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People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

I am in a different city from where I live, but I don't know exactly where. It is a place that I will keep visiting throughout my life.

I am with a group of female and male friends, and their friends whom I don't know. There are around 6 or a little more of them. We decide to go somewhere for fun. They get into two cars which have plenty of room. I am back inside an unknown public building following two of my friends ' male friends whom I don't know to the street where the cars are located. I am waking and almost don't notice a glass door. I could have walked into it, but I notice in plenty of time. One of men I'm with gets very close to walking into the same glass door. He didn't notice as fast as I did. I comment that I almost walked into the glass door to make him feel better. He doesn't say anything in response. He doesn't seem angry with me. I don't realize until what happens next that it's like I'm invisible to him.

On the street, everyone, including these two men I just wrote about, are already in two cars. The cars have space for me. I try walking up to them, but they drive away. I don't hear or see the people do anything, like look at me. Again, it's like I'm invisible, but I don't think I am.

Shortly after this, a car filled with four young men whom I've never met drives twenty feet down a hill and straight into a house at fast speed. The car, the occupants, and bystanders are frozen for several seconds. Then, the four men emerge, and move to the house next door, swarm it by crawling around the outside. They don't move like humans. They almost walk like crabs. The scale of the people and the house are out of normal proportion. The people are large enough, and the house is short enough, that the people can almost touch the roof while standing on the ground.

The bystanders unfreeze and go about their business as if nothing happens. One may have called the police, but I'm not sure.

My last thought of the dream was that, for the rest of my life, I will have to visit this city again and again, and maybe experience this repeatedly in the future.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33, M, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} July 2

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

Underwater Ruin,
I'll work on your dream tomorrow {Wednesday}. The first dream was short and provided little to work with. A lot to work with, and to work on when amplifying on the images/actions. Every word has bearing on the dream and in the whole context of the actions contribute to understanding the emotional patterns that parallel the total life {conscious and unconscious}. As often the case the added personal info and experiences in your response {to original dream} provides as many clues as the short dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

I am still working on your dream but have yet t finish my analysis. I am going to post what I have amplified {images/actions} to allow you to see what I have come up with thus far. You may recognize aspects that fit. Any thoughts are welcom.

Dream Title: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs
-avoiding hidden aspects or not being acknowledged

I am in a different city from where I live, but I don't know exactly where. It is a place that I will keep visiting throughout my life.

-in different city from where I live-different aspect of normal self
-don't know where-unconscious energies
-place I keep visiting-unconscious aspects of self that need to be brought out

I am with a group of female and male friends, and their friends whom I don't know. There are around 6 or a little more of them. We decide to go somewhere for fun. They get into two cars which have plenty of room. I am back inside an unknown public building following two of my friends ' male friends whom I don't know to the street where the cars are located. I am waking and almost don't notice a glass door. I could have walked into it, but I notice in plenty of time. One of men I'm with gets very close to walking into the same glass door. He didn't notice as fast as I did. I comment that I almost walked into the glass door to make him feel better. He doesn't say anything in response. He doesn't seem angry with me. I don't realize until what happens next that it's like I'm invisible to him.

-with group of female and male friends whom I don't know-integration of rejected aspects of self
-and their friends I don't know-unknown/unconscious energies you are not aware of/have not recognized/confronted
-6 of them-balancing physical life with psychological self
-go somewhere for fun-turning aside from its natural course
-get into two cars /plenty of room-being pulled in different directions with latitude to move in either direction
-back inside an unknown public building-unconscious aspects affecting your conscious life
-following two of my friends-acknowledging inner conflicts/shadow aspects
-male friends I don't know-unconscious masculine energies
-to the street where cars are located-the path in life you are experiencing
-I am waking-recognizing/acknowledging aspects that are missing
-almost didn't notice glass door-not given attention to obvious barriers
-could have walked into it/noticed in plenty of time-acknowledging what should be obvious/resignation to conscious pressures
-one man gets close to walking into door-letting/allowing one masculine aspect get close to inner aspects
-didn't notice as fast as I did-being steadfast in not allowing attention
-I comment I almost walked into glass door-almost allowing unconscious aspects to become conscious
-to make him feel better-satisfying masculine aspects
-Doesn't say anything in response-not positive responding to unconscious energies
-he doesn't get angry with me-not allowing repressed aspects to become conscious/be made known
-don't realize until what happens next/i'm invisible to him-not knowing/acknowledging unconscious aspects/unknown masculine energies


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

Thank you, Jerry. I am going to take a day or so to process what you wrote before I respond.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33, m, USA

