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storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I had a series of dreams before these.

In the first deam, I was standing in a windowed storefront stage. In the store next to me was my sister and nieces. While they were looking at some display along the other side of the wall (it had puppies or something like toy trains in it), I knocked on the wall to tease them or make them wonder where that sound came from. My younger niece looked in every direction to try to find out what was causing the sound, then she looked around the corner and saw me in the windowed storefront.

In the next dream, I told my sister and nieces that we needed to park our car in this busy city that we were in. I think I pointed behind this car wash since I thought there was a parking lot behind the car wash. My younger niece from last dream took control of the car and drove it up this steep hill going inside of the car wash instead of behind it. It didn't look like she could turn around on this steep hill that had a barrier dividing each side of the drive so I thought we would have to go through the car wash to get to the other side where the parking lot was. All of the sudden, the car wash place turned into one of those amusement park water slides so she was driving on a water slide where kids were playing on the slide. I thought my sister would get angry at me and blame me for all this (she has a habit of blaming me for everything). When my niece turned the car around to go back the way he came, the drive turnd into a double one-way drive so she was driving toward the kids on the slide. I felt helpless since either way there were kids on the slide. Fortunately, she made it through the drive without hitting anyone with the car. When we got out of the car at the bottom of the slide, I hugged her and told her that she did a good job while my sister was oblivious to the danger of what just happened or what happened.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33/F/USA

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Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I will analyze your dreams tomorrow. The first dreams seems to be a directive of sorts. Something within in your unconscious is wanting to be heard {knock on wall}. Inner energies that need to be viewed and consciously displayed {so you know what they are and can resolve them}. The second dream may elucidate what that might be.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

Here is my analysis of your first dream. I am working on the second dream and will try to have it finalized later today.

Title: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide
I had a series of dreams before these.
-storefront window-insights to conscious self {from unconscious}
-parking lot-stagnation
-car wash-self cleansing
-driving on wrong side of drive-going in wrong direction
-water slide-loss of control related to unconscious energies {water}
-series of dreams-an emotional issue that is a constant in your life

In the first deam, I was standing in a windowed storefront stage. In the store next to me was my sister and nieces. While they were looking at some display along the other side of the wall (it had puppies or something like toy trains in it), I knocked on the wall to tease them or make them wonder where that sound came from. My younger niece looked in every direction to try to find out what was causing the sound, then she looked around the corner and saw me in the windowed storefront.

Amplification of Images/Actions
-standing in a windowed storefront stage-conscious interactions with other people and society/current 'status' in life {social}/established behavior due to unconscious energies and personal early life foundations
-store next to me was sister and nieces-related aspects both recent and past
-they were looking at display along other side of wall-barriers in exhibiting unconscious emotional energies
-had puppies/toy trains-comforming to childhood motivating energies that play out in adult life
-knocked on wall to tease them/make them wonder where sound came from-unconscious energies/drives you are not aware of that affect your personality/attitudes
-younger niece looked in every direction what was causing sound-past experiences stored in unconscious that need to be expressed/actual experiences related to niece
-she looked around corner and saw me in windowed storefront-seeing aspects in common with niece {she is you}

The title says as much about the dream message as does the dream. Because you titled the dream as you did reflects an unconscious action.
What experiences are there you have in common with your niece and sister? Something may be repressed that is related to these experiences. The experiences you/sister shared could have been in the past, say in childhood {possibly same ages as your nieces} and those of niece{s} more recent events. These experiences are likely unconscious motivators in your adult life. Self punishment may be a part of the equation. Blaming yourself instead of those who may have done something wrong or inappropriate. And there is a need for cleansing which suggests something occurred that makes you feel this need {emotionally}.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

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Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

Here is the amplification of second dream preceded by the amplified title. I want you to read what i have provided and the comment because I sense things but want to know your thoughts before a final analysis. I will say I think it has to do with shared experiences between you and your niece and involve repression of the experiences {on your part} as well as the experiences now drastically affecting your life as an adult. These were likely 'dark' experiences such as abuse. The last sentence in the dream may be a truism, your sister may be oblivious to what happened. I'll await your response.

