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Dreams and Early LIfe Influences/Motivators

A key cornerstone to my approach to dream analysis and the emotional energies dreams embody is the impact of early childhood on later life behavior, including infancy. As with most all of nature, what is learned through practical experiences as well as sensory abilities in earliest life is 'stored' within the psyche as emotional energies. Because of the development processes of the brain, the experiences become influencers and motivators for later life adult actions. Some people don't believe this to be true and as many dismiss the idea that dreams illustrate the energies through a language developed especially for dreams {actually dreams use images/emotional patterns/universal patterns as seen in mythology, fairytales and folklore}.

An experienced dream analyst {Jungian} can identify the these emotional patterns, or at least an outline of the energies, by interpreting the imagery and actions. In dreams they are seen as metaphorical representations of the experiences The literal applications are harder to discern {and usually not possible} to identify without a good knowledge of the person's evolution/life's story. The outline of the experiences of abuse can be determined through the dream language but naming the actual experience and who was involved {other than the dreamer} can not be known if the analyst knows nothing or little about the dreamer's life. If you read the posted dreams and my analysis you will see the frequency of how I use this theory in my analysis, how much I put to the early life experiences as motivators for later life behavior.

Why Do Dreams Perform This Way?
A primary function of dreams is to inform the dreamer of any imbalances brought about by emotional experiences so there can be a recognition of them and hopefully a resolution. Nature has mechanisms for all aspects of life, an immune system to heal and protect the body, the dream to heal and to protect the psyche. This is a reason assumption since we have overwhelming evidence of the rationale. Dream analysis is an objective science even though psychology is often subjective, proof of a conclusion not being known even when properly identified {for various reasons}. When properly identified {through analysis} the dreamer will suddenly understand it to be true and fits, although not previously knowing or understanding its truth. The energies are stored in the unconscious and the consciousness mind is unaware of them {again for various reasons including repression}. Such is the function of dreams.

Watch short video {4:43} The Impact of Early Emotional Neglect

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

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