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Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
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My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

August 29, 2019

Hello, my name is Connie, I’m 60 years old, and I grew up in church, my family went every time the doors were open, even if it was just a business meeting. The denomination was of the Pentecostal flavor, with people speaking in tongues, dancing in The Spirit, being overcome by The Spirit, you get the drift. I had a personal salvation experience at the age of 12 and was baptized the following year. I still consider myself a follower of Jesus, but do not attend church anymore, affiliate myself any denomination, or refer to myself as a Christian.

My mother had “the shine”, as in if the phone rang, she knew who it was and why they were calling before anyone answered. She knew how most situations would play out, and the majority of our family and friends would call her for advice. Both of my grandmothers were first-generation American of Irish heritage and knew what they called “the old ways”. My parents were church-goers, but they were extremely open minded people and would quote Hamlet -- ‘there are more things between Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

When I was in high school, I met a girl and we became fast friends. We both married the same year, our second babies are only two weeks apart, and after forty-six years, we still talk daily. I’ll call her K. She was raised in a family very similar to mine, but she went to the Baptist church.

My father was diagnosed with a benign meningioma (brain tumor) that was inoperable in 1973 and died six months after the diagnosis. My friend K’s mother died of breast cancer just a few years later. We did everything we were supposed to, prayed at church, went to revivals where the guest speaker was purported to be a faith healer, etc., but it didn’t work.

The two of us determined that there actually are more things between Heaven and Earth than we could imagine, and we set out on a mission to learn as much as we could. We learned about crystals, tarot cards, incense, chakras, numerology, anything and everything the New Age books and gift stores had to offer. K found that her best and most productive meditation was with tarot cards. I found out I was pretty good at dreams -- interpreting them for others.

Then, life got lifey – both our marriages ended, our remaining parents died, we worked long, hard hours to raise children, and our spiritual life fell by the wayside. Earlier this month, we decided it was time to try again. We started reading/researching, doing daily meditations on our desire to learn as much as possible, etc., and had some definite results.

I had this dream last night, and when I awoke, I wrote it down, as much as I could possibly remember. Keep in mind that my dad died in 1973 and my mom died in 2009.

It was my house but it was much bigger inside and looked a bit different. I had finished taking a shower and walked to the kitchen. My mama and daddy were there and said they were allowed to come back, and were going to live with and help me out. Mama looked like she always did, Daddy looked older, was heavier, and had a mustache. He was wearing red satiny basketball shorts and no shirt, which is something he never did. Neither of them looked 96 years old, their minds were totally alert and their bodies were strong.

I was surprised to see them both, but, obviously, overjoyed. We sat at the kitchen table – a high end version of a picnic table - benches on both sides, no chairs, which is nothing at all like my real table. We discussed how they happened to be here, but I can’t remember their explanation. Dad was extremely accommodating and asking if I wanted something to eat or drink.

My older sister and brother came to see them and were just as confused as I was, but thrilled, nonetheless. My siblings and I decided to go to the grocery store for food to make a big welcome back celebration dinner.

At the grocery store there was a huge water slide. The three of us took our swim suits and did the slide before we bought groceries. We laughed and splashed around like young kids. We bought prepared food – fried chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, cookies, cupcakes, etc.

Back at the house we ate everything we bought, nothing left to put away; everyone was stuffed and really happy. Finally, my siblings decided it was time for them to leave. I was getting the house settled and everyone ready for bed. I walked outside and there was a huge refrigerated tractor / trailer in the driveway. Dad told me that my nephew had parked it there and left with his mom, and someone from his place of work was coming to get it later.

As my dad and I walked back to the porch, we saw a man asleep on the glider. He was young, maybe mid-twenties, wearing only his socks and underpants -- big white boxers with a tiny polka dot print. I woke him, asked who he was, and he said my nephew told him that I wouldn’t mind if he crashed on the porch. I told him that was wrong, he needed to find somewhere else to crash. He was lying on his right side, and had his left hand resting on his belly. He had a deformity called ectrodactyly, the left hand only, with just a thumb and pinky finger. His hand was shaped like a crescent and I remember thinking that in the dream – his hand is crescent shaped.