Dream Two
In the next dream, I told my sister and nieces that we needed to park our car in this busy city that we were in. I think I pointed behind this car wash since I thought there was a parking lot behind the car wash. My younger niece from last dream took control of the car and drove it up this steep hill going inside of the car wash instead of behind it. It didn't look like she could turn around on this steep hill that had a barrier dividing each side of the drive so I thought we would have to go through the car wash to get to the other side where the parking lot was. All of the sudden, the car wash place turned into one of those amusement park water slides so she was driving on a water slide where kids were playing on the slide. I thought my sister would get angry at me and blame me for all this (she has a habit of blaming me for everything). When my niece turned the car around to go back the way he came, the drive turnd into a double one-way drive so she was driving toward the kids on the slide. I felt helpless since either way there were kids on the slide. Fortunately, she made it through the drive without hitting anyone with the car. When we got out of the car at the bottom of the slide, I hugged her and told her that she did a good job while my sister was oblivious to the danger of what just happened or what happened.

Amplification of Images/Actions
-told sister/nieces needed to park car in busy city-repressed emotions/experiences
-pointed behind this car wash though parking lot behind was car wash- repressed emotions needing expression and affect your adult life that need 'cleansing'/brought out {may pertain to perceptions of self image}
-younger niece took control of car-related experiences with niece controlling waking life
-drove up steep hill going inside instead of behind it-overcoming barriers {to negative experiences} by looking within and not repressing it
-could not turn around on steep hill-unable to confront issues so to cleanse negative energies because of barriers {issues remain related to original negative experiences}
-barrier dividing each side- can not end issues by approaching problem directly
-go through car wash to get to other side-need to resolve issues by ending repression
-car wash turned into amusement park slides-cleaning up conscious perceptions that cause instability in life
-driving on water slide where kids were playing inside-carried away by emotions related to childhood experiences
-thought sister would get angry and blame me-actual experiences due to anxieties leaving you feeling poweless
-she has habit of blaming me for everything-actual experiences/opposite personality qualities
-turn car around go back the way she came-wanting to change past
-turned into double one way drive- shared experiences causing similar results
-driving towards kids on slide-navigating unconscious energies from childhood
-made it through drive without hitting anyone-going through life without expressing repressed anger
-got to bottom of slide-getting to lowest point/depression
-sister oblivious to what happened-actual experiences/consciously oblivious to past negative experiences


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

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Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

Recently, my niece has traveled and had more life experiences or opportunity at a young age than I did. As far as having anything in common with my niece, it might be the desire to travel, write, and act. Dealing with my sister may also be the common denominator for us, but my sister cares about her and not me. My sister has emotionally me throughout my life and my niece is copying my sister's behavior towards me.

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

Also, what my niece and I have in common is she plans on majoring in something similar to what I majored in college except I focused on the writing end instead of the research end like she plans on doing. She doesn't know I majored in this and she could have second thoughts if I told her since I know she doesn't want to be like me. I just find it odd that she finds this same unique subject fascinating like I do.

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I don't know if this is what my dream is about.

My sister doesn't acknowledge or take responsibilty for being emotionally abusive to me. She isn't sorry at all and doesn't see anything wrong with her children doing the same. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't be able to fix things with my sster when we were younger because of the way she is. However, I sometimes wonder if my niece would act friendlier if I was around her more when she younger. I was there for some time, but then took a break from family get togethesr for several years because it was too stressful dealing with my sister.

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I'll provide a follow-up on Sunday. Your second response gives me good info about the connection between you, your niece and your sister. As a note as when a sister niece or similar relative/person appears in a dream it is usually denotes what you common experiences, traits or positions you have with that person. It can also point to actual experiences with that person {it can do both using the same images/symbols/metaphors}. What you stated about your niece being friendlier if you were around her when younger may be a connection. A not so close relationship with your niece as a reference to the relationship with your sister. I'll examine the dream in that context and see what comes up.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

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Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

Did this new information help when analyzing the dream?

