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Dream about holding hands what does it mean?? Please help:'(

What does holding hands in a dream means ? I had this dream about a guy staring at me from somewhere behind me (we were at uni in a amphitheatre-kind of room and he was somewhere up behind me) and I felt that he was watching me, then for some reason I went to get something from someone close to him and as I was getting back to my seat he moved next to me.

Then he took my right hand in his and I was OK with it idk why I felt very comfortable and safe.

When I tried to pull my hand back he only held tighter as if idk I felt like he was trying to comfort me... (also I know that guy so he's not necesarry a stranger, we have the same classes and like he's always looking at me idk kind of weird...)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20 female Italy

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Re: Dream about holding hands what does it mean?? Please help:'(

I'll provide more comment on this post once I analyze you other dream.

Hands often represent your relationships with those around you and how you connect with the world. There may be strong emotional energies related to guy you know but the associations may be less about something he did to you physically or an actual experience you had with him {even though it could represent that}, but as much or more about psychological associations. If there are not any actual experiences with the guy then something about his character, personality and/or actions resonate because they fit with deeper aspects within you he would symbolize. he may have stirred something within you emotionally {"I was getting back to my seat he moved next to me"}. He may remind you of some other male who made you feel comfortable, or attempted to make you feel comfortable {in a weird sense}.

I'll provide more Sunday. It does have associations to the other dream, there is a 'guy' in both.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 68 Cocoa, Fl

Re: Dream about holding hands what does it mean?? Please help:'(

Here is my amplification of the images and actions from this dream post. Included are observations you provided since they are directed related to the dream. I'll provide a final analysis after you answer the questions in your other dream posted dream He saved me while I was being chased.

Amplification of Images and Actions
holding hands
-your connection with a person/yourself.

a guy staring at me from behind
-masculine energies being unconsciously/subconsciously examined

we were at uni in a amphitheatre
-university-higher understanding/learning
-amphitheatre-desire for wholeness

kind of a room/he was behind me
-an important inner aspect related to the masculine

he was watching me
-focused on masculine energies/aspects

I went to get something from someone close to him
-possessing and advancing similiar aspects

as I was getting back to my seat he moved next to me
-a position you have experienced

he took my right hand in his
-inner masculine aspects

I was OK with it

I felt very comfortable and safe
-positive aspects

When I tried to pull my hand back he only held tighter as if idk I felt like he was trying to comfort me
-tried to pull my hand back-revocation of unconscious energies

he only held tighter
-masculine aspects having strong control

I felt like he was trying to comfort me
-finding comfort by reassuring yourself

I know that guy so he's not necesarry a stranger
-not a new masculine experience

we have the same classes
-similiar masculine experiences

he's always looking at me kind of weird
-intuitive examination of masculine aspects/experiences


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 68 Cocoa, Fl

stats from 7-14-10 to the present