He continued to speak as he got dressed but I couldn’t hear him because another huge diesel truck from my nephew’s employer pulled up and the noise was almost deafening.

Two young men got out, introduced themselves, shook my hand and said they’d come to fetch the truck my nephew left. One of them motioned to the guy on the porch, who was dressed by this time, and he got in one of the trucks and left with them.

This time, as I walked back to the porch, I found an AR-15 rifle lying in the yard. I was completely bewildered, but picked it up and carried it into the house with me and Daddy said, “Nice gun! Where did that come from?”

I told him I’d found it in the yard, and he said, “Sweet, I’ll add it to the collection!” took it from me and walked through the utility room out into the garage.

I woke up then. I was confused, thrilled to see my parents, overwhelmed that they came back, felt comforted and secure, then sad because it was just a dream.

I keep reflecting on the crescent shaped hand, and the automatic rifle in my yard, because neither of them make sense. However, I did check the moon phase and we’re currently in a waxing crescent...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 / female / USA

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Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

I'll look at your dream on Sunday. I'm in central Florida and my attention has been on Hurricane Dorian, getting prepared for what may or may not come.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

Please be safe!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Female/USA

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Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

Will need another day or two to analyze your dream. Spent all day preparing for the worst possible scenario for Dorian. I have 13 rescued cats and do not want to take any chances.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

I truly appreciate you writing to let me know, but your safety is so much more important than my dream. Thank you for rescuing the kitties, I'm a 100% cat person. Please be safe and I'll check back later in the week. Prayers and good vibes coming to you from the Ozarks.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: Female/USA

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Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

I am working on your dream, analyzing the images and actions to gain insights to their symbolic/metaphorical applications/meaning. Wanted to provide an update to what I see thus far since it is along dream.

I am getting an impression of spiritual aspects that are/were a substitute for emotional issues in your childhood. Since your parents/family were so religious then it would be religion in place of spiritual {there is a difference}. Is and/or was that a problem in your life? I may get a better impression when I finish my analysis.

A note about my approach to dream analysis {Jungian}. Dreams are about emotional energies but with a symbolic language. Dreams use metaphors to describe emotional energies. But there are literal applications also. I can read the outline of the emotional energies but the personal literal applications are very difficult if not impossible to read. I would need to know about all of your personal life to know these aspects from a dream. When I do see personal aspects {the literal applications} I will post them in my analysis of an image or action. Most of the literal applications you will need to discern.

Hopefully I will have a final analysis later today. It could be tomorrow. As of now it looks like hurricane Dorian will not be the problem I feared since it is moving away from the Florida coastline. But I am not taking anything for granted. I have 13 cats and can't let my guard down. It is not just their safety but their security I am concerned with. All are confined {including 3 feral and two new strays} and I can't allow any damage to their penned areas allowing an escape. None are familiar with the area my having relocated in the past 9 months from Cocoa {where the ferals are from} to Altoona. My location is in the Ocala National Forest and their survival would be at risk if they escape. Working on that while analyzing your dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

I am getting an impression of spiritual aspects that are/were a substitute for emotional issues in your childhood. Since your parents/family were so religious then it would be religion in place of spiritual {there is a difference}. Is and/or was that a problem in your life? I may get a better impression when I finish my analysis.

Oh, believe me, I know the difference! My parents were open minded, and the only activity that could be considered "forced" was attending church. When I turned 18, I decided I didn't want to go anymore and while my mother was disappointed, she didn't put any pressure on me.

I definitely have an issue with organized religion - a few using fear to rule the many. That's why I don't attend church now. I haven't given up on God, just religion.

I also believe there are many paths to "God" whatever a person chooses to name Him/Her and if those paths are good, looking out for your fellow man, being kind, generous, nonjudgmental, etc., then we're all headed to the same place.

Take care of the cats, and yourself. That is what you need to concentrate on, the rest can wait.

