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Finding a rat

I'm on an airplane with seats that have washing machines attached to the backs of the seats. This is not a special plane compartment because of the washing machines, but because there are fewer as the seats are fancier. Then I am in a mall outdoors. I go into JC Penneys and am looking through some bins that are up like shelving with a door that comes down. I am there with 2 other women I don't know. We are rummaging through different colored scarves. I think there is a mouse in the back of the compartment and keep looking and I'm speaking to the other women about this. Within the scarves I find a small sack that has flags in it and the flags say"Israel saved us" or something to that effect and these for the top of a Christmas tree. As I look as far back in the compartment I see several mice darting around. I say something about Candid Camera. One of the women is middleastern- perhaps from Israel and she says: "It's a rat." I see it's tail.
Alarmed by seeing the rat in the clothes, I go to find the "appropriate people" to report it.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Female California

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Re: Finding a rat

I am working on your dream and hope to have a final analysis this afternoon or Tuesday. I will go back and look at other posted dreams to help in my analysis. Your Dream Submission form has been very helpful {especially with the Israel image}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66

Re: Finding a rat

I'm going to post my interpretation of the images and actions from your dream and let you determine how they might fit. What is not clear is how the Israel aspects {from your Dream Submission form} fit into the equation. I can see how that could be a positive in your life but the associations with the rat {as defined in my analysis} is puzzling. Your response may provide clues to that and the dream.

Dream Title: Finding a Rat
-A rat in your dream signifies feelings of doubts, greed, guilt, unworthiness and envy. Something that is eating you up inside.

-on airplane with seats that have washing machines attached to back of seats-the need to resolve emotional issues from your past/unconscious attachments/motivating energies
-not a special plane compartment because of washing machines-not a separate issue in life but standard learning from early life that needs a cleansing
-because there are fewer {seats} they are fancier-strong motivators that cast have been aside and need emotional nourishment
-in a mall outdoors-choices, decisions and options you have in your waking life
-go inside JC Pennys-looking within {psychological} at your emotional needs and desires
-looking through bins/with shelving with door that comes down-unconscious repository of neglected aspects that has barriers that need to come down
-with two other women I don't know-unconscious conflicts with emotional nourishment aspects
-we are rummaging through different colored scarves-exploring self restrictions of emotional energies
-think there is a mouse in back of compartment-unconscious emotional element of feelings of inadequacy and fears that you are not measuring up
-keep looking/speaking to other woman about this-reflection of inner aspects that need recognition/resolution
-within scarves find small black sack that has flags-unconscious emotional feelings of insignificance that burden/restrict your life
-flags say Israel saved us-personal associations/ aspects that give support to your life {spiritual aspects if you are Jewish}
-top of Christmas tree-spiritual/self development
-look far back in compartment I see several mice darting around-unconscious issues that cause conscious feelings of insignificance
-say something about Candid Camera-hidden issues that are real
-one woman is middleastern/from Israel-a position of being centered, enlightenment, an aspect of inner peace
-she says, "It's a rat. I see its tail"-emotions or instinctive impulses that at some time in your past gave rise to guilt feelings
-Alarmed at seeing rats in clothes, I go to find "appropriate people" to report it-negative emotions affecting personal attitudes/fitting within 'shadow' aspects of psyche


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66

Re: Finding a rat

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for your delineation of my dream. I understood who and what the rat was referring to after I read your interpretation of the dream.

Your first line of "something is eating you up inside" was hard to face, but I now know it is my son Daniel. Once I realize this, it all begins to make sense to me.

Dan's problems are simply stated as follows: He is an addict not in recovery and has many traits of schizotypal personality disorder. Since I came to California after my husband died of cancer in 2014, Dan has stayed with me found days a week. He is challenging to deal with in many ways and I have tried my best to help him, but am now at the end of my rope so to speak. I do not want him here any more. My other son, Dar manages Dan's life for him and, so far, supports and understands my feelings. I feel guilty about all of it.

The "appropriate people" are probably the therapist Dar forced him to see last fall. And because I was forcing him to attend NA meetings with me occasionally he actually talked to them.

Other aspects of the dream, I think I understand- I am not Jewish, but there is a melding about holidays with my daughterinlaw and I. This took some work.

I have to let go of my son, until he has 30 or 60 days clean. Something along those lines. This dream helps me to understand how complex this is because, honestly, I probably believe on some level that I "should" be able to fix him. I know that is not possible, but my son's father died of an od in 1995 and this looms large for Dar and I and I think Daniel.

I trust you are well and enjoying your cat rescue!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 65 Female California

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? done

Re: Finding a rat

I'll provide a response tomorrow.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66

Re: Finding a rat

Your added info of personal information explains much of the dream. The stress is strong and reason for the dream although there are always other aspects related to your life involved. Are there any early life issues, very early life that could fit with the dream symbols? The dream statement, "not a special plane compartment because of washing machines' could point to such issues. My interpretation of this action, 'not a separate issue in life but standard learning from early life that needs a cleansing' would surely fit with the issues you have had with your son but could point to other issues from early life experiences. Your response of, "I probably believe on some level that I "should" be able to fix him" could be a clue. Why do you believe you should be able to fix him? The dream language at the end of the dream, "Alarmed by seeing the rat in the clothes, I go to find the "appropriate people" to report it" seems to point to personal attitudes. The rat in the clothes may point to personality since clothing is often symbolic of personal attitudes. Could your late husband fit within those parameters? Your response of, "my son's father died of an od in 1995 and this looms large for Dar and I and I think Daniel" may speak to this.
Personal attitudes related to stress could be one central theme of the dream.

Outside those possibilities I see how the dream images fit. I looked back at one other dream you posted and should have looked at others. That would likely had given me more info about your personal life which may have helped in interpreting how this dream fit with other posted dreams {most often it is only possible to read the perimeters of a dream, the outline of emotional energies but not actual personal experiences}. It seems clear now that the inclusion of 'Israel' in your dream was metaphor {on one level} for your daughter-in-law, her being a 'savior' of sorts. The language suggested possible 'spiritual' aspects and in this case she was in she helped you in your struggles with your son.

As for my cats. I have 16 or 17 I care for {8 domestic, the others feral}. All is well at this time. They are great friends at this time in my life. Although I am an extrovert by birth I have changed to an 'introverted' life of sorts in retirement. With the cats I don't need human companionship. I see this as balancing the opposites in the psyche, allowing my lesser self {introverted} to blend with my natural extroverted personality. In Jungian psyche balance is key to happiness, incorporating the other aspects into life {we all possess lesser and primary aspects}. Cats are a lot like the balanced self. Private animals but with the ability to adapt and live with us humans. But on their terms which is how I have constructed my life in retirement.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66

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