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I apologize, Ibroke my promise to get to you on Sunday. I'll look at it tomorrow.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

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Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

A comment about the common aspects you share with your niece. It is because you do have these things in common that she {your niece appears in the dream}. In those aspects she is you/you are her and the common aspects have emotional energies within you. Your dreams are about your emotions/emotional energies, and she share those with you. This is a constant in dreams.

I'll examine the shared aspects and posts those in my next post.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

Looking at your sister and niece presence in your dream {with some added info you provided about them} I can see where that info fits but not in a firm context {which would require even more info about you}. I will remind you all dreams have at least two or more meanings/applications and those I allude to could be but one of the possibilities. In some instances in the dream actions your niece is you and others she would be what you wish for and achieved {an emotional energy-wish/desire}, your desire for her so you could be closer to her {thus resolving another emotional energy within you-desire}. What I provide in this post goes to the more recent personal and deep past aspects while the general outline I provided originally names emotional energies lacking the personal info/relationships. The emotional abuse from your sister would be part of the general outline with my analysis going to the heart of those emotional energies.

Telling your sister/niece to park the car would represent aspects about those relationships. The car is you and the shared experiences {in your sister's case the occurrance of actual experiences} are 'parked' in your busy life {have an influence in your emotional life}

These experiences are parked in your mind and some aspects need a 'cleansing', resolution of the negative impact.

Your younger niece shares your college major but in different area, an area you believe is less rewarding than the creative aspect {which in Jungian theory is the path to take}. In this aspect yo took control and in the dream that is reflected in your wish to be closer to her and ths share your ability to 'take control' of the car {your life}.

The barriers are the relationship with both your niece and sister. This is not something you have been able to 'turn arond' and thus has emotional energies within you.

Resolving those issues would be going through the car wash to get there {other side}.

There is a divide between yo and your sister/niece. And there is a divide between how the relationships can be {your niece a more positive possibility, your sister not so much}.

The car wash turning into an amusement park represents, after cleansing or with a cleansing of the emotional energies that divide there will be a relaxation of the negative emotional energies. This is an 'emotional' wish {especially with your niece}.

Your sister getting angy and blaming yo wold {in the context of personal experiences} wold be a literal application. {again with another application being the anger is at yourself, yor sister representing a close related emotional energy that is important to your well being emotionally}

The double one way drive most likely is directed at the two relationships, both going one way.

The inclusion of the images of kids in various aspects wold point to childhood experiences as well as your niece {as akid}

Your neice doing a good job of driving is your positive impresion of her as well as the shared interest in the college major.

Your sister is the opposite. Oblivious to what she did {or not caring}. But it probably points to an unsettled issue within you. Bottom line is this dream is about the negative relationships with both your sister and niece. One is possibly reversible, the other {sister} probably not}. These are emotional energies that need resolution and that what dreams attempt to hep you do. It is what nature provided for the psyche, a mechanism to heal the emotional energies that are out of balance. Just as nature provided us with an immune system to heal the body, so to nature provided the dream to heal emotional wound.

Post note. Some would question the dream as an 'intentional' device provided by nature {intentional as in the evolutionary path to dreams as a healing mechanism}. But if you think about it nature does provided many different types of mechanisms specifically as functions beneficial to the body. Pain is one such mechanism. If you can't feel pain from an injury you will most likely make it worse. So nature provided this device specifically for this function {among others}. Nature knows what is needed and not needed by trial and error through the evolutionary process of becoming human.

Food for thought.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I appreciate your detailed analysis. Would you know how to cleanse or get rid of emotional energies?

