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two previous mother dreams


In contemplating your response to the 1st mother dream I posted, I realized the 2 other ones I had this past 6 mos. are probably going to be helpful. They are all brief, but because I never have dreamed of her before with any significance I want to gleam as much as I can from them. My oldest sister passed about a year ago and she was a strong mother figure to me. Perhaps this is why I am receiving this information from my unconscious now.

First dream: There is a knock on my present home's door and it is my other sister Carolyn and her husband. They say, "We have a special visitor for you!" The visitor is my mother. She comes in looking old and fairly out of it. (She had dementia for 8 years before she died). She says to me:"I have been praying a lot and it is helping my mind".

Second Dream: I am running a bath and in the tub water I see a large black spider. In the center of the round body of the spider is a white dot.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Female California

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} 9/1/16

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Re: two previous mother dreams

My sense of these two dreams {along with the recent dream My Mother and Money you posted} is they point to a need/desire to resolve the mother issues as they relate to your deeper self as well as being a mother and your relationship with your son. The knock on your present home's door suggests the value issues you grew up with have associations to the present day {in present day relationships as well as resolving any remaining childhood conflicts}. The specific mention of your present day home is a standard reference in dreams to emotional energies in adulthood. And because all dreams are meant to help resolve an emotional conflict, conflicts in your adult life and the underlying causation that keeps knocking so to be understood.

Your sister and her husband being at the door would likely point to personal experiences related to her/him. But at the same time having a symbolic meaning, pointing to an 'inner sister' and inner masculine support aspect {your sister being supported by her husband symbolically applying to your own inner aspects}. The visitor would be past emotional energies that affected your development as well as addressing the continuing conflicts that need resolution. It is your mother, literally and symbolically at the door {a barrier that needs to be opened and confronted}. Anything old usually represents the past {your relationship with your mother, literally as well as symbolically addressing developed attitudes from the relationship}. Her being out of it would reference her dementia and that could suggest a 'dementia' within you. Dementia suggests not fully knowing something or being in control.

Praying is seeking higher resources in understanding/resolving an issue. Your art is a source of higher knowing and through it you are able to find solace. The other aspect of higher knowledge would be consciously seeking answers to the conflicts related to your mother {value system being the prime issue}. I believe when someone posts a dream to be analyzed they are actively seeking answers and that is a part of seeking higher knowledge. Your mother is your real mother and the relationship with her. But she could also be you as a mother and the issues you must confront in your relationship with your son and other people who have a different set of values {material worth above creativity}. By contemplating these issues {and submitting your dreams to be analyzed} you are helping resolve these emotional issues.

As for the spider dream. That likely has several applications. The spider is a common symbol of feminine power and/or an overbearing mother figure in your life. Creativity is a part of the feminine power within the psyche, your strength coming from that center. The bath {and tub} is where you cleanse things {the soul being one}. Large suggests a dominant or important aspect of who you are. Black is a common symbol for the unconscious. In the 'center" of the round {circle} body {self worth/value system} is a white {cleansed} dot. At the center of your value system is your art, creativity and not materialism. This points to a positive aspect, where you are when it comes to how you live your life. It suggests you are on the right path having a 'cleansing' agent in your art work that allows you to function even when surrounded by the material world.

All in all the three dreams seem to point to a positive search for answers to both the underlying issues related to mother and childhood as well as being a mother having children whose value systems are different from yours {as yours was different from your mother's}.Your art work is at the center of your life and this alone provides great strength for you. The issues of the material world will always be there but having a value system based on inner values {art is an inner value} you can persevere despite the negatives you have to confront on a regular basis.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: two previous mother dreams


Thank you so much for these insights to my dreams. I have heard that in analysis, one's mother is the last we deal with...if this is true, I wanted to jump on any info my unconscious was supplying me. :)

Painting is my "way" to my higher self and it is so great to have someone else understand this and affirm it. Those near and dear believe they are helping by encouraging me to sell my art. I appreciate that you recognize I must not. I have been a commercial artist in the past and sold artwork and it's WORK not art.

I love your spider feels right! In the same vain there was a praying mantis on my car trunk yesterday morning in real life! I have never seen one before and took a photo to look it up later. All the messengers surrounding us waiting to be seen.

I trust you are well and enjoying your cats! I hope this new format works here. I know I have filled out similar forms for dream analysis in the past.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Female California

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} 9/6/16

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: two previous mother dreams


I will provide a response either later today or tomorrow.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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