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Being promoted to judge against my will

This dream happened in the morning, before I woke up. The people in the dream were not faces I recognized, and they were all females of different ages.
It starts with me having received the news that I am being transferred to a new facility (that I apparently didn't like), with a new position (that's yet to be made clear, but that I assumed I knew what it was), by a female boss of old age (who I didn't really like, but felt pressured to comply with whatever she dictates).

The position I assumed I was getting was of Business Analyst, and while I wasn't thrilled about it, I thought I could somewhat make it work, transitioning in from my current background, until I figure out what to do about it in the future.

Then, I see myself in a conference room of sorts with two young women, one who appears neutral and never talks, and the other one with a piece of paper, writing something down on it. She seemed focused, but also somewhat upset and resentful. This woman then asked me, without looking at me, "What's your position?". I replied, "Business Analyst" in a neutral and assertive fashion. The woman looked up, clearly even more upset by the news, while the other quiet woman had a face of shock about her in reaction to the resentment of her peer, and the angry woman simply stormed out of the room.

Suddenly, I find myself in my female boss's car, in the passenger seat while she drives, on our way to work. My boss congratulates me on my robe ceremony, and apologizes for "not being able to make to it". A sense of confusion overcomes me, for I do not even recall said ceremony, or anything about a robe, and now I find myself wondering what on earth I'm supposed to be doing.

I then walk into the conference room, where the neutral woman looks up at me with a mouth shut, and eyes opened wide, and the other previously resentful woman is bursting in laughter, trying to contain herself, but she couldn't, and finally bursts out, "You're a judge?! Good f*** luck!" She can't cease from laughing. Already confused, my face instantly turns into a sense of anger and upset-ness (if that's a word) at the compounded situation of it all--the transfer, the highly different and seemingly unqualified position, the scorn and mockery from this girl I don't even know...I was not happy. Even though it was a dream, I still feel that sensation linger. In response, the laughing woman says, overjoyed, "Everything is not about money, money, money...Hahahahahaha" But I was way too upset to even acknowledge that comment or respond to it. I walk out of the conference room, focusing in particularly no one, and just mad at the world about the entire situation, while preparing to perform the duties of my newfound role that I didn't ask for or knew how to perform.

This is the end of the dream, I wake up confused. I tried to look up meanings, but there's so much packed into this dream, judging from what I found, that a lot of information was contradictory to each other. The dream itself made no sense to me, a judge earns more than a BA for one, and has a lot more impact and responsibility in the world for another. That woman was way too sentimentally invested in the doom and gloom of my being, or the removal of my competence and confidence, for someone who I never met, and what I do now or have done in the past has zero to do with the practice of being a judge. And the boss? It felt like she wasn't even my original boss...but she just injected herself into my life has a boss and then removed me from where I was into a completely different space, from herself included. The whole office and institution itself seemed to have nothing to do with law... Could someone help me make better sense of this? There're too many directions I can take this to, and I need to filter it some more.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 F TX

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Re: Being promoted to judge against my will

This dream happened in the morning, before I woke up. The people in the dream were not faces I recognized, and they were all females of different ages.
It starts with me having received the news that I am being transferred to a new facility (that I apparently didn\'t like), with a new position (that\'s yet to be made clear, but that I assumed I knew what it was), by a female boss of old age (who I didn\'t really like, but felt pressured to comply with whatever she dictates).

The position I assumed I was getting was of Business Analyst, and while I wasn\'t thrilled about it, I thought I could somewhat make it work, transitioning in from my current background, until I figure out what to do about it in the future.

Then, I see myself in a conference room of sorts with two young women, one who appears neutral and never talks, and the other one with a piece of paper, writing something down on it. She seemed focused, but also somewhat upset and resentful. This woman then asked me, without looking at me, \"What\'s your position?\". I replied, \"Business Analyst\" in a neutral and assertive fashion. The woman looked up, clearly even more upset by the news, while the other quiet woman had a face of shock about her in reaction to the resentment of her peer, and the angry woman simply stormed out of the room.

Suddenly, I find myself in my female boss\'s car, in the passenger seat while she drives, on our way to work. My boss congratulates me on my robe ceremony, and apologizes for \"not being able to make to it\". A sense of confusion overcomes me, for I do not even recall said ceremony, or anything about a robe, and now I find myself wondering what on earth I\'m supposed to be doing.

I then walk into the conference room, where the neutral woman looks up at me with a mouth shut, and eyes opened wide, and the other previously resentful woman is bursting in laughter, trying to contain herself, but she couldn\'t, and finally bursts out, \"You\'re a judge?! Good f*** luck!\" She can\'t cease from laughing. Already confused, my face instantly turns into a sense of anger and upset-ness (if that\'s a word) at the compounded situation of it all--the transfer, the highly different and seemingly unqualified position, the scorn and mockery from this girl I don\'t even know...I was not happy. Even though it was a dream, I still feel that sensation linger. In response, the laughing woman says, overjoyed, \"Everything is not about money, money, money...Hahahahahaha\" But I was way too upset to even acknowledge that comment or respond to it. I walk out of the conference room, focusing in particularly no one, and just mad at the world about the entire situation, while preparing to perform the duties of my newfound role that I didn\'t ask for or knew how to perform.

