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The Lioness

I am at my godmother’s house. She’s preparing dinner and her kids have just come home from school. They’re all wearing school uniforms and sitting at the table. There are six of them. In reality she has five. I was playing and talking with them and talking to her husband when they invited me to stay for dinner. I noticed their house looked completely different and that they’d done some remodeling. There was an infinity pool right next to the kitchen in the back yard were everyone gathered after eating. There was an announcement made that a zoo handler was bringing a lioness by the house for the kids to see. The kids were very excited but I was a little worried as I had seen this lioness before. So I tried to warn the children to let them know to be very careful as a lioness were dangerous. In the dream the kids were between 7 and 12. In reality they’re all grown adults.

The lioness shows up with her handler and the kids are all very excited. In my mind I was a little afraid and kept thinking “this is a wild f***ing animal that could attack at any moment”. The lioness however came up to me and starts rubbing against me like a house cat. So I start petting her. She stuck by me the entire rest of the dream leaning against me wanting me to pet her so I did with a lot of trepidation.

The dream then shifts and I’m in a bad neighborhood visiting my great-grandmother. She died when I was 13. She was in this large room where there was a television and a couple of pieces of furniture. There was a table in the corner where she sat with some gentlemen gambling. They weren’t playing for large amounts of money or anything just coins. The television made the announcement that the Cubs game was about to start so my great-grandmother stood up and took off her dress. Underneath she was wearing Cubs gear. (She was a big Cubs fan when she was a live): A jersey, shorts, and a hat. I left her so she could watch the game and went into another room to make a phone call.

While I’m on the phone I hear shooting outside. I go to the window and duck down to see what’s happening. Men are shooting with semi-automatic rifles. I thought to myself she has to get out of her. After the shooting is over I walk outside to find my great-grandmother. I try to talk to her about how dangerous it was to be there and that she needed to move. Telepathically she told me she wasn’t leaving because she didn’t want to move and that she’d lived in that place for years. All while she continued to converse with her friends. At that moment I realized she was going to die soon so I started to cry and kissed her on her cheek.

I get the odd feeling that somehow these two dreams are connected. For the second dream I feel like my grandmother actually came to visit me. I am one of those people who believe the dead does come to visit us through dreams from time to time. As silly as it may be to others I think my great-grandmother was telling me she was happy the Cubs finally won the World Series before the rest of the dream got very serious.
Just as a little explanation about my family: we’re mostly female with few males. The males in my family are sort of put on this pedestal because there aren’t many of them. My great grandmother was the head of the family for many years but after she died everything and everyone sort of splintered off and now we’re just scattered all over the place since the glue that held us together just went away. I think I have partly figured this dream out but I need a little bit of direction on where what it’s telling me.

Thank you,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 39/F/ Chicago

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Nov 2016

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Re: The Lioness

I am working on your dream and will have afinal analysis either later today or in the morning. I want to review your previous dream post Grammar School. You provided a Dream Submission with that post which may provide insights to this dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

Re: The Lioness

I looked back at your posted dreams {there are several} over the past couple of years and noticed you did not post a response to all of them. This leaves me looking for answers and feedback to those interpretations so to tie them together. Without that I can not provide a thorough analysis of this dream because I do not know enough about my past interpretations that are applicable to your life. There are patterns emerging from the dreams that seem to coalesce around childhood experiences and depict aspects from those early life experiences that are meaningful. I would like to get to the core of what is the motivating emotional energies but again I need more answers. Answers to why you have difficulty in relationship with men seems to be a prime issue. You provided some feedback on the Grammar School dream but more is needed. If you will provide a response to your Work dream as well as your Fight or Flight and your Strange Family dream we should be able to determine enough to uncover the motivating energies. Knowing this may help you improve your personal life and find answers that will allow you to overcome the negative aspects to your personality. This is what dreams do, if they are analyzed properly and a follow up in resolving the emotional issues/energies that have caused the imbalance in your life.

I have broken down and interpreted the images/actions for this dream but will not provide a final analysis until I have more info about your other posted dreams. This dream is pointing to childhood experiences as well and with more info about the other dreams I should be able to provide insights and post questions that will provide answers for you. You may be able to see aspects of these interpretations that will help in understanding the dream {even without a final analysis}.

The Lioness Dream
First Paragraph
I am at my godmother’s house. She’s preparing dinner and her kids have just come home from school. They’re all wearing school uniforms and sitting at the table. There are six of them. In reality she has five. I was playing and talking with them and talking to her husband when they invited me to stay for dinner. I noticed their house looked completely different and that they’d done some remodeling. There was an infinity pool right next to the kitchen in the back yard were everyone gathered after eating. There was an announcement made that a zoo handler was bringing a lioness by the house for the kids to see. The kids were very excited but I was a little worried as I had seen this lioness before. So I tried to warn the children to let them know to be very careful as a lioness were dangerous. In the dream the kids were between 7 and 12. In reality they’re all grown adults.

