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Climbing A Dragon

I'm in a room inside a huge house. I'm with my partner, my two (teenage) son's and my (adult) step-son. My step-son and I try to have sex, it's going to be a kind of initiation, before I have sex with my partner. We can't do it, he can't penetrate me. I realise that if he won't 'fit' yet, then there's no chance that my partner will 'fit' yet.

We decide to move on to my other plan. I'm planning to climb to the top of a huge model dragon, which is situated at the top of the house, in the attic. I know I've climbed it before, but I can't remember exactly how I did it. My step son is going to help me. He and I wander through the corridors until we find the doorway/hatch to the attic part of the house. We reach up with a hook on a long stick and release the hatch, the door drops open. There's a black cat inside. It's starving and extremely thin. I realise that the cat must have been in there all winter. It jumps down and runs through the corridor. I ask my step son to wait, while I follow the cat. I need to make sure the cat gets some food. I run through the corridors behind the cat. We pass other cats, who are heading in the opposite direction. The other cats are various different colours, healthy and well fed.

I follow the black cat outside into the courtyard and look around to find it. I see my step sister holding it. The cat must be hers. She's so happy, she's missed the cat so much. Satisfied that the cat will get some food now, I turn around and head back towards the attic door.

My step son is still there, waiting for me. We climb up into the attic. I find a sword, which I remember I will need to get to the top of the dragon. We try various different routes that might take us high up. There's many obstacles, like missing stairs and gaps between ledges. I eventually get up to the head of the dragon, I know I need to reach into the dragons mouth and pull its tongue out of its throat. I pull the tongue out, it's soft and fluffy and has a cute face on the tip. I smile at the cute face, I'm amused by the dragons sense of humour. I'm also smiling because I've done it, I've made it to the top. I look around at the ledges which are level with the dragon's head. They're full of stuff, piled up. There's old toys which belonged to my children when they were very young. I notice an old iron, I wonder if it's better than the one I'm currently using. I make a mental note of what's up there.

Now I need to get down. I'm about 25 metres up from the floor. The dragon's neck starts swaying and rocking. I encourage this, hoping to get it to sway somewhere closer to the floor, maybe one of the ledges. I don't know if the whole thing is going to collapse. While I brace myself for that possibility, I'm not particularly concerned that I'd be hurt if it collapsed with me on it. I think I'll be reasonably safe if I stay on the dragon. More so than if I were to jump off too soon.

Then I hear my step son's 2 year old daughter. She's running around somewhere, looking for me. I think that I have to get down quickly, before she gets to the area beneath me. I don't want her to be crushed if the dragon collapses. I don't think it's safe for me to move yet, but she's getting closer and closer. I decide to risk it and start climbing, sliding and jumping down the dragon. I reach the floor and the dragon doesn't collapse.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36F UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes. 28.12.15

Re: Climbing A Dragon

Sorry for taking so long to respond. As usual lots going on in my world and often too little time for my dream work. And a lot to work on with this dream, trying to understand the complete scope of the dream message.

I amplified most of the dream and see a pattern seems to be related to previous dreams. Because of the limited info I have about your personal life I can't state what those issues are but I can see issues with the masculine aspects, inner and outer. But more important I see repressed aspects related to childhood. I believe we touched on this in previous dreams. Perhaps the dream language, 'if he won't fit/partner won't fit' says it best-lacking proper inner masculine aspects that prevent or get in the way of proper masculine relationships. This would point to early life issues involving experiences with a male or males that get in the way of relationships with a man or men as an adult.

The last paragraph of this dream seems to point to those experiences. Your step son's two year old daughter running around looking for you. Your childhood experiences with a male or males that went beyond the boundaries of a proper relationship. You are trying to consciously understand these issues but if the actual experiences are known {repressed aspects} it could cause great emotional stress {one reason it is repressed}. And even with the discovery of these repressed issues it does not solve/resolve the issues with males as an adult. The two year old daughter reference could represent being too young to remember or understand the experiences.

Below is the part I amplified. I got to a point where I saw the developing pattern and decided to see what direction the dream would take. That is what I provided in the above dialog, the two year old daughter and repressed issues. These inner issues are devouring in they are controlling energies in your conscious life.

