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Searching in a morgue

my mother and me went inside a morgue ( apparently we wanted to keep it quiet and no body see us )
there was piles of dead bodies. I was watching if some one or a guard would approach us.
my mother brought out 2 bags of " silver powder " from corpse of a child.
at this time some body came into the morgue . apparently he was a person in charge . he didn't pay attention to us . we spoke some few words I don't remember.

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Re: Searching in a morgue

my mother and me went inside a morgue (and) my mother brought out 2 bags of " silver powder "

Receiving silver from a corpse seems like imagery relating to Judas Iscariot who, according to Christian dogma, betrayed his friend and mentor in exchange for a payment of silver, with his betrayal ultimately resulting in the death of his friend (aka. his friend became a corpse). Furthermore, while Judas's friend and mentor is believed to be in his 30's at the time of this betrayal, he is depicted as being 'pure' and 'innocent', not unlike the child in your dream. (If you haven't figured it out yet, Judas's 'friend and mentor' is Jesus Christ).

With the aforementioned in mind, let me ask;

Have you been pondering in instance where, advertently or inadvertently, you or your mother betrayed someone (making you or her a 'Judas')?

Do you feel as though you or your mother was betrayed (by a 'Judas')?

Given that this may be Christian imagery, have you joined, re-joined, or left the Christian Church recently or is this on your mind?

Finally, while this is in inaccurate and unfair assertion, at various times in history, Judas has been tied to Judaism (even though he was actually one of the first Christians before he betrayed Jesus). Have you joined, re-joined, or left the Judaism recently or is this on your mind?

Hope this helps...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29M

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes 10/26/2016

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Re: Searching in a morgue

I appreciate your analysis of this dream but I must disagree with how you interpret the images and actions.

When analyzing dreams I look for emotional patterns of behavior. Sometimes there are recognizable patterns in a dream that will reflect mythological stories, fables or fairy tales. Myths are all about the universal patterns of emotional behavior, reflecting the various emotional experiences of a particular culture or society which could include religious stories. I don't see any indications of religion or spiritual aspects in this dream.

Myth and Dreams
The behavioral pattern of the son looking for the father is a common universal theme which would fit with many in today's world {having been separated, abandoned or losing the father due to death}. A primary theme within the original Star Wars movie was Luke Skywalker seeking his father, who turned out to be the villainous Darth Vader {which incidentally fits my life experiences, not only the son seeking the father but the father turning out to be a 'villein'}. The emotional pattern is a part of the dream because it highlights an emotional issue that needs resolution. A function of dreams is they attempt to help the dreamer resolve emotional issues.

But a dream says exactly what it means {in metaphorical/symbolic language}. There is nothing in this dream that suggests a connection to Judas or a similar pattern of behavior akin to his/Judas' experience. It would a stretch to connect the silver powder to this Christian myth. Unless of course you {Francisco} are a Christian who interprets a dream using teh Christian religion. Such bias can do a disservice because it implies an emotional energy that does not exist {or is reflected in the dream}. Spiritual dreams are more often memorable than ordinary dreams and will have images reflecting spiritual connections. This dream does not possess any of these criteria.

One other comment about your interpretation and whether it has merit. Normally to have a dream that contains or suggest Christian imagery the dreamer would be have been brought up in the Christian myth. Nastaari is from Iran and I do believe brought up in the Muslim faith. Islam's take on Judas is much different than the Christian myth. In Islam it was Judas who was crucified on the cross and was the is the real savior of Christians. Because the psyche does have a natural connection to the spiritual realm, spiritual dreams naturally occur when major changes are experienced in the dreamer's life {Jung, a scientist believe there is a natural spiritual aspect in human psyche}. Not particularly religious but one of connection to the earth, of cause and effect, and giving of oneself to the other}. The death and resurrection is symbolically what must happen to the person, death to the egocentric/materialistic self and a resurrection/rebirth to the spiritual. Death isusually symbolic of an end to some aspect in the dreamer's life. The corpse {something that has died} in this dream would more likely represent something within Nastaari's childhood that 'died'. See my interpretation {after I post it} to get a 'Jungian' perspective of this dream.

One last comment. When I use the words 'Christian myth" I don't mean to demean the religion. All religions in my perspective are myths {exaggerated truths}, born of man who usually profess to have a direct link to 'God'. The myth will fit the person's ideology {biased as it is}. In the Western world Christianity, Islam and Judaism were born from the same central theme based on the God of Abraham. In the East religions {Hinduism, Buddism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto} religions are
based more on dharma {the principle of cosmic order}, karma {action, work or deed/cause and effect}, maya {the illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world} and Samara {the cycle of death and rebirth}. The myth a person is brought up in as a child is usually how that person perceives the spiritual world. Those would be more likely the imagery in dreams of that person.

In that light I tend to side with Chief Settle when he stated in his letter to President Grant, "there is but one God but he goes by many names".


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Searching in a morgue

Here is how I interpret the images/actions in your dream.

-my mother and I went into a morgue-living with a shared emotional aspect with your mother that needs resolution {needs to be laid to rest}
-wanted to keep it quiet/no body see us-not vocalizing these emotions
-piles of dead bodies-feeling detached emotionally possessing massive energies {unconscious energies}
-watching for someone/guard-guarding how you feel/holding in your emotions {in relationship to someone in your life}
-mother brought out two bags of silver powder-conflicting emotional energies that motivate your life {two layers of application}
-from corpse of child-what has died and related to childhood/an inner corpse related to childhood
-somebody came to morgue-some aspect/person that has been laid to rest/issues that need to be laid to rest/resolved
-he was person in charge-an actual person/inner emotional energies that motivate your life
-he didn't pay attention to us-actual actions by a person/not understanding or realizing the inner emotional energies
-we spoke few words-actual experiences/not thoroughly communicating the inner controlling energies
-I don't remember-not knowing the inner energies/not remembering all aspects related to the experiences in relationship to a person/s

This dream does seem to be pointing to both your father {who recently died} as well as the inner energies that are associated with him. You shared many of the same emotional experiences as your mother {or suffered with her in them}. You have conflicting emotions related to your father. It started in childhood {which is the defining time frame for psyche development} and the energies remain in adulthood. The not speaking many words/not remembering not only points to experiences with your father {some you probably wish to forget} but also points to a need to resolve the unconscious issues. You need to find a way to lay those emotions to rest. This goes with what we have discussed in past dreams, a usual pattern in dreams because the emotional conflicts still remain.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Searching in a morgue

Francisco ,
I appreciate your interpretation , while it was very interesting I don't remember any sort of betrayal also I have not joined or left religious movement or organizations.
Thanks a lot

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: M 37

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Re: Searching in a morgue

Jerry ,
that's true , and it is a recurring pattern.
additional information: last month my mother and my brother came to visit us.

meanwhile could you please elaborate more on the two silver powder bags ?
I did not quite understand the "two layers of application".

Thanks Sir

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: M 37

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