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Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression

Hi Jerry, I am posting these two dreams together, as they are both subsequent to the Excavation Work dream posted on 12/21/2019. If that is not preferred, please let me know.

December 13, 2019 – Visiting with David: I dream I am with Lindy (the wife of a co-worker, Clark). We are traveling together by car. She has come along with me as a friendly gesture. I am going to find and visit with David Lindsey, a childhood friend. We enter a large building with many rooms. People stay here. They live here, find shelter here, from the toughness of the streets. I understand David leads the organization. I can see that they don’t have a lot of money, but they make good use of what they do have, providing for the people. A man meets me and takes me to where Dave is. Dave greets me with a hug and is happy to see me. As he hugs me, he pulls my body real close and presses his penis against my body. He does this a few times over. He comments on how good it feels to embrace me. I feel really glad to be seeing him again. In a few moments, he departs to take care of something. Then, we are in what I think is a church service. It is a humble gathering. LATER: Word comes that one of the young woman who shelters here is missing. She has a disease that is highly contagious and could result in an epidemic. The young lady is found by the same man that led me to David. I see that she is outside, hiding behind a tree. I have the impression that she knows she is sick and she is worried over what may come. She cries when the man approaches. He takes her into his arms and embraces her with a warm and caring hug. She is brought back to the shelter where she will be cared for, watched over and ministered to. END.

My immediate sense of the first dream is that the young lady with the "contagion" is an aspect of me that feels herself unworthy due to the shame stemming from my early life experiences. As a child, I felt like a leper of society, unworthy, unwanted, unloved. David is a man I was engaged to when I was 18 years old. We never did marry. I went on to a career in the U.S. Military. He turned out to be homosexual and is today a minister of a very liberal church movement. As young adults, we did share a love of Christ and many deep discussions on the importance of love in the world. Without knowing the whole truth (at the time), he saw the very difficult environment from which I hailed and often commented on my strength. He does today know the truth of my early life experiences.

December 23, 2019 – Need to Be Free from Oppression: I and some others of my own age are in some home which I think is like a work farm. It feels terribly oppressive to my spirit. I seem to be the age of an adolescent/young adult, perhaps 16 or 17 years old. The place is run by a man and a woman. It is as if we are held hostage there. It is like I am a prisoner. I try to leave, but we cannot leave. The home is located in some remote area. It is a weird dream space, like this is some kind of alternate reality. I want so much to leave. We try to leave, but keep being stopped from leaving. Another girl and myself try to escape. There is an indoctrination process here, they give you clothes to wear. Everyone dresses the same. The place is manned by a large, large gate. I do not know if anyone has ever been up there. I have some reference to understanding that the people being held hostage here are me and my siblings, and perhaps more than my siblings. I am aware of Michael, Martin (two of my four brothers), Kallen, Kory, and Kim (my three sisters). Another girl and I make it out one time, but we are brought back. We are verbally chastised for attempting to leave. It is a man and a wife that run this place. It is their land and property. They are not at all kind. I keep checking the mail box. I am not sure what for… A connection to the outside world? Some information? Some help? We are so closed off from the outside world. When trying to escape, a man comes after us. We were on the run and doing our best to hide. We make it to some kind of eating establishment, but a man comes and finds us. Everyone seems strange. This whole place seems strange, like everyone is under the influence of some form of mind control. We are brought back after this escape attempt. My friend and I try to leave again. We become bound and determined that we will make it out of this prison, this sense of being emotionally chained. We make it out again, we get past the gate area. We tricked someone to make it past the gate. This time, we have more clothes to keep us warm. My friend has a sweatshirt and a blanket and I have a sweater and I see some old khaki colored pants on the floor. This is day 6 of the 2019 holiday season. As far as I can tell, we make it. We sleep in stairwells and places like this. It is like we are living on the margins of society. We are doing our best to hide from them and stay free. Our fear is that we may be found again and brought back. We are searching to find our way. END.