Amplified Images/Actions
Title: Climbing A Dragon
-overcoming unconscious issues to achieve wholeness/Escaping a devouring aspect

I'm in a room inside a huge house. I'm with my partner, my two (teenage) son's and my (adult) step-son. My step-son and I try to have sex, it's going to be a kind of initiation, before I have sex with my partner. We can't do it, he can't penetrate me. I realise that if he won't 'fit' yet, then there's no chance that my partner will 'fit' yet.
-in room inside a huge house-inner aspects {the house is you} that may be expanding
-with partner, two teenage sons, adult step son-two but separate aspects of masculine attitudes/current emotional energies/developed boundaries
-step son and I try to have sex-attempting to merge/unite masculine aspects
-a kind of initiation-incorporating unconscious aspects into conscious life
-before I have sex with partner-resolving inner issues before being able to achieve balance in conscious relationships
-we can't, do it, he can't penetrate me-inability achieve outer balance due to inner issues
-if he won't fit/partner won't fit-inner masculine attitudes preventing proper conscious masculine aspects/lacking proper inner aspects so to have proper masculine relationships

We decide to move on to my other plan. I'm planning to climb to the top of a huge model dragon, which is situated at the top of the house, in the attic. I know I've climbed it before, but I can't remember exactly how I did it. My step son is going to help me. He and I wander through the corridors until we find the doorway/hatch to the attic part of the house. We reach up with a hook on a long stick and release the hatch, the door drops open. There's a black cat inside. It's starving and extremely thin. I realise that the cat must have been in there all winter. It jumps down and runs through the corridor. I ask my step son to wait, while I follow the cat. I need to make sure the cat gets some food. I run through the corridors behind the cat. We pass other cats, who are heading in the opposite direction. The other cats are various different colours, healthy and well fed.

-decide to move to my other plan-settling on 'established' inner aspects
-planning to climb to top of huge model dragon-sorting through/overcoming controlling unconscious energies
-which is situated at top of house-mental attitudes/aspects
-in the attic-stored emotional energies from early life
-known I've climbed it before/can't remember-repressed/forgotten/unknowned unconscious emotional experiences/influences
-step son is going to help me-established energies providing support
-he and I wander through corridors-unconscious exploration
-until we find doorway-opening up to and finding answers through self discovery
-hatch to attic part of house-hidden/repressed aspects
-release hatch doors open-liberating unconscious aspects
-black cat inside-innate emotional negative energies/attitudes
-starving/extremely thin-repressed inner aspects lacking clarity
-cat been in all winter-emotions causing depression/unhappiness
-runs through corridor-unconscious energies/conscious actions
-ask son to wait-conscious understanding on hold
-while I follow cat-giving in to negative/shadow aspects

I follow the black cat outside into the courtyard and look around to find it. I see my step sister holding it. The cat must be hers. She's so happy, she's missed the cat so much. Satisfied that the cat will get some food now, I turn around and head back towards the attic door.

-I follow black cat outside into court yard-innate negative emotions/attitudes as controlling conscious motivators in seeking wholeness
-I see my step sister holding it-deprived emotional aspects holding control/actual experiences in relationship
-cat must be hers-negative emotions related to deprived aspects/actual step sister
-she is happy, she missed cat-negative unconscious aspects
-satisfied the cat will get some food-negative aspects receiving nourishment/taking control
-turn around/head back towards attic-negative aspects becoming conscious actions

My step son is still there, waiting for me. We climb up into the attic. I find a sword, which I remember I will need to get to the top of the dragon. We try various different routes that might take us high up. There's many obstacles, like missing stairs and gaps between ledges. I eventually get up to the head of the dragon, I know I need to reach into the dragons mouth and pull its tongue out of its throat. I pull the tongue out, it's soft and fluffy and has a cute face on the tip. I smile at the cute face, I'm amused by the dragons sense of humour. I'm also smiling because I've done it, I've made it to the top. I look around at the ledges which are level with the dragon's head. They're full of stuff, piled up. There's old toys which belonged to my children when they were very young. I notice an old iron, I wonder if it's better than the one I'm currently using. I make a mental note of what's up there.

