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I had a dream last night that my wife was with another man. They were together and I was present. It was as if it was a non-issue with them. Apparently they were together for some time.

They even struck up a casual conversation with me. This has been a repeating dream for me (actually a third time) for an affair dream within the past few months.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 54 M Ohio

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes 9 months

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Re: Affair

You need to submit the Dream Submission Form before I can analyze your dream. Although a short dream and seemingly about you wife and affairs the dream likely has deeper implications. With additional info the submitted dream form provides I may be able to help identify those.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

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Re: Affair

Received your Dream Submission Form and will work on your dream today.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

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Re: Affair


There may be aspects/traits you see in your relationship with your wife that compare to the relationship with your mother or/and or your anima. The other man could be you as an adult verses being a child and your relationship with your mother {or vice versa}. There may be feelings/emotions you had toward your mother you are now having with your wife. There also may be guilt aspects from possible actions you are considering {personal info you provided} that reflect past relationships {again personal info}. You would be the other man vs your wife and being in an opposition to the past personal experience. The emotions you felt from that experience could be reflecting probable guilt you would feel {the anxiety you feel in your personal info}.

Being together may be the comparing of the relationships. You are present in each being on both sides {in both relationships I addressed above}. The 'as if' it was a non-issue with them may reflect be 'as if' it didn't matter to your mother/wife to how you felt {your emotions}. Dreams reflect your emotional state of being at the time of the dream. These 'issues' have been with you for some time {mother/wife/other relationships}.

"They even struck up a casual conversation with me" is an inner conversation with yourself {although it may be alluding to actual experiences/conversations in some aspect recently}. The casual aspect would reflect a 'cursory' thoughts you are having about 'other' possible relationships. Look at the three dreams where you had these casual conversations and examine any experiences you had prior to the dreams {2-3 days} and determine what may be a cause for the 'inner conversations'. The persons involved in these experiences may have associations to your emotional self {a conversation usually is a debate about an issue you are confronting}.


The dream does seem to be addressing issues with 'wives' and other men. The other men would on one hand be an actual 'other man' but would also {and foremost} be you. The mother comparison is not very straight forward and may be more deeply rooted and would require more info {other dreams} to get at. The wife with another man does accurately portray an actual literal experience {yours}. But because all dreams are also addressing the inner self {the true self as opposed to what is perceived in the waking ego life} the other man would be aspects of yourself, you are the other man in the opposite position, this would cause an emotional conflict {anxiety} {which is why we have dreams so they can help us resolve the emotional issues}.

'You were present' statement is about you being a part of each of these experiences {including the possible relationship with your mother}. The 'being together' may be compartmentalizing all these experiences into one category, each related in an emotional energy. The initial experience would be in the relationship with your mother {negative} which has been with you 'for some time'. The mother experience laid the foundations for your personality and personal attitudes and could affect/lend the energies to all other relationships. That would go to the anima aspects of your psyche, the feminine energies may be tainted by early life experiences/influences {which is a norm since the foundations of all lives are in the earliest years of life}.

A short dream with a lot of possibilities. Because I do have some personal info the good possibilities are what I have addressed. Although many would dismiss the issues as a part of normal life the consequences have been and could be great. Your relationship with your mother had a profound affect {and still has} on who you are. How you address future relationships will also have an affect. The conversation needs to be on the consequences as well as on the reasons you have these emotions {which goes back to early life/childhood}. It is a very important conversation, not only with others involved in your life but even more so with yourself.

I would suggest you examine the relationship with your mother and see what compares to experiences/relationships in your present life. You may find similarities that could enlighten you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Affair

Powerful reply- Thank you. I will need to meditate and digest. I tall makes sense.

Re: Affair

Take your time. I would appreciate a detailed response after you review my analysis. With the added personal info I hope I have provided insights to current emotional issues beyond what i could have provided in just knowing your age and gender.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Florida

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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