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Hanging from a cloud; sheeple

Here are two symbolically rich dreams I am trying to interpret:

About a week ago I had this dream:
I am harnessed in a parachute or something like it, and my parachute is caught in the clouds. I a hanging there in the sky, hanging from my parachute-like contraption, just hanging in the sky, looking around. I don't know for sure if it is a parachute because I never look up. I find this interesting for a while and then I start to become scared. Eventually, I am freed from the cloud and float to the ground safely. I find myself in some lumber yard or hardware yard or something. I sneak around because I think someone might catch me in a place where I don't belong. An old, whitehaired man comes out from around the corner and talks to me. He doesn't seem mad, and I ask him for food. He tells me to go into a shed and I'll find food there. I see a wooden chest on a ground of hay and open it, expecting food. Instead, I find kindling to start a fire.

Last night I had this dream:
I am in a stadium for a ceremony (graduation?). One of my students is getting recognized/awarded and I am there to see him. I am sitting high up in the balcony section. Maybe I expect recognition for his achievement. Some official stadium person comes to my section and asks us all to go outside and help with something. Most people leave but I stay. Then something happens to make me decide to leave the building or go to a different part of the building for some reason. I ask for directions. The stadium person and my baptist pastor compete in giving me directions, interrupting and contradicting one another. My pastor gives me complicated directions while the stadium guy tells me to go in this room and then keep heading downstairs. I go with his directions. My pastor seemed distressed and really wanted me to do it his way. I go through the door and it seems like the abandoned cannery but with industrial fireplaces in various places. I feel like I've been here before. I look for the stairs going down. I walk back and forth, retracing my steps but there are no stairs going down. Then I come to a wall that has an opening in it to the outside. I see people there doing farm work and sheep everywhere. I go back and keep looking for the stairs. Then I go back to the opening and I see the people outside in the pasture, all naked, and all piled on top of each other like ants do in a flood, making a giant, human rollup ball. They are human but all of their movements and behavior are suggestive of animals. The ball of humans rolls a little. Then I see the people from a bird's eye view, still naked. They are huddling up and rubbing against each other. It was like they became the sheep. Then I see them dancing around a fire. They are dancing wildly and I hear the singing of "Oh come all ye faithful."

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28 Male USA

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Re: Hanging from a cloud; sheeple

Will look at your dreams tomorrow. A quick examination and I see possible conflicting emotions, perhaps spiritual. Making choices seems to play into the equation. A closer examination and analysis will be more helpful.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: Hanging from a cloud; sheeple

I apologize for not getting to your dream as promised. I have a lot on my plate and had to address unexpected issues. You may notice my Kitty Fund in heading and that was part of what I need to address.

I did analyze the first dream and from what I get frommit is there are issues or/and obstacles that prevent you from achieving your full potential in life. Or achieving something you have set out to accomplish but have not been able to do so. Much of it has to do with personal attitudes developed in early life {this is common with most people-developed attitudes that prevent potential/achievements}. Emotional energies {conscious and unconscious} get in the way. A lack of self confidence seems to be a part of the equation. There does seem {according to the dream} there was recent experiences that provided a positive but that developed attitudes {such as self confidence} may have diminished that path forward. The ending of the dream points to a need to look within yourself [something you may be doing} to find a passion for that thing you wish/need to accomplish what you seek in life. Emotional nourishment in early life usually is a part of what holds people back from finding wholeness and happiness but i believe the dream is pointing particular aspects in your life that is the problem. There is a saying about finding better things in life; go west young man, go west. In Jungian psyche, and in your dream that adage should read, go inward. Look within yourself to discover your true self and what it is that you need/seek to make you whole. That holds true psychologically as well as in general in what aspects would provide the best remedy to being whole and happy. CReativity is always one aspect that can do that.

Below is my analysis of the symbols and actions in your dream {dreams have a symbolic language as well as literal applications}. See what fits with these in your life.

If my analysis fits let me know and I will analyze your second dream.

-harnessed in a parachute-lack of freedom to halt emotional energies
-parachute caught in clouds-confusion in addressing emotional energies
-hanging in sky-suspended in an emotional environment
-like a contraption-driven by structured behavior
-hanging in sky, looking around-inner search for true feelings
-not sure a parachute-feeling insecure in present situation due to emotional energies
-never look up-unaware of being unconsciously driven
-interesting for awhile-temporary positive response
-then I started to become scared-having self doubt
-I am freed from the cloud-seeking release from inherent attitudes/emotional energies
-float to ground safely-letting go of learned/developed attitudes to achieve wholeness
-find myself in lumber/hardware yard-recognizing energies developed that will allow self improvement
-I sneak around someone might catch me/place I don't belong-unwarranted feelings of shame that causes a lack of self confidence
-old white haired man-wise self
-comes out from around corner-becoming consciously aware of boundaries
-talks to me-inner communication
-doesn't seem mad-undisturbed
-I ask for food-seeking emotional nourishment
-tells me to go to shed-adjustment in attitudes to achieve full personal potential
-I'll find food there-finding emotional nourishment using full potential
-I see wooden chest on a ground of hay/open it-suppressed feelings restricting ability to nurture your best aspects/need to open up to those aspects
-expecting food-expectations of required nurturing
-Instead, I find kindling to start a fire-discovering inner fuel to realize your passion in life


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: Hanging from a cloud; sheeple

Thank you for the analysis, Jerry. I do see a lot of things that might relate, and I will try to hash out some possibilities here.