Still sending prayers and good vibes,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: USA

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Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

I'm working on your dream. A lot of masculine energies involved, trying to discern exactly how they fit. Looking at the title of your dream {which often provides insights to the dream message} 'My Deceased Parents came back to live with me' there seems to be aspects of past parental experiences that are now playing into your life situation. From a preliminary summary that does seem to be a focus of the dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

First let me explain my approach to dream analysis {formed from Jungian concepts but with my own developed ideas}. That may help in understanding my analysis. You can get a detailed info at my Power of Dreams website listed under Basics of Dream Analysis/Interpretation

1. Dreams are about emotional energies, the dreamer's emotions
2. Dreams have at least two meanings/applications. One would be addressing present emotional aspects and another the foundations for those aspects including personality and actions. Often there are more.
3. Dreams have a language of symbol and metaphor but also with literal applications. Metaphorically a house is the dreamer but often what happens within the house {dreamer} is addressing actual experiences while residing in a certain location. The images of a father and/or mother would point to literal experiences but metaphorically represent feminine or masculine aspects. Father could even represent god {mother the goddess}. There are both inner and outer applications to both {outer religion, inner spirituality}.
4. Childhood experiences are the basic foundations of us all. Especially the early years when the psyche stores what is experienced and uses those experiences as foundations for personality and actions in later life. Unconsciously the experiences are stored as emotional energies and stay throughout life either influencing if not controlling life in adulthood.
5. Because I have limited info about a dreamer the best I can usually do is provide an outline of emotional energies. When I have a lot of personal info I can connect the dream images to the present day life experiences that are an issue or in conflict.

Keep in mind the above since I often interpret an image/symbol that doesn't always make sense in a literal way to most people. I amplify the images with the above which is often beyond what is thought or seems to be a normal application.

Your Dream
I sense a major focus of the dream is centered on spiritual aspects. Also a lot of masculine energies throughout the dream and very strong toward the end. Looking at the personal info you provided about your father and your age you were 14 when he passed. That may be important but he was an important part of your early life and thus a great influence. What was learned early in your life pertaining to religion is a barrier {still} and seeking new avenues of spiritual nourishment is a way you are/have overcome the barriers. Unconsciously they still exist {you still believe in a god} even though you have gotten past their ability to consciously influence your life {a positive in my way of thinking}.

I will note that I have studied and read extensively on the various spiritual concepts including the ones you listed. I have had many friends who engage in all of them. I personally believe in the laws of nature, cause and effect and the concept of Karma. In my mind nature has its own mechanisms related to right and wrong but it is the actions of the person that determine the outcome of life. I do not believe in a personal god believing instead all religions are myths, exaggerated truths and none holding the one truth. Buddhism and Native American spirituality along with christian Gnosticism come closest to my spiritual believe system.

What I can't determine with what I know about your life is how your father influenced your masculine attitudes {we all are influenced by both father and mother}. I can see spiritual applications and know of the religious aspects when you were younger. Often dreams are usually stimulated by a recent experience {but are always attempting to inform the dreamer of what is emotionally out of balance}. If there are deep seeded issues the emotional energies will be a constant even when the psyche has repressed experiences responsible for the emotional conflicts. I sense there are issues related to your father that have yet to be addressed. What they are you will need to discover yourself.

Having said the above your father in the dream could be addressing issues related to religion, god the father. You stated you had a happy childhood. Look deeper to see if is something that could be deeper about the relationship. Not necessarily evil or traumatic but an issue that had strong energies that the psyche stored for future reference {influences that follow you through life}. What strong masculine aspects are there that are now showing up in your life that would relate to your father? Strong masculine energies are present throughout the dream which would indicate masculine experiences {positive but more often negative}, actual experiences and/or influences.

Below is my analysis of the images and actions {you can see it takes time to break them all down}. Read what I have listed and see if something resonates. Let me know your thoughts and we can go from there.

