2012

Jungian/Psychology Based [ GO ]

Dream Forum
[Since 2005]
Myths-Dreams-Symbols    Since 1998
The Dream is to The Psyche

As the Immune System is to the body

Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
Read: Methodology I Use in Analyzing Dreams,,,,,Based on Jungian Psychology
5000+ Dreams
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Power of Dreams/MDS Dream Forum
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Dream Forum is Open With New In-depth Format {Please Read for Instructions}

The Dream Forum is now open with a new in-depth format. With this new format I will be able to provide a more in-depth analysis/interpretation of your dream. In the past I was limited to providing a general summary of the emotional energies within a dream. With this new format I will be able to provide more information about recent emotional experiences related to the general emotional energies. Along with the underlying energies that stem from early life personal experiences that form personality and personal attitudes the new format will allow me to provide insights to recent experiences that are associated with the underlying energies. This will require more personal information and is the reason for the new submission form. If you do not submit the submission form you dream will not be analyzed and will be deleted. Follow these simple instructions in posting your dream.

Step 1: Post your dream at the Dream Forum

Step 2: Fill out the submission form and submit it {it comes directly to me}.

I will analyze the dream and provide an interpretation at the Dream Forum.

Note: I will not provide any information you submit in the submission form.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

stats from 7-14-10 to the present