It might be interesting to note that I have been watching the HBO Series, "His Dark Materials," which does involve the capture and containment of children. The plot features the separating of the children from their daemons (their animal familiars/spiritual helpers), which leaves them lifeless, without soul. I have found that films have been therapeutic for me, sometimes helping me to uncover issues within my own self. Nonetheless, as I said in my Excavation Work dream thread, this imprisonment scenario is a repeating theme from my dream life. Though I seem to have escaped in the dream, the weight of the oppressive childhood circumstances does still affect me. My father ruled with an iron fist and voice and a wickedly menacing glare (and did as he pleased with me and my siblings) and my mother was his consort. I have had both a negative father and negative mother to deal with. Also, generational abuse is at play. After I began healing and confronted my parents, I learned from my mother that she too was sexually abused by her father as a child - which continued into her adult years. All she could ever tell me is that she was always told to never ask questions, but to do as told when she was a child. There came a day when I did not push her for more information, as I wanted not to press her into the pain of her own past, which would have included the knowledge of knowing she was co-responsible for the abuse of her children. I never could get anyone to shed light on my father's childhood, but I suspect things were also askew in his early life. He was fatherless (his father abandoned he and his mother) and I have good reason to believe that incest existed at some junctures of his early life, that he either was involved with it or witness to it.

Thank you,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes, 12/21/2019

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Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression

Here is my analysis of the first dream from your last post. I did an analysis I used prior to my breaking down each image/action I generally use now. I did this because I do have enough personal info to understand your psyche energies and did not need to understand every image/action. Here is my analysis.

This is an outline of the emotional energies I see in the dream. Recent personal experiences the dream would be addressing would require more personal info to name.

Lindy would be someone you share or see as having something in common. Or/and a positive aspect you see in her. Traveling in the same car probably represents have shared experiences or going in the same direction. Either in the present time and/or in the past.

David Lindsey would represent a masculine aspect, an aspect you wish to discover more about {within yourself}. As a childhood friend he could have been a positive aspect in what was a generally negative part or phase in your life.

The large building with many rooms are aspects of yourself. Being large would represent power/authority or important aspect. The description of the building would description of yourself. .

I see Dave as a mixture of positive and negative masculine aspects. He as a masculine aspect is what governs/leads you in your adult life {emotional energies}. I get the impression the whole description of Dave is impressions of masculine aspects that are governing energies. On one hand there is the embrace/hug, the penis being a symbol of power and aggression and possibly sexual energies. These would be qualities within you, masculine aspects developed from early life experiences {governing personality and personal attitudes}.

Being glad to see Dave would be a positive aspect you wish to embrace, have or have had in your life. The action of his penis against your body {other than being symbolic listed above} may represent both positive sexual aspects but also negative aspects in it is done over again {a penetration of the negative acts of the ‘man’ who takes you where Dave is}. This may suggest you are making a positive out of a negative which would be possible since you were too young to remember the actual negative actions {of your father}.

The church probably has several applications {how you feel about churches or spirituality being one}. A church can also represent an integrated psyche or working to achieve wholeness {you are consciously working toward that}. Being humble may point to the spiritual as an aspect that helps in achieving this goal.

Later is the present time. An important aspect of yourself is missing. The contagious disease is a fear that this missing aspect {the negative} spreads to your whole self. It was early life {young} you developed these ‘symptoms’.

You were led to the need/desire for an integrated masculine psyche by the experiences of the ‘man’ who led you to Dave {positive masculine}. Finding her/you outside is your outer conscious self. You are hugged meaning embracing both the negative and positive masculine. It is by doing this you are brought back to your inner self where you find sanctuary in both. The negative as an inner aspect may be addressing those aspects that have been hidden, repressed or in your case not aware of since it would have been an experience so early in life.

An important aspect about the dream is your impression and/or feelings about Dave. The last part of the dream shows where you are in the present time. Working on integrating the negative aspects so they become positive {or are put in their proper place}. It is the inner self, the inner psychological journey where you find the caring self. I also see this caring aspect as one part of your personality {dreams often depict personality traits and personal attitudes}.