My Deceased Parents came back to live with me
-experiences with parents coming up from the unconscious

I had this dream last night, and when I awoke, I wrote it down, as much as I could possibly remember. Keep in mind that my dad died in 1973 and my mom died in 2009.

It was my house but it was much bigger inside and looked a bit different. I had finished taking a shower and walked to the kitchen. My mama and daddy were there and said they were allowed to come back, and were going to live with and help me out. Mama looked like she always did, Daddy looked older, was heavier, and had a mustache. He was wearing red satiny basketball shorts and no shirt, which is something he never did. Neither of them looked 96 years old, their minds were totally alert and their bodies were strong.

-in your house-going inward, psychologically
-bigger inside-a larger perspective of self and world
-looked different-inner aspects a bit different from outer ego perspectives
-finished taking a shower-emotional cleansing
-walked into kitchen-progression in spiritual/psychological nourishment/healing
-mamma and daddy allowed to come back-utilizing a wiser, experienced perspective/acceptance of parents wisdom
-mamma looked like she always did-a fixed perception of mother/your intuitive self, natural instinctive life, the source of nourishment and psyche growth
-Daddy looked older, heavier-your perspective of your father as wise but more of a weighty issue/your wiser masculine self with substancial influence in your psyche
-had a mustache-issues of trust/hidden aspects
-he was wearing red satiny basketball shorts, no shirt-revealing more about emotional energies related to father relationship, your own masculine aspects/attitudes
-something he never did- literal application-not showing his emotions
-neither looked 96 years old-96 represents inner spiritual aspects over material aspects/outer material world
-minds, bodies alert and strong-perspectives/influences of parents still strong.

I was surprised to see them both, but, obviously, overjoyed. We sat at the kitchen table – a high end version of a picnic table - benches on both sides, no chairs, which is nothing at all like my real table. We discussed how they happened to be here, but I can’t remember their explanation. Dad was extremely accommodating and asking if I wanted something to eat or drink.

-surprised to see them both but overjoyed-merging of masculine/feminine-acknowledging and confronting your unconscious emotions
-we sat at kitchen table {version of picnic table}-social unity and family connections/merging these qualities into inner life
-benches on both sides-balancing of inner and outer life/past and present attitudes
-no chairs-dismissed or hidden emotional energies
-Daddy was extremely accommodating-beneficial inner masculine aspects/benefitting from father's wisdom
-asking if I wanted something to eat or drink-seeking inner info related to emotional/spiritual nourishment

My older sister and brother came to see them and were just as confused as I was, but thrilled, nonetheless. My siblings and I decided to go to the grocery store for food to make a big welcome back celebration dinner.

-older sister and brother came to see them-issues related to spiritual wholeness questioning deep spiritual aspects but with positive implications
-siblings and I go to grocery store for food-unresolved issues related to emotions
-to make a big welcome back celebration dinner-reviving of past emotional energies related to goals in your life

At the grocery store there was a huge water slide. The three of us took our swim suits and did the slide before we bought groceries. We laughed and splashed around like young kids. We bought prepared food – fried chicken, potato salad, cole slaw, cookies, cupcakes, etc.

-at grocery store was a huge water slide-steady flow of emotional/spiritual nourishment
-three of us took swim suits-conflict in exposing emotional vulnerabilities
-did the slide before we bought groceries-instability before finding required nourishment

Back at the house we ate everything we bought, nothing left to put away; everyone was stuffed and really happy. Finally, my siblings decided it was time for them to leave. I was getting the house settled and everyone ready for bed. I walked outside and there was a huge refrigerated tractor / trailer in the driveway. Dad told me that my nephew had parked it there and left with his mom, and someone from his place of work was coming to get it later.