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

I'll hope to have a final analysis by tomorrow. I'll tie it together then.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

I will await your inspection of the amplification of images/actions before giving a final summary. But I am sensing conflict of the 'two' aspects of your psyche. On one level the dream is addressing the conflict of being your true self vs having to satisfy your peers and wanting/trying to fit within that world. But there seems to be something beyond just that. Has there been recent experiences that have tested you in that endeavor? An experience that pushes you to 'the limit' but refrain from doing so? Whereas the usual amplification of a dream provides an outline of emotional energies, I get an impression this dream is focused on recent personal experiences related to the differences in your psyche abilities {high IQ} and the 'normal' world yu have to live in.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

Thanks again for your patience, Jerry. I like to take some time in order to be careful in my response. I pulled out quotes and ideas from your post that caused ideas to form in my mind.

-"place I keep visiting-unconscious aspects of self that need to be brought out"

Perhaps because these aspects are unconscious, I don't know for sure what they could be at this time. Perhaps they are related to masculinity, as you've described elsewhere in your post.

"-6 of them-balancing physical life with psychological self"

I have been thinking more about this lately. I have started weight lifting, in part because it would make me more attractive to women. I've also struggled with sleep, which can affect the psychological self.

"-male friends I don't know-unconscious masculine energies"

This is interesting to me, as I've been thinking more about what is masculinity, and trying to find and embrace mine.

"-almost didn't notice glass door-not given attention to obvious barriers"

I wish I knew what the obvious barriers in my life were. They may be obvious, but I'm in denial.

"-one man gets close to walking into door-letting/allowing one masculine aspect get close to inner aspects"

"-didn't notice as fast as I did-being steadfast in not allowing attention."

This could relate to how I notice the multitude of potential outcomes for a given action faster than some other people.

"-I comment I almost walked into glass door-almost allowing unconscious aspects to become conscious."

Would it be good to allow them to become conscious?

I will await your inspection of the amplification of images/actions before giving a final summary. But I am sensing conflict of the 'two' aspects of your psyche. On one level the dream is addressing the conflict of being your true self vs having to satisfy your peers and wanting/trying to fit within that world. But there seems to be something beyond just that. Has there been recent experiences that have tested you in that endeavor? An experience that pushes you to 'the limit' but refrain from doing so? Whereas the usual amplification of a dream provides an outline of emotional energies, I get an impression this dream is focused on recent personal experiences related to the differences in your psyche abilities {high IQ} and the 'normal' world you have to live in."

I think this dream does involve the conflict of true self vs having to satisfy peers. I also agree there seems to be something beyond this present in the dream. I am not certain, but the crabs engulfing the house may relate to my family. There was quite a lot of violence among my parents, and blood curdling screams in my house growing up. Most days were hell, and I spent a lot of time in childhood retreating into my imagination as well as video games. I remember feeling like one kind of person at home, and feeling different outside the home. I felt like I had to keep each world separate. I didn't want my friends to come over because I was afraid they would somehow upset my parents. And I didn't want my parents to know much about my friends or life outside of the home because. I'm not sure why. Perhaps I thought they would somehow taint this better world I had outside. I would have mentioned this when I first posted the dream, but it didn't come to mind. The people in my dream who were swarming the house like crabs were men who probably around my age.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30s, M

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

Give me a couple of days to post a reply. I have several other dreams I need to analyze. I will note parental influences have a great deal to do with developed attitudes in later life. What you experience during the formative years of life {even in infancy} often become influencing energies in adulthood. I'll examine that connection and see where it leads. As for the 'almost allowing unconscious aspects to become conscious', you may be on the verge of doing that due to your posting your dreams. I often see such language in response to an analysis. Dreams are nature's tool for resolving emotional issues and when you begin to pay attention of your dreams they will note this.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

There are likely inner masculine aspects involved. Those would be your animus aspects. The number 6 is often symbolic of the physical self in need of healing which often requires discipline {a masculine quality}. The two men in the car {your direction in life} could be addressing an inner aspect as well as an outer. They could be related {a wounded inner masculine that is reflected in the outer life}. But one of the men could be an actual person. Are there any experiences that possess strong emotional energies from early life where a man or men would be involved? I don't see any specific indication in the two dreams of this but it could be possible.

As for the inner masculine. The image of the crab may be a clue to what qualities are being addressed. A crab can represent perseverance and tenacity both masculine qualities. On the other hand it could represent being evasive, avoiding certain situations. Also an irritable personality. These would point to personality traits and qualities. I can see possibilities o these in what you state about yourself. Do you?