Note: I analyzed the dream before reading the added info about Dave. The fact he is gay is even more meaningful in being a man with a inclination toward the feminine would support the integration aspect I mentioned. The church also is an aspect related to Dave {as one aspect}. He is a positive in an otherwise negative masculine experience, your own inner masculine.

I will work on the other dream and see what comes from it. It is a rainy morning but should clear up and if so I need to work on a new cat enclosure for my 13 furry felines {you can see Kitty City at this link Kitty City.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression

Here is my analysis of the second dream from this post.

December 23, 2019 – Need to Be Free from Oppression:
I and some others of my own age are in some home which I think is like a work farm. It feels terribly oppressive to my spirit. I seem to be the age of an adolescent/young adult, perhaps 16 or 17 years old. The place is run by a man and a woman. It is as if we are held hostage there. It is like I am a prisoner. I try to leave, but we cannot leave. The home is located in some remote area. It is a weird dream space, like this is some kind of alternate reality. I want so much to leave. We try to leave, but keep being stopped from leaving. Another girl and myself try to escape. There is an indoctrination process here, they give you clothes to wear. Everyone dresses the same.

This would point to both your childhood as well as being held captive by those emotional energies from childhood in the present {which you are working on to resolve}. What is new is the age factor. Could this have anything to do with your relationship with Dave or in that time period? If not examine those years and determine what the dream may be addressing.

I also see aspects of personality as determined by the indoctrination of childhood experiences. The clothes you wear is your outer self, personality and personal attitudes. The other girl is the true self that needs to escape from the oppression of childhood.

The place is manned by a large, large gate. I do not know if anyone has ever been up there. I have some reference to understanding that the people being held hostage here are me and my siblings, and perhaps more than my siblings.

This is your mental self as it is today. Addressing actual experiences from childhood being held hostage by a father who ruled by an iron hand but also more than your literal siblings, your whole self being held hostage because of early life experiences. Dreams are about psychology, emotional energies both present and past {the latter governing the other}.

I am aware of Michael, Martin (two of my four brothers), Kallen, Kory, and Kim (my three sisters). Another girl and I make it out one time, but we are brought back. We are verbally chastised for attempting to leave. It is a man and a wife that run this place. It is their land and property. They are not at all kind.

The awareness of the 5 siblings may be meaningful in they point to actual experiences or a time frame where meaningful experiences occurred. The verbal chastising may also have literal applications. Of course the primary rulers would be your parents but would also point inward and the effects they have on your present self {not at all kind}.

I keep checking the mail box. I am not sure what for… A connection to the outside world? Some information? Some help? We are so closed off from the outside world. When trying to escape, a man comes after us. We were on the run and doing our best to hide. We make it to some kind of eating establishment, but a man comes and finds us.

The mailbox is info from your conscious self that connects you to the inner self. It is your conscious exploration that seeks to escape from the bounds of your negative childhood. It has affected your masculine self {the man is both your father as well as your inner masculine} which seeks proper nourishment you never received {eating establishment}.

Everyone seems strange. This whole place seems strange, like everyone is under the influence of some form of mind control.

A whole place, your whole psyche, is under the control of the governing emotional energies from childhood {this is true for everyone}.

We are brought back after this escape attempt. My friend and I try to leave again. We become bound and determined that we will make it out of this prison, this sense of being emotionally chained. We make it out again, we get past the gate area. We tricked someone to make it past the gate. This time, we have more clothes to keep us warm. My friend has a sweatshirt and a blanket and I have a sweater and I see some old khaki colored pants on the floor.

I get the sense this part is addressing actual experiences or a time from {16/17 years old?}. The escape may have been a real experience, either physical or psychological {as much as possible considering the place you were at the time emotionally}. Something seems to have given you a temporary reprieve or courage. Something or someone that provides/provided an escape from your foundations {floor}.

This is day 6 of the 2019 holiday season. As far as I can tell, we make it. We sleep in stairwells and places like this. It is like we are living on the margins of society. We are doing our best to hide from them and stay free. Our fear is that we may be found again and brought back. We are searching to find our way. END.

