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Getting my head chopped in half and unable to orgasm?

I'm in a large, dingy room, filled with racks of clothing, with four other people, all girls, none of whom I know to be in my life. I registered the room to be some sort of brothel. For some reason, three of the girls and I ran out of the brothel, leaving one behind. We run to a sort of school yard, and soon afterwards the police come to arrest us. As the four of us get on the ground with our hands up, I sense a presence behind me and the police officer arresting me. The police officer drops to the ground. Then I feel/sense my head getting chopped open with an ax or something, and I can see the blood coming out of my head. I fall to the ground, but I can still see everything that's going on. I see the looks of horror on the faces of the other girls as they figure out what is going to happen to them. I never see the face/body of the ax wielder.

This second part may be a separate dream? Somehow I'm "alive" after getting my head chopped open. I'm either in a house or a school. For who knows what reason, I am forced to m*sturbate and come to an orgasm and somehow have my "eggs" come out of my vagina and into a cup, all by a certain time. I begin to m*sturbate, and there are people around me watching. Not purposefully watching me, but just there and kind of observing. I keep getting close to an orgasm, and I felt as if in the dream state, I was fantasizing about things that would make me climax. However, I could never bring myself to orgasm, and I stopped trying about ten minutes after "time" was up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18/F

Re: Getting my head chopped in half and unable to orgasm?

I am in the process of analyzing your dream but have not completed the interpretation. My sense at this point {not final analyse} is there is guilt brought about by recent experiences possibly involving sexual experiences or some other unrealized and important aspect in your life. My sense is your foundations from early life {family structure} play a large role in these experiences, possibly prohibiting your achieving or fulfilling intended/needed desires. I have interpreted the individual images/actions and will post them so you can get an idea of what I get from the dream. Sexual dreams can be about sex or they could be about other aspects in your life {example: the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself that brings about psychological completion}. I'll provide a final analyse after you respond to this post. I treated the post as two dreams.

Dream 1
Getting my head chopped in half and unable to orgasm?
I'm in a large, dingy room, filled with racks of clothing, with four other people, all girls, none of whom I know to be in my life. I registered the room to be some sort of brothel. For some reason, three of the girls and I ran out of the brothel, leaving one behind. We run to a sort of school yard, and soon afterwards the police come to arrest us. As the four of us get on the ground with our hands up, I sense a presence behind me and the police officer arresting me. The police officer drops to the ground. Then I feel/sense my head getting chopped open with an ax or something, and I can see the blood coming out of my head. I fall to the ground, but I can still see everything that's going on. I see the looks of horror on the faces of the other girls as they figure out what is going to happen to them. I never see the face/body of the ax wielder.

-large dingy room-powerful negative aspect about self
-filled with racks of clothing-perception of ego self
-with four people/all girls-emotional wholeness
-none known-unknown qualities
-room to be brothel-unconscious sexual aspects that need attention
-three girls/I ran out/leaving one behind-emotional energies that left you feeling not complete
-run to school yard-unconscious aspects that are conscious motivators
-police came to arrest us-emotional guilt brought on by structured restraints
-four get on ground-foundations of wholeness
-hands up-emerging energies
-sense presence behind me-unconscious motivating energies
-police officer arresting me-structure controls causing guilt
-police officer drops to ground-structured foundations
-feel head getting chopped off with ax-consciously controlling aspects
-blood coming from my head-conscious energies
-fall to ground but can still see-revert to unconscious foundations/discerning attitude
-see looks of horror on faces-conscious fear
-figure out what happened-resolving negative experiences
-never see face/body of ax welder-not aware of unconscious energies/motivators

Dream 2
This second part may be a separate dream? Somehow I'm "alive" after getting my head chopped open. I'm either in a house or a school. For who knows what reason, I am forced to m*sturbate and come to an orgasm and somehow have my "eggs" come out of my vagina and into a cup, all by a certain time. I begin to m*sturbate, and there are people around me watching. Not purposefully watching me, but just there and kind of observing. I keep getting close to an orgasm, and I felt as if in the dream state, I was fantasizing about things that would make me climax. However, I could never bring myself to orgasm, and I stopped trying about ten minutes after "time" was up.

-alive after getting head chopped off-continuing emotional energies
-in house or school-learning what is within
-forced to masturbate/come to orgasm-unexpressed sexual desires/release of sexual tensions
-eggs come out of vagina into cup-developing new optimistic attitudes
-by a certain time-limitations
-begin to masturbate/people watching-developing new attitudes while under self observation
-not purposefully/just observing-judging unconscious energies
-keep getting close to orgasm/felt in dream state-getting close to emotional self gratification
-fantasizing about things/climax-imagination at its peak
-could never orgasm/stopped trying after time was up-not experiencing a release/giving up due to pressures


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

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Re: Getting my head chopped in half and unable to orgasm?

Gerald, thanks for the analysis. This is just one of the more bizarre dreams that I've had and I wanted some explanation. I agree with what you said about sex dreams possibly being about other parts of life. Thanks for the input!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18/F

Re: Getting my head chopped in half and unable to orgasm?

If the dream is not about sexual aspects then other tensions in your life would be what the dream is trying to communicate. What is it that has left you feeling incomplete? Childhood experiences may be involved with the effects still a controlling agent in your life. They have contributed to attitudes you have developed {possibly about men}. Something has left you feeling less than whole. You may be feeling pressure from others around you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66 Cocoa, Fl

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

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