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Confession/Blessing/Church mammals/reptiles

I went to a church. A Catholic Church. (I was raised Episcopalian but have only been to church one time in past 14 years, recently on Ash Wednesday and have never been inside a Catholic Church before) And I went up to the very front and kneeled at the altar. And I prayed and when I opened my eyes there was a black full grown rabbit sitting up on its hind legs on my left side beside me, facing me. But it was small, could have fit in my hand. And it was not like a pet rabbit, it was a wild ldesert jack rabbit but pitch black. And then to the right of my knees was some sort of baby mammal on its back, also small, could fit in my palm, I don't remember or know if I even knew in the dream what kind it was, it was black and wriggling and squirming looking up at me. And then I realized there was a man halfway back in the church sitting in a pew behind me, watching me, and he scared me/I felt very intimidated by him. And then the priest came out and I told him I needed a confession but I was scared so I was whispering because I didn't want the man behind me to hear me. And then I was too scared to give the confession so I asked for just a blessing instead and said I would come back but I felt like I didn't even know it I could trust the priest so I remember feeling like I wasn't sure if I really meant it when I said I would come back. So the priest blessed me and then I started backing away, where I could keep the priest and the rabbit and the baby thing in my sight but also the man behind me in my left peripheral vision and as I got about even with the first row of pews the rabbit morphed into a full size coiled up black snake with a white/cream/yellowish underside and the baby thing morphed into a full sized alligator and the entire dream dissolved

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28/female Texas

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Re: Confession/Blessing/Church mammals/reptiles

I am working on your dream and will try to have it analyzed this afternoon or tomorrow.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 66

Re: Confession/Blessing/Church mammals/reptiles

I apologize for not providing an analysis of your dream as promised. Although I am in retirement I have many responsibilities and projects I work with and more often than I like I have to put my energies to those. I usually make time for my dream work in the early mornings but projects I am committed to prevented this over the past several days. I am working on an interpretation of the images and actions {I interpret each to get their meaning for a final analysis and I have dome some of that already. I usually include an interpretation of the dream title since it often is a summary of what the dream message is about. I will provide the title interpretation in this post and the final analysis hopefully by tomorrow morning.

Title: Confession/Blessing/Church mammals/reptiles
-confession-guilt/self blame
-blessing-seeking and/or finding resolution
-church mammals-centered on natural desires
-reptiles-basic urges/suppressed desires

If you read this before my final analysis let me know if you recognize any associations to your waking life. Dreams are about the dreamer's emotions and you may recognize any associations to your emotional life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: Confession/Blessing/Church mammals/reptiles

My sense of your dream is there are issues related to past experiences where you sought guidance for some reason but may have been betrayed or taken advantage of. The experiences have may involved someone of a 'higher authority'. The experiences may have left you feeling victimized which emotionally needs resolution. The experiences resulted in feelings of insignificance which now contribute to personal attitudes and an inability at times to not being in control of your emotions. Irrational actions may at times be a part of actions on your part. The experiences would have involved a male or males. There was a time {that may still exist} where there was self blame on your part and now cause either a lack of trust in others and/or yourself {resulting to feelings of insignificance}. Self doubt may be a result of the experiences, either in yourself and or others. You now may feel a need for guidance in finding resolution to these issues but doubts of trust prevent you from doing so. You need to remove inner restraints in finding a resolution. The experiences have left a mark on you and your attitudes related to trust.

Below is my interpretation of the images and actions from your dream. These may help you in understanding the dream and the emotional issues you are dealing with. A response to my analysis would be greatly appreciated.

Title: Confession/Blessing/Church mammals/reptiles
-confession-guilt/self blame
-blessing-seeking and/or finding resolution
-church mammals-centered on natural desires
-reptiles-basic urges/suppressed desires

Dream Images/Actions
-I went to church-seeking guidance
-a Catholic church-a need for centering self/finding resolution of emotional aspects
----------seeking guidance in finding resolution to emotional conflicts
-went to very front/kneeled at alter-emotions coming to forefront or consciousness/submissive to unfilled desires
-prayed/opened eyes was a black full grown rabbit-humility/humbled to a higher source/opening up to unconscious aspects/victimized by emotions as an adult
-sitting on hind legs on left side/facing me, beside me-not in control of emotional self/reflection of inner aspects that need conscious awareness
-small, fit into hand-insignificance/conscious feelings of insignificance
-not like a pet rabbit/was wild desert jack rabbit pitch black-inability to control emotions/unconscious energies related to physical experiences {including sexuality}
-to right of knees baby mammal on its back-irrational aspects related to feelings of inadequacy that consciously control or bother you
-I realized there was a man halfway back in the church-subconscious masculine aspects that motivate your conscious life
-sitting in a pew behind me watching me-not aware of past experiences that now unconsciously motivate you
-scared/intimidated by him-feelings of lack of control related to masculine aspects {anima/actual males}
-priest came out and I told him I needed a confession-guidance/chasity/feelings of guilt-self blame/need for emotional healing
-didn't even know it I could trust the priest so-self acceptance related to issues of masculine aspects
-I was too scared to give the confession-self doubts of inner guidance/trusting yourself
-asked for blessing instead-freeing yourself of inner restraints
-told him I needed a confession-
-trust priest-issue of trust
-priest blessed me-guidance in freeing yourself
-started backing away/keep priest/rabbit/baby in sight-retreating from inner self
-man behind me in left peripheral vision-past experiences seen in hindsight
-rabbit morphed into full size coiled up black snake-feeling victimized by hidden fears as an adult
-baby thing morphed into full size alligator-repressed aspects that cause irrational emotions/actions


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67

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