In your response to barriers in your life you state "but I am in denial". Are you in denial and if so about what issues?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

Gerald Gifford
Are there any experiences that possess strong emotional energies from early life where a man or men would be involved? I don't see any specific indication in the two dreams of this but it could be possible.

Perhaps this relates to my father. I never had what I would consider a healthy father-son relationship with him. He was quite violent toward my mother. She was even more so toward him. He attended church every Sunday, and thought of himself as a good person. He treated people outside my family quiet well. He did a lot of favors and work for neighbors and friends, and they'd often remark at what a nice person he was. It did my head in a bit to see that and know what he was like "behind the scenes.". I was an effeminate child, in part due to being artistic and sensitive, but I think I also think because I had rejected my father. I didn't have any male role models, for a long time, only had female friends as a child. I didn't feel very masculine until a few years ago, when I started reading more about the differences between men and women. Part of why I like Dr. Jordan Peterson, whom I've mentioned in other lectures, is he is like a father figure to many men.

As for the inner masculine. The image of the crab may be a clue to what qualities are being addressed. A crab can represent perseverance and tenacity both masculine qualities. On the other hand it could represent being evasive, avoiding certain situations. Also an irritable personality. These would point to personality traits and qualities. I can see possibilities o these in what you state about yourself. Do you

I do persevere in that I am still here, and in one piece. I'm much more successful than I was 5 years ago. I am tenacious in that I don't give up on difficult things easily. I am very evasive of sharing my true thoughts with others. I tend to avoid situations where I may have to reveal what I'm really like to someone. I also avoid getting close to people. I am certainly irritable. I'm high in neuroticism, and also physically tired most of the time.

In your response to barriers in your life you state "but I am in denial". Are you in denial and if so about what issues?

I don't know. Maybe there's something obvious about life that I'm ignoring. Maybe it's not just about my life -- maybe one isn't supposed to feel good or happy much of the time. Maybe life is suffering, and I need to learn to be strong. These are ideas from Dr. Peterson. I don't know if I've answered your question. I just wonder if there's something quite obvious I should or shouldn't be doing with my time and energy.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33 m USA

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

Your father is a prime candidate for the outer masculine the dream is addressing. But I believe the dream is les focused on him than the inner masculine {although related since the relationship/non-relationship with the father actively shapes the inner masculine}. The last sentence in the dream about calling the police may be alluding to the relationship as well as the being invisible part. He treated you in one way and others outside the family different {better}.

As for the inner masculine. dreams often provide insights to personality and personal attitudes. If the image of the crab and the meanings/applications I provided fit, you can assume it is a focus of the dream.

The denial question was mentioned because I took it you consciously knew you were in denial of some emotional energy. If you are not then the question is mute.

Let me say something about teachers/mentors/gurus. Something my spiritual mentor Joseph Campbell said about following a 'guru' {mentors}. "I think that is bad news". "One of the big spiritual truths for the West is that each of us is a unique creature, and consequently has a unique path". Blindly or fervently following a mentor will only lead you as far as the guru/mentor achieved. Campbell was most instrumental in my education in Jungian psyche. But I have my own path which is unique and quite different from his or anyone else. Learn from teachers but also learn to strongly focus on the inner teacher which is your own uniqueness. You are different from your peers, you have realized your creative talents {this seems to be a major focus of your dream}. When the inner self takes the lead in the dreamer's life, life opens up and where there were walls doors begin to appear. The creative/spiritual {not religious} aspect is where we realize wholeness. If you do it for money you are off your path. If you do it because it is what the soul desires there is meaning to life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

Your father is a prime candidate for the outer masculine the dream is addressing. But I believe the dream is les focused on him than the inner masculine {although related since the relationship/non-relationship with the father actively shapes the inner masculine}. The last sentence in the dream about calling the police may be alluding to the relationship as well as the being invisible part. He treated you in one way and others outside the family different {better}.

As for the inner masculine. dreams often provide insights to personality and personal attitudes. If the image of the crab and the meanings/applications I provided fit, you can assume it is a focus of the dream.

The denial question was mentioned because I took it you consciously knew you were in denial of some emotional energy. If you are not then the question is mute.

Let me say something about teachers/mentors/gurus. Something my spiritual mentor Joseph Campbell said about following a 'guru' {mentors}. "I think that is bad news". "One of the big spiritual truths for the West is that each of us is a unique creature, and consequently has a unique path". Blindly or fervently following a mentor will only lead you as far as the guru/mentor achieved. Campbell was most instrumental in my education in Jungian psyche. But I have my own path which is unique and quite different from his or anyone else. Learn from teachers but also learn to strongly focus on the inner teacher which is your own uniqueness. You are different from your peers, you have realized your creative talents {this seems to be a major focus of your dream}. When the inner self takes the lead in the dreamer's life, life opens up and where there were walls doors begin to appear. The creative/spiritual {not religious} aspect is where we realize wholeness. If you do it for money you are off your path. If you do it because it is what the soul desires there is meaning to life.


