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Found sexual photo of woman I had loved on her website

My dream: I am looking at the website of a woman whom I loved in reality 13 years ago. I find a hidden folder that contains images and documents. I feel like I'm snooping. All of items but one are mundane. The one of interest is a photo of her laying on her stomach and looking at the camera seductively. Her face and body are beautiful. At first I think she is nude, but she is wearing a strapless dress the same color as her skin. Her arms and legs are in a position as if she were hog tied except her arms reach all the way back to her feet, but there is no rope binding her. Although she has two arms and two legs, she has at least four hands and four feet. It’s difficult to tell how many there are as they are jumbled together, and I feel disoriented looking at them. In my dream, I instantly think of Indian deities with multiple limbs. I do not feel aroused by her position as I do not like sado-masochism. I’m worried that she is either debasing herself, or someone else is debasing her.

Background related to the dream: I would describe my relationships with women as minimal, but she was one of two women whom I've gotten closet to. I often still think about her, but not in the sense that I want to date her. I haven't seen her in 13 years, and we probably weren't comparable for a long term relationship anyway. We were young then, and I've changed a lot and she probably has as well. I mostly feel embarrassed at how shy and avoidant I was. I pushed her away and didn't want to get too close, perhaps because I was afraid of being rejected. I also didn't trust her, but I generally didn't trust people who claimed to like me.

Again the theme of not feeling masculine appears for me. When I knew her, she had said she never wanted to get married to anyone, and that men weren't important to women. She seemed influenced by feminism and wanted to be an independent woman. However, shortly after I last saw her she married a man whom she hadn't known too long, which was surprising to me given her previous views on marriage and relationships to men. He seemed more masculine and successful, and I felt of inadequate in these regards.

Please take your time Jerry. I understand you have other dreams to interpret, and I greatly appreciate your help as I take this journey in understanding myself which I should have started long ago.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33, male, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} July 9, 2017

Re: Found sexual photo of woman I had loved on her website

I'll work on your dream tomorrow {after going to the gym and taking Mister Sister {cat} to vet. We can see the literal aspects of the dream but the symbolic aspects are probably as or more important. Her attitude toward men may be a theme to explore. The relationship between your father and mother {a lot of violence among my parents} may relate to her attitude.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: Found sexual photo of woman I had loved on her website

Sorry for taking so long to give an analysis. So many things occupying my time and my mind. Clear intuitive thinking is necessary for me when analyzing a dream. If that is lacking I do not push myself. I'd rather wait than give a wrong or inadequate analysis.

The overpowering message I get from your dream is a 'complex' or complexes.

A complex is a core pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme

The complex would be related to self perception, how you feel about yourself. These perception issues go back to early life foundations {another strong theme from your dream}. Your extreme shyness {extreme is noted in the dream more than once} is due to childhood experiences/influences. As I have stated previously I can only read the outline of the emotional energies and would need more personal info to address actual current experiences.

As for the woman you note in your comments. Could it be what you see in her is related to some way in how you perceive yourself? Usually a known person in a dream points to qualities shared with that person. Note the words from your dream 'do not feel' and 'do not like'. You may see aspects of yourself in her that you do like and do not like these qualities because of how they make you feel about yourself.

As for the image of the Indian deities with multiple limbs. One common image that fits this is Kali. Myth and dreams often share the same images. The reason is the mythological image reflects the powerful controlling energies within the dreamer. Kali is the destroyer of illusion and the complex you are dealing with is one of illusion/perception of yourself. The strength and power of Kali is needed to remove these negative aspects. The death of ego perceptions that come from early life experiences/influences {foundations} so there can be wholeness and balance in your life.

Here is my amplification of your dream. From it you will see the strong energies within your unconscious.