Day 6 of 2019. I am a big fan of the number 9 and when you add all these numbers together you get 18 and then 9 {1+8}. This is a positive number, nine being the ruling number of the universe, the NATURAL world. This would reflect a positive aspect in your life, an escape from the negatives. You are in a process of change which will provide peace of mind, wholeness. As long as you find ways to stay free from the negative emotional energies. But there are anxieties brought about by the strong foundational energies which are capable of bringing back the forces your personality and attitudes are built on. A fear of the negative energies. You are on a search for wholeness, freedom from your past.

Day 6 of 2019 of the holiday season. Holiday represents a need for a break or time for rest. The number 6 is the physical self and 9 the spiritual/metaphysical. You have made it to this day and time in your life despite the negatives in your life. Physically and spiritually. You are on the margins of total freedom from the negatives and still searching for total freedom. This is the end of the dream, where you are at the present time in your life.

As is usual the title points to the dream message. ‘December 23, 2019 – Need to Be Free from Oppression.
December 23 {2+3=6} of the holiday season. There is the need for total freedom from the oppression of the negative childhood experiences.

Examine the part about your siblings and see what may there. Time wise as well as literal involvement of your siblings. Were the other two brothers away from home? This time period may hold info important to understand related to experiences that now affect you and who you are.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression

Thank you, Jerry,

I am going to respond in order of the statements/analysis you have provided on the first dream: Visiting with David.

Lindy is a kind woman, very Christian. One of the things that struck me about her some short time after I met her was an aspect of herself that she told me about… She said that at one time of her life, she was very much in love with nature, to the point of having few social relationships/connections with others, as she preferred animals and the world of nature to that of others. I saw this as being very similar to myself, when I first began healing. It caused me to wonder if there is existed some relational trauma in her own life, as this is what was/is true of my own life.

I definitely have seen Dave as a positive influence in my late teen years, when we spent much time together and became engaged. He was a very sensual young man, but also very considerate, gentle, insightful and respectful. Those late teen years were a very difficult period of time for me and my relationship with him was very helpful to me. We talked often of the need for the love of Christ in the world and believed we were in the experience of agape love.

I can see the house and its many rooms as aspects of myself. In the dream, there is a strong element of caring for the people. I think it is fair to say that Dave’s love and care was a balm for my soul when we were young, and this was a very positive experience for me. Dave and I both were/are very compassionate individuals.

As a governing masculine energy, I would say my experience with him was very influential. It gave me another example/experience of the masculine which was not at all like that of my abusive, absent, malicious father. As for the sexual energies the dream is demonstrating, I think my feeling in the dream is important. My sense is that the dream is trying to remind me of Dave’s gentle, considerate nature whilst also letting me know that this inner David is intimately attracted to me. The feeling of his penis against by body is not forceful or persistent, but enough to let me know this man is sexually attracted to me. The prospect of sex, though, is not the whole focus. I see the repetition of the gentle pressure of his penis as something the dream wants me to be sure to take notice of… The positive masculine energy.

I know I made positives out of the negatives in early life, as that is something that was no needed in my early life. I had to see the good possibilities in life to make the truly unbearable bearable. It was imperative that I also see the good and not lose hope. I think, however, in the case of David, the positive was/is real. And that perhaps the dream intends to remind me of this.

That said, I think it is important for me to remember at this moment, that shortly before Dave and I became close, I was coming out of the experience of molestation by my father. There had come a day when I stormed my childhood home in a fit of rage. My mother came and tried to stop me. I flung a chair across the floor in an act of defiance. She screamed for my father’s help. He came marching toward me with fists raised. In the moment he came close enough to strike me with his fist, I stepped forward into his approach and with all the venom of my being, staring him in the eyes, I told him that he will not touch me, assuring him that if he did, he will die. I did fully intended his death, if needed. I fully intended to stop his abuse, in any way that I could. He literally melted before me, as his eyes glossed over and his body went limp, then he turned and walked away. Finally, I had faced down his evil…and I do believe the abuse stopped after that day.
I do have a disdain for the negative masculine that does not recognize the sanctity of life/others (especially the feminine). I do wish to know the positive masculine in my life.