"There are issues or/and obstacles that prevent you from achieving your full potential in life. Or achieving something you have set out to accomplish but have not been able to do so." -- I relate more to the first possibility. I don't feel like I've not been able to achieve my goals, as I am working toward them and generally getting satisfaction with them. But I do sometimes have doubts about the life I'm living and the direction I'm heading. It's good and healthy but tends to lack the more artistic and creative, risk-taking side of things. But I tend not to think about that as what I'm doing now is more financially secure than what I would otherwise be doing if I really looked deep inside and decided to do what I really wanted, like being an artist.

"Emotional nourishment in early life usually is a part of what holds people back from finding wholeness and happiness but I believe the dream is pointing particular aspects in your life that is the problem." -- I see both as a possibility. I do believe I've grown and matured a lot from the emotional problems and self-doubt I used to have early in life, but they could still be haunting me. I agree that perhaps some particular aspects of my life could be the problem, but I'm not sure what.

I'm fairly certain the wise old man is my wise self, or society (I believe those are the Jungian interpretations). I was "stuck in the clouds," which, if you say that about someone, it means they're spacing out; daydreaming. That's a possible interpretation. I'm stuck in the clouds a lot in my life. In the dream, when I come back down I'm afraid the man will be mad. Why? I often don't share my inner life because I don't think anyone will be interested. Maybe that's why. Lack of self-confidence has been one of my biggest hindrances in life, and I think you might be on to something with that interpretation, but I don't have anything in my life that I can point to that is producing a lack of self-confidence. I've struggled with it in the past, but I feel like I'm doing good now, so I'm not sure what the dream is saying about it.

"Instead, I find kindling to start a fire-discovering inner fuel to realize your passion in life" -- I like this interpretation. The kindling seemed the be the most powerful symbol in the whole dream, a fact I think I recognized while I was still dreaming. The question is how to realize my passion. Here's your response: "In Jungian psyche, and in your dream that adage should read, go inward. Look within yourself to discover your true self and what it is that you need/seek to make you whole. That holds true psychologically as well as in general in what aspects would provide the best remedy to being whole and happy. Creativity is always one aspect that can do that."

I'll try to do that.

Thank you,

I have a sense of peace and a sense of direction after reading your analysis and responding to it. I have been itching to embark on some creative endeavors and maybe this is the push I need.

I'll look forward to your response to the "sheeple" dream if you can get around to it. One of the strangest and most vivid dreams I've ever had.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28 Male USA

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Re: Hanging from a cloud; sheeple

I'll go over your response and provide comments on Sunday. I did get a strong sense of a creative aspect from the dream. Joseph Campbell taught to follow your bliss, that thing in life you truly love doing most. And most often it is from the creative self which in my mind is an aspect of the spiritual. You are conceiving, and giving from the soul when you are creative, being your true self. My path was dreams and web design. It was not until I was 42 I discovered the path waiting for me, it was there all along but it often takes a serendipitous event to bring it to conscious awareness {watching Campbell's the Power of Myth for the first time}.

I should be able to provide more Sunday. Always a flux and flow around my house with so many feline furries grabbing for attention.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: Hanging from a cloud; sheeple

I appreciate the detailed reply. I did sense a strong vibe related to creative endeavors. Jung, and Campbell, taught that when one finds that thing in life that most satisfies the soul life opens up and blossoms. But society holds us back and the inner world is never realized. The hero is the individual who breaks the chains of social duty and blazes their own path. It is not an easy thing to do and doesn't happen overnight. And just when you think you have it figured out something new arises and a new task confronts you. Campbell said life is a series of trials and realizations. In my experience he is right. Especially difficult are the emotional trials. Every act in life is a psychological event and when you understand yourself, your true self, then the emotional energies are not so overwhelming.

As for the emotional nourishment, we all have issues with that. I am a firm believer that we all are basically the person formed from childhood experiences and influences. The impressions imprinted on the brain become set in concrete and we unconsciously follow those imprints. As individuals we may react differently but there are patterns that can discerned from the imprinting {that is where myth plays a role, the universal patterns of emotional energies and behavior}. Determining what your patterns are is the big step in reconciling and resolving the negative energies. To be truly whole this is mandatory. We can medicate ourselves, deny the issues exist or pass them off as meaningless But our dreams will not let go of the energies until they are confronted. That is the function of dreams, a presentation of the emotional energies that control the waking life. And the intent is to help inform the dreamer of the energies so resolution can take place. The hero journey is first and foremost a psychological journey. Just as the body has the immune system to heal and protect, the psyche has the dream that performs the same service.

When we look inward we realize not only the negative energies, we also realize a 'metaphysical' presence within the psyche. Spirituality {not religion} and creativity are inherent aspects seeking attention and awakening. To do that thing in life that is most satisfying, or giving of oneself for a greater cause, these are not only the stories of myth but are the essence of being whole and soulful. Life finds meaning when we go inward and discover the true self. Dreams can help in that endeavor. We dream to become whole.

You are on the right path. Continue to seek your passion and live it as much as possible. Society will try to hold you back but you can take control by living life on your own terms, in a spiritual manner {Karma, cause and effect}. Nature becomes an ally and barriers fall away. It is pretty much a common sense attitude, objectivity and less emotions. What you are looking for is already available, within. No need to go westward, just go inward.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

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