Dream Title: Found sexual photo of woman I had loved on her website
-found-contact with unconscious energies
-sexual-dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself
-Photograph-clinging on to the past or to some false hope
-woman-temptation and guilt
-I had loved-represents an idealistic relationship
-website-group of connected aspects/developed tendencies, attitudes

I am looking at the website of a woman whom I loved in reality 13 years ago. I find a hidden folder that contains images and documents. I feel like I'm snooping. All of items but one are mundane. The one of interest is a photo of her laying on her stomach and looking at the camera seductively. Her face and body are beautiful. At first I think she is nude, but she is wearing a strapless dress the same color as her skin. Her arms and legs are in a position as if she were hog tied except her arms reach all the way back to her feet, but there is no rope binding her. Although she has two arms and two legs, she has at least four hands and four feet. It’s difficult to tell how many there are as they are jumbled together, and I feel disoriented looking at them. In my dream, I instantly think of Indian deities with multiple limbs. I do not feel aroused by her position as I do not like sado-masochism. I’m worried that she is either debasing herself, or someone else is debasing her.

-looking at website-unconscious examination related to nurturance, passivity, caring nature, and love
-in reality 13 years ago-in need/desiring true self/wholeness/experiences related to teh past {13 years ago}
-find hidden folder-uncovering an unconscious complex/part of portfolio of emotional energies
-contains images/documents-reflection of unconscious energies that affect conscious actions
-feel like I am snooping-searching into hidden aspects the conscious self doesn't wish to know
-all items but one mundane-ordinary life with one emotional energy that greatly affects waking life
-one is photo of her laying on her stomach-one governing aspect/center of emotions
-looking at camera seductively-focus on a situation related to desires to cling on and/or live in the past/feeling powerless
-Her face and body are beautiful-issues of self esteem you recognize in yourself
-at first I think she is nude-original experiences that need to be exposed
-but she is wearing strapless dress/same color as skin-unsupported impression of self/ego self deuplicating unconscious energies
-arms and legs tied in position hog tied-conscious abilities and actions encumbered by unconscious energies
-except her arms reached back to her feet-conscious abilities related to foundations
-no rope binding her-no conscious restrictions to unconscious attachements
-has two arms, two legs she has four hands and four feet-normal conscious life but with conscious limitations {of self}
-how many bundled together-unconscious energies that are related to conscious life
-feel disoriented looking at them-consciously out of balance due to perceptions of self
-in my dream-emotional state/aspects
-think instantly of Indian dieties with multiply limbs-controlled by powerful unconscious energies affecting conscious actions/abilities
-do not feel aroused by her position-unconscious energies restricting conscious life
-do not like sado-masochism-restrictions causing punishing one self to an extreme level
-I’m worried that she is either debasing herself, or someone else is debasing her-a direct comment on how you feel about yourself and related to the woman you note in your comments.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

Re: Found sexual photo of woman I had loved on her website

Hi Jerry,

I have to admit I'm lost with this interpretation. The part that stands out the most to me is Kali. I did some research on her. I think the fact that she destroys illusion stands out. I'm not sure what illusion I'm supposed to destroy. I try to stop thinking about this former love interest, but it is difficult.

It's interesting, because she liked something on my social media last year, and again recently after the dream. That is the only time I've heard from her in probably 10 years.

Social media can feel like an illusion.

I had a dream after this that is related. In the dream, I'm an a warehouse with a circular pool. I am with 3 attractive women my age who look identical. Something is forming in the room from the walls. The walls are emitting smoke and forming into something. There is wind in the room. I fall into the pool and sink. I'm afraid that while I'm in the water that something will grab and pull me down. Nothing grabs me while I swim up and out.

I leave through a door and I'm in a hotel that only has a few rooms. My mother is inside one room in the bathroom using a urinal. I sense the hotel will be destroyed by the something after the warehouse. I go back into the warehouse and see the something that formed appears to be a giant robot with the head of an Easter island statue. It's moving slowly toward one of the women.

After waking, I read about the Easter Island statues. They represent male authority. I think the 4 women in the dream represent my 4 main former love interests.

Re: Found sexual photo of woman I had loved on her website

I'll provide a detailed response Sunday. I apologize for the delay.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Cocoa, Fl

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