-back at house we ate everything we bought; everyone happy-receiving needed emotional nourishment
-siblings decided time to leave-unresolved issues removed
-getting house settled-assimilating emotional energies
-everyone ready for bed-bridging unconscious aspects to conscious awareness
-walked outside-outwardly expressing emotional energies
-there was a huge refrigerated tractor-trailer in driveway-preserved emotions/overload
-dad had told me-informed by higher/controlling masculine energies
-that nephew had parked it there-an implanted inner masculine aspect
-left with his mom-shared energies affecting feminine self/shared with real mother
-someone from work coming to get later-inner drives that affects later life

As my dad and I walked back to the porch, we saw a man asleep on the glider. He was young, maybe mid-twenties, wearing only his socks and underpants -- big white boxers with a tiny polka dot print. I woke him, asked who he was, and he said my nephew told him that I wouldn’t mind if he crashed on the porch. I told him that was wrong, he needed to find somewhere else to crash. He was lying on his right side, and had his left hand resting on his belly. He had a deformity called ectrodactyly, the left hand only, with just a thumb and pinky finger. His hand was shaped like a crescent and I remember thinking that in the dream – his hand is crescent shaped.

-dad and I walked back to porch-your personality influenced by the higher masculine aspects
-saw a man sleeping on glider-unaware of unconscious assertive masculine aspects
-he was young, mid 20s, wearing socks and underpants-rejuvenated self/flexible/your true self
-big white boxers with tiny polka dot print-wholeness through imprintation
-I woke him, asked who he was-realizing/utilizing masculine aspects
-said nephew told him/wouldn't mind if he crashed on the porch-implanted aspects that jolt your personality
-I told him he was wrong/need to find somewhere else to crash-unwanted/unneeded masculine aspects affecting outer self
-he was lying on his right side/left hand resting on his belly-established social aspects/ability to integrate feelings
-he had a deformity, ectrodactyly left hand only-undeveloped aspects that affect positive qualities
-just a thumb and pinky finger-power and ability of mental aspects
-hand shaped like a crescent-emergence of feminine aspects resulting from imprinted energies

He continued to speak as he got dressed but I couldn’t hear him because another huge diesel truck from my nephew’s employer pulled up and the noise was almost deafening.
-inner energies influenced/generated by past experiences too strong to ignore

Two young men got out, introduced themselves, shook my hand and said they’d come to fetch the truck my nephew left. One of them motioned to the guy on the porch, who was dressed by this time, and he got in one of the trucks and left with them.
-current masculine energies/aspects that accommodate the related emotional load
-one aspect {one being the past and the other the present} guiding outer emotional self

This time, as I walked back to the porch, I found an AR-15 rifle lying in the yard. I was completely bewildered, but picked it up and carried it into the house with me and Daddy said, “Nice gun! Where did that come from?”
-personality aspects related to strong masculine energies that are repetitive
-mistrust within self related to aggressive masculine aspects

I told him I’d found it in the yard, and he said, “Sweet, I’ll add it to the collection!” took it from me and walked through the utility room out into the garage.
-discovering within self energies related to hidden masculine aspects

I woke up then. I was confused, thrilled to see my parents, overwhelmed that they came back, felt comforted and secure, then sad because it was just a dream.
-literal emotions of confusion, waking up to reality in the present time

I keep reflecting on the crescent shaped hand, and the automatic rifle in my yard, because neither of them make sense. However, I did check the moon phase and we’re currently in a waxing crescent...
-reflecting on the shaped hand-what shaped your psyche and your ability to use/counter them.
-automatic rifle in my yard-repetitive raw masculine energies
-neither make sense-unconsciously they do, consciously not so much {the symbolic language of dreams}.
-waxing crescent moon-slivers of unconscious knowledge emerging from the unconscious related to feminine energies {the feminine is more powerful than the masculine}.

Jerry [meditated]

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: My Deceased Parents came back to live with me

Thank you very much, Gerald. This is fantastic. Believe it or not, quite a bit of what you've said makes sense. In my meditations, I've been working on letting go of a lot of the negativity, past hurts and resentments, failures, grief, everything / anything that I've held on to and need to get rid of. I didn't realize just how many men / masculine influences were in the dream until you pointed that out.

So, at this point, I'll reflect on this and if I have questions, I'll come ask them.

Again, thank you very much and I'm glad you and the kitties are safe and sound.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: USA

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