I apologize for the delay in response. What you said above makes sense to me. I agree with Joseph Campbell's dissertation about the west. I certainly don't want to follow anyone blindly. I think Jordan Peterson has his finger on something that is happening right now in culture, and he's able to reach a lot of young people, including men, and motivate them to improve themselves. It appears to be a good move, but time will tell. I certainly disagree with him sometimes, though. Regarding religion, I don't follow a particular organized religion. I'm not even sure what the difference between religion and spirituality is. I thought I knew at one time, but now I just don't know.

Thank you for sharing.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33, M, USA

Re: People crawling on outside of a house like crabs

I think of religion as a 'creation' of man whereas spirituality is an aspect of nature {and connected to nature}. An important concept exposed by Jung is we all have a spiritual aspect just as we do a shadow and anima/animus. All religions are myth {see Evolutionary origin of religions. Jung's archetypes are the primal symbols of our own nature and we use these archetypes as a spiritual guide to the discovery of selfhood {Self}.

As for the myths. Joseph Campbell describes in perfect order how the evolutionary aspects affect the psychology of a culture, and vice versa, in his Lecture series Mythos which evolved from his original book Transformations of Myth Through Time {here is my page at Myths-Dreams-Symbols website which speaks to the origins of images we find in myth and dreams The Perennial Philosophy of the East}. An excerpt from that follows.

Myth comes in the same zone as dream, and this is the zone of what I call the Wisdom Body. When you go to sleep, it's the body that's talking. What the body is moved by are energies that it does not control. These are energies that control the body. They come in from the great biological ground. They are there. They are energies and they are manners of consciousness. But we also have in this body this affair of the head, and it has a system of thinking on its own. There's a whole manner of consciousness that stems from the head-set, and it is different in its knowledge from that of the body. When a baby is born, it knows just what to do with its mother's body. It is ready for the environment into which it is put. It doesn't have to be instructed, these things happen. This is the work of the Wisdom Body. That same wisdom brought the little thing onto form in its mother's body. It was shaped by these energies that live in us, and of which we are the carnal manifestation. This wisdom of the dream, wisdom of the vision, is the wisdom then of the perennial philosophy. When you dream, your waking conscious aspect does not understand the dream, and so you have to go to a psychoanalyst, who doesn't understand it either. The interpretation is gradual and it comes from the exploration, by the head, of your won wisdom. And so we find that there is a kind of radical distinction between the perennial philosophy in its mode and axioms, quite different from the axioms and mode of the rational system.

Focus for a moment on, 'When a baby is born, it knows just what to do with its mother's body'. The wisdom body. 'It was shaped by these energies that live in us'. These energies are Jung's archetypes. An inherent set of instructions humans {all animals as a matter of fact} are born with.
When the turtle hatches from its egg it knows to run to the water. A young kangaroo, or joey, is born at a very immature stage when it is only about 2 cm long and weighs less than a gram. Immediately after birth it crawls up the mother's body and enters the pouch.
These are the set of instructions provided by nature.


Simply put, archetypes represent patterns of behavior and perception. Archetypes are common themes that originate from the collective unconscious. They appear in symbolic form in myths and dreams. They live deep inside of you and have an unconscious affect on your behavior and attitudes.
And they do dictate behavior of the individual, the psychological aspects dreams attempt to convey.

As for the spiritual. The laws of Karma pretty much explain this process as it has to do with conscious actions. The 'Great' law is most important {see image}. The spiritual law of cause and effect {where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect)}
The simple law of nature: Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering.
Its that simple

The problem with religion is most teach God is separate from nature and not in accord with nature {as exposed by Buddhism and Native American spirituality}. The denial of science is a consequence of 'too much religion'.

Jordan Peterson is very controversial but he does to seem to embrace some of Jungian concepts {Jung would be the authority to psychological understanding}. He doesn't seem to promote the feminine aspects as the superior function as Jung did {and as I do}. But if he provides insights to your inner world then I see nothing wrong with that. He does enjoy reading Ayn Rand which makes me wonder {Rand has had continuing influence on right-wing politics}. Too much objectivism and too little spirituality is the big problem with religious conservatives. It is the spiritual aspect that must rule the life if there is to be true and complete wholeness in life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

stats from 7-14-10 to the present