The church: I am guilty of having been full of spiritual hubris in my life. But life has humbled me profoundly. I am seeing that church as affirming my present position.

I do see the woman with the contagion as an important aspect I need to embrace/integrate for deeper healing. For many reasons, I have been afraid of embracing her more fully. The hate and anger for what happened to me became turned inward, onto myself. I was terribly frightened by my early life situation and wanted never for anyone to find out what happened to me, hence the hiding, crouching low in fear, which is the condition the negative experience with the masculine caused in my life. I have been afraid I would not be accepted by others if my history were known. It does spread to the whole self, because the shame and self-blame and self-loathing has been crippling to me.

I think it is good that the dream gives me these two masculine images (Dave and the man that led me to him) which lead me to the wounded feminine within me.

It will take me time to integrate and heal and to balance the negative and positive masculine in my life, among other things.

Oh, I almost forgot to explore the “why” of the appearance of this dream at this time in my present life. I visited Lindy’s home for dinner on a recent evening. Then, I also came across Dave on Facebook, which I believe evoked memories. Also, of course, I continue my healing journey, searching for areas that need my attention.

As a cat lover myself, I love your Kitty City. You have created a real haven for them!

I will respond to the second analysis later today.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} 12/21/2019

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Wewb search

Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression


Following are my comments on your analysis of my second dream: Need to Be Free from Oppression.

Yes, the emotional energies of my childhood do still hold me captive.

I believe the molestation by my father was happening when I was 16 (and earlier). I believe it stopped when I was 17, which is when Dave and I became very close.

I had not thought of the other girl as being the true self that needs to escape from the oppressive effects of my childhood experience. It is very helpful to see her this way. Freeing her is what I work toward.

Thank you for reminding that the large gate is reflective of my mental self today, if I understand that correctly. What it makes me think of is the wall that has stood between me and the world. I could paint graffiti on this wall, labelling/naming all the influences of my childhood that have imprisoned me. This might be a creative way to work with the dream.

There are far too many experiences related to each of the five siblings shown in my dream…many, many memories and experiences. What I can say in short order is that the early life experiences have had disastrous impacts on my family, seen in the tragedy in the lives of all of us…most especially my eldest sister who turned to drugs (as a means of dealing with the pain) and crime at an early age, was incarcerated over and again, and ultimately died due to AIDS at far too young an age. What strikes me at this moment is that I have desired to write a book concerning my life, an inspiration that has been with me since I was an adolescent. The stories of my siblings, as seen from my eyes, would be a part of the larger story.

I only now connected the temporary reprieve (khakis seen on the floor) in the dream as being (maybe) that of my enlistment in the US Military, a period of my life during which I strove to create a new and better life for myself…which was indeed a successful period…but, still, the impacts of my childhood remained in need of attention all during that period - and after.

The actual reprieve I experienced in the midst of the most significant assault on my being (the molestation) would be my escape to the spiritual dimension of life, which is where I lived as a teenager. Spirituality has been a very strong component of my life.

And it is very important for me to always remember that I work to heal both the inner masculine and inner feminine, for the wounds inflicted affected all of me, not just my young feminine self. When I have looked and do look at the lives of my brothers and see and understand how they were affected, I know that I am also looking at how my own inner masculine was affected. Similarly, when I look at the life of my father, I know that I, likewise, have been working to heal the masculine as seen in and experienced from my relationship with him.

Day 6 of 2019. I am a big fan of the number 9 and when you add all these numbers together you get 18 and then 9 {1+8}. This is a positive number, nine being the ruling number of the universe, the NATURAL world. This would reflect a positive aspect in your life, an escape from the negatives. You are in a process of change which will provide peace of mind, wholeness. As long as you find ways to stay free from the negative emotional energies. But there are anxieties brought about by the strong foundational energies which are capable of bringing back the forces your personality and attitudes are built on. A fear of the negative energies. You are on a search for wholeness, freedom from your past.