-step son is still there waiting for me-underdeveloped masculine aspects existing in unconscious
-we climb into attic-underdeveloped masculine aspects repressed into unconscious
-find a sword/need to get top of dragon-coming into contact with some aspect of unconscious/getting to mental aspects of devouring aspects
-try different routes might take us high-different attempts to resolve emotional conflicts
-many obstacles, missing stairs, gaps between ledges-not making progress, not aware of unconscious energies
-dragon's mouth/pull tongue out of throat-the need for unconscious issues to expressing itself in conscious life
-pull tongue out/soft and fluffy/cute face-conscious life is one of contentment despite inner issues
-I've made it to top-

Then I hear my step son's 2 year old daughter. She's running around somewhere, looking for me. I think that I have to get down quickly, before she gets to the area beneath me. I don't want her to be crushed if the dragon collapses. I don't think it's safe for me to move yet, but she's getting closer and closer. I decide to risk it and start climbing, sliding and jumping down the dragon. I reach the floor and the dragon doesn't collapse.

-hear my step son's two year old daughter-set boundaries from early life experiences as a child with males
-she is running around looking for me-a need for conscious expression of childhood experiences repressed within unconscious
-get to area beneath me-the unconscious area
-don't want to crush her if dragon collapse-fear of unconscious devouring issues that could cause 'trauma' in conscious life if realized
-I don't think it is safe to move yet-conscious consequences that prevent understanding/knowledge of repressed issues
-she is getting closer and closer-getting closer to repressed issues
-decide to risk it/climbing-sliding-jumping down the dragon-resolving issues by taking control of unconscious issues
-I reach floor and dragon doesn't collapse-discovering foundations for inner conflicts but devouring issues still remain


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: Climbing A Dragon

Thank you, for your reply. I'm sorry there was so much to work on.

Your thoughts on the first part of my dream are very similar to mine.

I used to babysit for my step sister when I was a teen. This dream has triggered a particular memory from that time. My step sister had a cat which would very often come to sit with me. One day she became very upset about this, perceiving this to indicate that her cat loved me more than her. I explained to her that I believed the cat came to me much more often because I didn't try to make her stay with me when she wanted to leave (which my step sister, as a child, usually did)

I think this control aspect might well be relevant, especially considering the cat ran from me to her in the dream. I think it could be indicating that I'm responsible for locking the cat in the attic.

The traits which I strongly associate with my step sister are promiscuity and the fact that she was a very young single mother. I can't help but notice that cats and single mothers seem to be a common pairing in my dreams.
Single mothers represent sexual vulnerability to me (not on a conscious level, but more like an automatic impression from unconscious beliefs). They've not secured their position first.

I do believe that my sexual desire and attraction are repressed. I rarely experience either and when I do, it's short lived. I think my previous dream where the kitten was devoured was a representation of this (the kitten being the manifestation of sexual desire, which is quickly quashed). I wondered if the cat represented something very similar.
I've been trying to work on these issues. I feel like I'm making slow progress.

While I've 'dug up' many (previously) unconscious beliefs and motivations, I agree, there's still a significant unconscious block continuing to influence me.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36F

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes

Re: Climbing A Dragon

What about men or males in your life? The masculine is the prevalent focus in the first paragraph and the opening of a dream usually lays the groundwork for what the dream message is. Your repressed sexual desire would likely be associated with this inner aspect {animus/masculine}. The whole dream makes reference to the masculine and I believe that is the central theme. Have you examined this aspect, male relationships early in life?

A cat can be a symbol for feminine sexuality. And cats tend to mate with any male that comes along. The added personal info provides insights to that aspect of your psyche. The traits you associate with your sister do not necessarily fit because those traits would more likely have to be qualities you identify with. It could be you are the opposite of her which would fit {dreams will do that if there is a strong resistance to those qualities she possessed and you reject or have issues with. Your repressed sexual desire could have associations here also. Mental attitudes are always a focus in dreams and the underlying reasons for the repression of desires would be a prime focus. The prevalent masculine themes would fit with the sexual aspects and from what I read from the dream it is from masculine experiences and not feminine {your step sister's promiscuity}. If you had a period of promiscuity in your life I would see associations. Look deeper into the masculine/males in early life and determine what may be there you would repress. Experiences where 'boundaries' were crossed {inappropriate experiences}. The dragon would be masculine associated as well as sexual {repression as an adult, inappropriate experiences earlier in life}.

I took a look at your Pub - Cats dream and that dream also had a focus on repressed aspects and the masculine/male experiences. The experiences could have been inappropriate sexual experiences or it could be something less benign. Whichever it was it had a profound affect on your psyche and carried over into adult life. Both dreams have a strong emphasis on the masculine. Having a problem with sexual desire may fit within those parameters, a reason for the sexual dysfunction.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

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