Interpretation of Images/Actions
-sitting at godmother's house-experiences related to godmother/looking for guidance and direction in your life
-preparing diner/kids just came home-using gained wisdom from early life
-wearing school uniforms/sitting at table-conforming to learned attitudes/passive attitude
-six of them-various social aspects in your life
-has 5-conflict related to changes in life
-play/talking with kids/talking to husband-role in life/expressing masculine aspects
-invited me to diner-incorporating learned social aspects
-house different/remodeled-different attitudes/ making needed changes
-infinity pool next to kitchen in back yard-unconscious blending of attitudes learned from early life
-announcement zoo handler was bringing lioness for kids to see-managing developed matriarchal attitudes
-kids excited/worried seen lioness before-compensating childhood experiences/witnessed experiences
-warn children/lioness is dangerous-negative matriarchal actions
-kids between 7 and 12-experiences between ages 7 and 12 that carry over to adulthood
Second Paragraph
The lioness shows up with her handler and the kids are all very excited. In my mind I was a little afraid and kept thinking “this is a wild f***ing animal that could attack at any moment”. The lioness however came up to me and starts rubbing against me like a house cat. So I start petting her. She stuck by me the entire rest of the dream leaning against me wanting me to pet her so I did with a lot of trepidation.

Interpretation of Images/Actions
-lioness shows up with handler-managing matriarchal/maternal aspects
-kids very excited-compensating childhood influences/experiences
-in mind wild attacking animal at anytime-displaying and questioning learned attitudes
-lioness came to me/like house cat-taming matriarchal influences
-start petting her-embracing who you are
-stuck with me/trepidation-being true self despite anxieties
Third Paragraph

The dream then shifts and I’m in a bad neighborhood visiting my great-grandmother. She died when I was 13. She was in this large room where there was a television and a couple of pieces of furniture. There was a table in the corner where she sat with some gentlemen gambling. They weren’t playing for large amounts of money or anything just coins. The television made the announcement that the Cubs game was about to start so my great-grandmother stood up and took off her dress. Underneath she was wearing Cubs gear. (She was a big Cubs fan when she was a live): A jersey, shorts, and a hat. I left her so she could watch the game and went into another room to make a phone call.

Interpretation of Images/Actions
-dream shifts/in bad neighborhood visiting great-grandmother-negative experiences causing conflict despite greater wisdom
-died when I was 13-something in you or your life changed/died at age 13
-in large room/television and furniture-future outlook in integrating greater wisdom as part of self
-table in corner/gentlemen gambling-lack of control in social aspects/masculine aspects in taking risks
-not large amounts of money/playing for coins-not related to self worth as much as going against norms
-television made announcement Cubs game was about to start-conscious integration related to emotional conflicts
-grandmother stood up/took off dress-inner aspects related to grandmother taking control/uncovering outer attitudes
-underneath she was wearing Cubs gear-possessing same attitudes
-jersy, shorts and hat-revealing hidden unconscious aspects
-I left her/make phone call-leaving attitude behind/communicating to conscious self
Final Paragraph
While I’m on the phone I hear shooting outside. I go to the window and duck down to see what’s happening. Men are shooting with semi-automatic rifles. I thought to myself she has to get out of her. After the shooting is over I walk outside to find my great-grandmother. I try to talk to her about how dangerous it was to be there and that she needed to move. Telepathically she told me she wasn’t leaving because she didn’t want to move and that she’d lived in that place for years. All while she continued to converse with her friends. At that moment I realized she was going to die soon so I started to cry and kissed her on her cheek.

Interpretation of Images/Actions
-on phone hear shooting outside-aware of conscious aggressive attitudes
-go to window/duck down-insights in avoiding conflict
-men shooting with semi-automatic rifles-occasional displaying of masculine attitudes/negative attitudes toward mean
-thought to myself/has to get out-consciously displaying learned attitudes
-shooting over/walk outside to find grandmother-end to a past experience/seeking anwsers/wisdom that is no longer available {grandmother}
-talk to her/dangerous for her to be there-seeking unconscious communication with wiser self/dangerous for you not to have conscious answers
-Telepathically she told me she wasn't leaving-possessing a higher level of awareness about emotional issue that needs toe understood {grandmother and her wisdom}
-didn't want to move/lived in that place for years-need to expose past experiences that have not been made available for conscious knowledge
-continued to converse with friends-inner communication with wise self {isolated as you are}
-I realized she was going to die/started to cry-realizing changes need to be made {for improved life}/releasing of negative emotions

About the telepathy aspects in this dream. Whether or not real telepathy is involved the inclusion in the dream would have a symbolic application. Everything in the dream is related to your emotions and the telepathy from your grandmother would be as described in my interpretation. The talk with her is an inner communication within you. She is a part of you {the past experiences live on}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

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