Day 6 of 2019 of the holiday season. Holiday represents a need for a break or time for rest. The number 6 is the physical self and 9 the spiritual/metaphysical. You have made it to this day and time in your life despite the negatives in your life. Physically and spiritually. You are on the margins of total freedom from the negatives and still searching for total freedom. This is the end of the dream, where you are at the present time in your life.

This fits very well with my thoughts/feeling. I do believe I am very near to a breakthrough, though work still needs to be done. I am glad I recorded the above statement from the dream. I almost did not, because it seemed so out of place in relation to the rest of the dream. The feeling tone of the dream was extremely oppressive feeling, hence the language I used. It was a deep and deeply disturbing dream, emotionally. Yet, then, as I spoke the dream into my recorder (which is what I do, until I wake for the morning, when I actually record them in my electronic journal), came the clear statement that it was the 6th day of the holiday season. I decided it must be important, even if its meaning was not clear to me in the moment.

I do like to work with numbers, too, as I believe they hold significant meaning, especially as in this clear message that came through in the dream.
Thank you,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes, 12/21/2019

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Web Search

Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression

I will respond to your last post Sunday. Came down with bad head cold and that is not good for thought processing. Too much effort in building cat enclosures, not as young as I used to be, pushed myself to the limits.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression


Thank you for posting a message to let me know.

Not pushing myself to the same as limits I was able to when younger is something I must also be mindful of.

I send wishes that your head cold will resolve, soon!

And I am looking forward to my soon reunion with my Khaya (🐱) after a week away from home.

The welfare of your cats is multiplied by your loving care.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53, USA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Yes, 12/23/2019

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Web search

Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression

You have learned well the symbolic representations of the dream images. Anytime there is an unnamed or unknown person the application is most always of the dreamer's true emotional self. Named people can be both, symbolic and reflective of qualities the dreamer recognizes or sees within the person but can also as a literal application of a true experience. All images and actions are reflective of the emotional energies of the dreamer. I often get a dream where the dreamer sees a known person who is doing/has done something and immediately thinks it is about that person. To the contrary, it is about the relationship of that person to the dreamer. My dreams are about my emotional energies, your dreams about your emotional energies. Apply that to all that happens in a dream and the meaning quickly begins to show itself. Going inward is a purely psychological endeavor to discover the true self and all that underlies and supports the life that is now being lived.

Jung and Dreams
Dreams are the 'royal road' to the unconscious and whereas it takes a typical non-Jungian analyst months if not years to get to that deepest self, A Jungian dream analyst can get there within one dream {not the full scope but a good outline}. I have come to believe that it is nature's intent for dreams to be as they are. Symbolic images using metaphor because that is how early man communicated {Egyptian hieroglyphs being the best example}. And therapeutic to help resolve the emotional energies that are out of balance {nature's tool}. The body has the immune system, the psyche the dream.Jung tapped into this other world by realizing the images in dreams are often the same or similar to those in mythology {this is where Joseph Campbell played an important role in understanding that relationship}. As Campbell stated, 'Myths are the universal dream, the collect psyche of a people culture, society. The dream is the personal myth, the images exaggerated but reflected the personal energies' {not an exact quote}. A 'mythic' image in a dream is usually during an important time in the dreamer's life. A time of change, transformation or important realization. These are reflective of Jung's archetypes, the underlying emotional energies that we all possess that show themselves as the individual experiences the collective experience {as an individual personal experience}. Once a person understands the existence of the archetypal energies and how a deviation from there true intent rules the life from childhood forward, the sooner a resolution to what causes emotional conflict can be resolved.