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

Analysis by a trained therapist/psychologist. Or if you have the discipline, self analysis using Jungian psyche. Pretty much the same as therapy except analyzing yourself. Not an easy thing to do but if interested begin with my page The Individuation Process. The goal is to find what emotional energies exist in your unconscious that are motivators for attitudes, personality and actions as an adult. Early childhood is the first place to look. That is when your basic personality begins to take shape, the experiences and influences from those years being what the psyche takes in and stores as psyche energies for later life. The relationship and experiences with parents, relatives, school mates and other experiences are all a part of this inner examination. It may require major changes in your life, the relationship with your sister and niece needing resolution so they don't continue to take an emotional toll. Life can never be as fruitful harmonious as it should be until the emotional conflicts are resolved. Either you resolve them or you live with them and the emotional strain they cause. Understand the emotional energies from those relationships affect the other aspects of your life. Finding resolution to the relationship issues will help with other conflicts in your life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I forgot to think about another dream I had which may be related to this one when I woke up to remember it more clearly so I lost a lot of details. All I remember is that I was in a bathtub (I assume taking bath) and then I saw all these small white parasites on a towel and was worried about being in water with parasites. When I got out the bathtub, somehow my other niece showed up in the bathroom saying it looked like a fishes (purplish fish) hanging on the wall for what I thought were parasites. I think these fishes were dead since they were out of water and hanging over nails going down vertically on the wall besides the bathtub. She looked amused by them. Again, this dream was very detailed so I'm sorry that I forgot all the details.

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

My sense of this dream is it states a need to recognize and get rid of unconscious energies that motivate your attitudes in the present. There seems to be something deep in your unconscious, negative energies from negative experiences, that drives your adult attitudes/actions. What associations do you have with your other niece? Something about her may play into your emotional self. There maybe something in her that diverts your mind from the established attitudes you possess. How old is she? There may be qualities in her that you unconsciously recognize in yourself at her age.

Bottom line is there are strong emotional energies that probably were formed in early life {experiences as a child} that helped shape your attitudes as an adult. These are negative energies related to earlier life 'shaping' of your attitudes. You may be playing out these energies as an adult {repeating what you experienced/learned as a child}.

Amplified Images/Actions
-in bathtub-a need to escape from everyday problems
-assume talking a bath-unaware/washing away the difficult times
-saw small white parasites-being obedient to emotional energies
-on a towel-a need to deal with emotions
-worried about being in water with parasites-repressed emotions you are obiding by
-got out of tub-consciously expressing emotional energies
-my other niece showed up in bathroom-aspects of niece that need to be understood
-saying it looked like fishes {purple}-devotion to unconscious energies/true self
-hanging on wall for parasites-eliminating barriers that support emotional energies
-think fishes were dead-true self is not present/changed from your true self
-were out of water-conscious reflection of unconscious energies
-hanging on nails going down vertically on wall-repressed aspects that penetrate unconscious forces
-she was amused by them-diverted by emotional energies that need to be acknowledged


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

My niece and I were similar growing up. We're introverted unlike my sister who didn't seem to like me because of it. I don't think she likes it in her daughter, but she doesn't judge her because she's her daughter. Not that anything's wrong with it, but my sister doesn't like people being different than her. I related more to this niece since I understood her better, but we're not close now due to the way my sister treats me.

Re: storefront window, parking lot, car wash, driving on wrong side of drive, water slide

I'm getting the impression your dreams are focused on your developed attitudes and personality traits. There is something involved in those aspects that requires cleansing. The very negative relationship with your sister could be that if it were so traumatizing on your psyche it caused permanent damaged to your personality. Something very strong is influencing if not controlling aspects of your life, something you learned or/and experienced in childhood. I can only provide an outline of the emotional energies {with the limited information I have about your personal life} and it is left to you to determine what the actual issues/experiences are. These emotional energies are 'parasites' on your personal growth.

The nieces have qualities you identify with, shared aspects. This is why they are in your dreams {they are you/you them in these shared aspects}. They are your sisters daughters for whom you have deep troubled issues. But I sense something beyond what we have discovered in these dreams. Were there any 'traumatic' experiences that could be related to the relationship with your sister that could be a part of what needs cleansing? There are indications of repression which could be actual not remembering certain experiences or cold be you do not wish to think about them. Search the early years for these possibilities. Not only with your sister but your whole environment as a child. Why does your sister have such a negative personality? There are reasons for that just as there are with your emotional life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 67 Male Cocoa, Fl

stats from 7-14-10 to the present