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Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
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Mr. Gifford,

What took place in this dream is vague as I do not recall too much of it. I remember at one point being in some sort of a swampy area with a few other people. At some point I am on a boat and from a 3rd person view see a snake coming behind us, however it is unseen to us (the boats occupants). We get off on some land and I notice a snakes tail and touch it. Whoever I am with looks at this snakes tail after having given it a tug and makes a comment that makes me move back. This snakes head then appears and it is absolutely massive. The snake was green and I feel like it should have fangs though they were not visible. Though the snake was close and I did not want to be too close I did not necessarily feel threatened.

Another scene in this dream showed a snake wrapping up and dragging away some type of rodent (This was a larger snake as well). One thing I noticed and felt to be odd was that the rodent appeared to be eating even as it was being taken and seemed not too care. At least it gave the appearance of not struggling.

In a separate dream I was with a women sitting on a couch or something similar. This dream was brief but I eventually ended up in a type of embrace. She was behind me kind of holding me from behind, but it felt good.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31 male virginia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} yes

Re: snakes/women

I'll work on your dream Sunday. I'll look at your other posted dreams and see if there are patterns emerging.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: snakes/women

Give me another day to inspect and analyze your dream. Some personal stuff I need to work on that is preventing a clear, intuitive mind I rely on when analyzing dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: snakes/women


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31 male virginia

Re: snakes/women

Here is my analysis of your dream. I apologize for taking so long to get a final interpretation. So many things to do in retirement I sometimes feel I need to retire from retirement.

Negative unconscious energies that are controlling conscious attitudes/actions. Taking chances may be an aspect the dream is addressing {your poker playing}. Fears in life may be an aspect being addressed as well. The primary message seems to be the unconscious energies/motivators for these attitudes. The swampy area may be addressing repressed aspects that contribute to conscious insecurities. You are 'grounded' {land} in these attitudes because they are from early life learning/experiences/influences. The green snake you feel should have fangs could be addressing conscious attitudes you accept as a part of life but know will come back to 'bite' you.

The second dream the snake could be symbolic of fears and the unconscious negative energies {rodent}. These negative energies are 'eating' away at your making progress in life. You may not feel it is useless to struggle against these unconscious attitudes having accepted them as a part of life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: snakes/women

Was in the process of moving when I posted this but I will get you a response, thanks.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 31 male virginia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} yes May

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