Nature and Nurture
Nature intended for the newborn infant to be help by the mother and given immediate emotional and physical nourishment. A developing child is intended to have proper love and nurturing throughout childhood. When there is an absence of these the psyche becomes unbalanced and corrective measures are needed. But because these are more an unconscious experience nature provides us with the dream to provide 'clues' to what causes the imbalance. Early nurturing is so important to the developing mind and few of us receive it, especially in today's society where everything we do is focused outward on the material world. Science has shown this to be true, the first years of life being the most important in the psyche{ology} development of the individual. This is why I use the image I use on my websites, pages and even signatures. The Inner child, the undeveloped psyche that is inwardly known but outwardly lacking. The dream is a whisper of the true inner self.

Inner work, or self psychology, takes a long time and self discovery is never ending. I began my journey when I was 42 at the end of my third marriage. It took almost 20 years to fully realize my inability to stayed married to three wonderful women was because I was 'driven' my emotional energies. Paired with a strong libido {physical and psychological co-ordination} and my addition was pretty much the same as my father's {who abandoned my mother and 4 children when I was 5}. I never followed in his footsteps of abandonment but along with the libido aspect the 'running' became a part of who I became as well. Once I understood what the underlying forces were I was able to put them in their place and they no longer had control over me. My dreams helped me with this discovery {not in a direct way but by directing me inward}. We all have these same tendencies, we are what we lived as children first and foremost. I known women who went from one failed relationship to another {I've 'known' a lot of women} and when you looked at their childhood relationship with men/father you see the underlying reasons. Knowing and working on the underlying causes {psychological} is how you end the cycle, put yourself on the path to the discovery of true self. Dreams are tools to this discovery.
Note: Many will say what I have stated above is but a way out. I say they have yet to find their own way.

I think we have discovered what your dreams are trying to communicate. Going inward and finding what motivates you and why those motivations exist. You are at the advanced stage of self discovery {most never begin}. The one thing I can suggest to help in resolving the inner issues is finding your bliss factor. That is most often centered in the muse, the creative self. Or/and a cause your soul identifies with. This is another aspect where Campbell plays a major role in the individuation of the self. My tool has been with web design and dreams. In web design I use the basic language of HTML and never ever software. This allows me to be creative. HTML, as a co-incidence, is a 'coded' language {right click your mouse and click where it says 'View Page Source'}. What you see on a web page is from codes just as the metaphorical language of dreams and myth.
What is your bliss? What one thing in life puts you in a place where nothing else matters as long as you are doing what you love to do most? It is not only therapeutic it is an expression of your true self. And spiritual. An artist paints a picture of what the soul feels. A song writer writes of self experiences. You mention the desire to write of your experiences so others can open up to their own inner issues. Sharing of oneself is spiritual, giving of oneself to the other. When you follow your bliss you are in the realm of natural law and the only law that rules is nature's. A simple equation that so few people are able to solve.

“Follow your bliss.
If you do follow your bliss,
you put yourself on a kind of track
that has been there all the while waiting for you,
and the life you ought to be living
is the one you are living.
When you can see that,
you begin to meet people
who are in the field of your bliss,
and they open the doors to you.
I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid,
and doors will open
where you didn't know they were going to be.
If you follow your bliss,
doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.”

Joseph Campbell

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 69 Altoona, Fl

Re: Visiting David & Need to be Free from Oppression


I will miss saying something here, I am sure, but I trust you will grasp my sincerity. Know that my heart thanks you for being the voice of affirmation I needed to hear in this moment now. Thank you for exploring these dreams with me and for being able to see the monumental work I have already done. Know that your work here and on the old Myths Dreams Symbols website assisted my own journey greatly. My task has been this long road of healing and I know that I will more nearly approximate the completion of my work by telling the story life has given me to share. It is time for me to take this next leg (writing) of my journey, as seen in other recent dreams encouraging me to commence this work.

What you have written is true. Our dreams are indeed all about us, all characters, all aspects. And they will indeed lead us to greater healing and wholeness if we can but become committed to listening to and faithfully engaging with these songs from our soul.

I shan’t say anymore here, as I feel strongly that it is time for me to take my leave and get busy with my next step(s).

You/your work has been a blessing in my life.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53, USA

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