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My mother and money

Hi Jerry,

Dream: I am looking at a pile of quarters. They have black smudges on them. There has been an explosion and these coins "prove" my mother was responsible. There are detectives present and I am telling them of this "proof". They apprehend her and secure her away from me. The point seems to be more this separation then proceeding with the case. My mother is dressed well, as she always was and without emotion. Not exactly cold but without feeling. My feeling is that it is taking them a long time to proceed with this case.

My mother numbed herself with alcohol. Her values were very materialist and she believed we were better than others because we had money...she came from "old money". She made choices based on this belief rather then my well being. I am not materialist- I do not hold on to "things" I live within my means and do not seek more money. This may be almost an extreme as I know so few people like this my age.

Perhaps this is an issue I have never resolved nor fully understood.

As always, thank you for the work you do for us.

I don't know where the form is to fill it out...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Female California

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Feb 2015

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: My mother and money

It is the Dream Submission Form at the top of the page. You can access it here Dream Submission Form.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

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Re: My mother and money

Have received your submission form and will analyze your dream and have an interpretation in ca couple of days. Although a short dream, with the info from your submission form I already sense a deep examination of your early life {grounding/foundations} in the dream as well as personality traits and attitudes in your adult life. They are always connected. And both a continuous focus and subject matter in our dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

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Re: My mother and money

Below is my interpretation of your dream. I have analyzed the individual images/symbols/actions and provided my interpretation. From these I am able to determine patterns that lead to a final summary of what the dream is attempting to communicate. I will then provide a summary of the general outline of the emotional energies I sense from your dream. And provide my thoughts as to what current issues are involved/related to the dream images/actions {derived from the personal information you provided in the Dream Submission Form}.

General Outline
-looking at pile of quarters-aspects that prevent you from being whole/happy
-have black smudges on them-unconscious aspects that contribute to lack of wholeness
-an explosion-repressed anger
-coins prove mother was responsible-issues of self worth related to mother relationship/aspects
-detectives present/telling them proof-investigating/searching to understand your emotions and reasons why your life is not whole
-apprehend her/secure her away from me-consciously rejecting aspects related to 'worth' but unconsciously influenced by mother aspects/a need to understand and remove these negative aspects
-separation then preceding with case-separation from mother/issues but still influenced by them
-dressed well/without emotion-distinct characteristics/lacking emotions
-taking long time to proceed with case-long evolution of your life with affects from mother issues

There are unconscious issues related to your mother that prevent you from feeling/being whole, complete in your life. Past childhood/early life experiences are 'smudges' on what are/should be a productive path. Issues with material wealth and self worth are at the core of these issues and who you are. These stem from issues with parents, especially your mother. There are external conflicts in your present life due to these unconscious energies. Generally your life is positive {dressed well} but the underlying emotional energies from early life prevent true wholeness and happiness in your life. Your life is predicated on childhood experiences/influences albeit unconscious. Although there are positive aspects from the position you have taken in life {not money oriented} there are also issues related to the unconscious energies that now are resurfacing. Recent experiences are in play in reference to these unconscious energies.

Recent Personal Experiences
You are an artist and as an artist you receive 'payment' for what you do from merely doing it. In the past you have given your art to others without charge. Now you are considering selling your art in an Etsy shop {peer-to-peer e-commerce website}, moving away from 'giving' of yourself freely to a position that 'resembles' the material/money oriented values of your mother. Unconsciously and perhaps consciously this bothers you because you do have issues with your mother's values and a perceived 'going in that direction' with selling your art. These are unconscious energies related to the foundations you grew up with {which are set in concrete and have an effect all through life, until resolved}. As an artist the value is in your art, not in what people think it is worth monetarily. The unconscious energies related to mother/childhood issues conflict with the value system you have set up in your life, as an artist as well as literally. The dream is touching on both the underlying mother issues {which need a deeper examination and resolution} as well as the recent experiences to do with selling your art. The underlying mother issues most likely have other aspects beyond the recent experiences with your art. There may be issues of self worth involved.

Your response is requested. Hopefully a detailed response so I can judge the correctness of my analysis. Although I do have personal information about you it is still very limited when accessing any issues beyond what I have described in my summary {those issues beyond the recent experiences}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: My mother and money

Very spot on, Jerry. Money and values and art absolutely. I have decided to not sell my art unless someone asks me. So no Etsy and no self promotion. This allows me to focus more on the content of my art then the pretty result. Phew...

I have two son's and one bought a house very near me here. We are very close and I love my daughter in love. My son majored in Economics and was in the Navy.Both those are not in my value system, but I always and continue to support what he wishes to do. My own parents did not do this to me. They hated my art endeavors and would not allow me to pursue them. I mean I was punished for it (grounded). As an adult I have always put my creative endeavors first and this has served me. But most of the above is from my father and I have since accepted it. Fathers protect and provide and he did both and I believe he was afraid of the art world (including performing) from his own childhood experiences in that vain.

So what were my mother's values? Having money and looking good on the outside so one was better then everyone else. She feared a change in this status, I think. I am sort of drawing a blank and if the connection is apparent to you, please let me know. These things can be so obvious to everyone else, but not to ourselves so often.

My son values money more than I and thankfully I am self sufficient till the day I die.

Is any of this helpful.

As always, thank you, thank you, thank you -Peggy

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Female California

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} 9/6/16

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: My mother and money

Thanks for the follow up response. The continuous experiences related to money and values {son's value system} as well as your art are the aspects the dream is attempting to communicate and help you resolve. Childhood experiences/influences are at the center of these developed attitudes. But you have chosen well in letting your art be the major force in living your life. Creativity is at the core of the soul's purpose and when we live from the creative self there will always be a source for wholeness and well being. Of course in this material world there will always be the challenges that are not a part of your value system. This is probably why you have these type dreams since you are constantly having to confront the issue. Reconciling the childhood experiences is important in being able to approach the issues objectively and not emotionally . Having examined those early life experiences {your conscious knowledge of your father and mother's role in your upbringing} you are on the correct path to understanding how this plays into the equation. That will help with in being able to endure what you can not change {the material world in which we live} and help strengthen your own value system. Creativity and spirituality is system the soul values.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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