This is the end of the dream, I wake up confused. I tried to look up meanings, but there\'s so much packed into this dream, judging from what I found, that a lot of information was contradictory to each other. The dream itself made no sense to me, a judge earns more than a BA for one, and has a lot more impact and responsibility in the world for another. That woman was way too sentimentally invested in the doom and gloom of my being, or the removal of my competence and confidence, for someone who I never met, and what I do now or have done in the past has zero to do with the practice of being a judge. And the boss? It felt like she wasn\'t even my original boss...but she just injected herself into my life has a boss and then removed me from where I was into a completely different space, from herself included. The whole office and institution itself seemed to have nothing to do with law... Could someone help me make better sense of this? There\'re too many directions I can take this to, and I need to filter it some more.
My usual method in analyzing a dream is to interpret the images and actions {most are symbolic/metaphorical but with some literal applications}. I started your dream by doing this but by the time I got to the final two paragraphs I sensed the what seems to be the dream message, to the point I could provide a summary. Before I do that let me provide my theory of dreams {primary Jungian but with personal concepts} I feel important to help you understand how dreams function, and my analysis.

1. Dreams are about emotional energies of the dreamer
2. All dreams have at least two meanings/applications. One focuses on early life programming and another dealing with recent experiences that possessed strong emotional energies {there can be more than two}.
3. A primary function of dreams is to help resolve emotional conflicts. Just as the body has the immune system to heal and protect, the psych{ology} has the dream
4. Early life programming {experiences with strong emotional energies} are always a factor in actions and re-actions and dreams address those issues, and has some inclusion in all dreams
5. An experienced dream analyst {Jungian} possessing only the age and gender of the dreamer can provide an outline of emotional energies but seldom actual personal experiences.
Also note. One important concept of Jungian dream psyche is unknown or unnamed people in a dream are aspects of the dreamer. Some will include references to actual people as well as being a personal aspect {example: The boss could be a reference to an actual person, a person who is authoritative in their position. But it would also be referencing 'authoritative' emotional energies within you, what drives you emotionally.

With that my summary, part of which cites early life programming and another that references recent experiences {which I rarely provide}.

The dream seems to be addressing early life programming in it points to a personal trait of your tendency of avoiding conflict, taking a neutral position instead of showing your true feelings/opinions. This would be due to not be giving proper preparation for emotional conflicts in early life or/and witnessing an older woman who is in that position {thus influencing your personality and personal attitudes}. This is your normal self in later life, likely having issues with self confidence that keeps you from being 'all you should be/can be'. What you experienced in early life becomes the programming of who you become in alter life.

But the dream also seems to be addressing a recent experience where you deviated from this norm, let your true feelings show. Being assertive in your actions when normally you would hold in your true feelings. Instead of taking a neutral position in a recent experience you demonstrated opposite actions, you are being the boss and expressing your true self {in this experience it seems to be anger}.

The title of a dream often provides good insights to the dream message {the title being an unconscious response to the emotional energies of the dreamer}. The title of your dream seems to be applicable in you have, in the recent experience I referenced, you showed self confidence by expressing your true emotions {counter to being passive/neutral}.

Title: Being promoted to judge against my will
Increasing or a need to increase your self confidence to overcome insecurities

Two questions
1. Has there been a recent experience that fits with this scenario? It was an uncomfortable position for you to be in and your response was not your usual self.
2. Do you possess a tendency to be passive/neutral instead of showing your true feelings {which would be a product of early life learning/programming}?

The whole experience as uncomfortable as it was liberating in it provided possible beginnings of new self confidence {last paragraph from the dream}. But because of early life programming it will take more work to overcome the negatives from the formative years. You are left confused because of the recent experience, going against your norms which, because of the strong internal emotional energies keep you locked in to being the passive, less self confident person you are.

My interpretation of the first paragraphs

Title: Being promoted to judge against my will
Increasing or a need to increase your self confidence to overcome insecurities

This dream happened in the morning, before I woke up. The people in the dream were not faces I recognized, and they were all females of different ages.
-emotional state of mind/issues you are not fully aware of related to early life experiences/learning that has affected you throughout your life

It starts with me having received the news that I am being transferred to a new facility (that I apparently didn't like), with a new position (that's yet to be made clear, but that I assumed I knew what it was), by a female boss of old age (who I didn't really like, but felt pressured to comply with whatever she dictates).
-recent emotional experience{s} where you were in an undesirable position and and your reaction was being guided by established internal energies/may point to mother relationship that possessed strong emotional experiences/pressures related to mother

The position I assumed I was getting was of Business Analyst, and while I wasn't thrilled about it, I thought I could somewhat make it work, transitioning in from my current background, until I figure out what to do about it in the future.
-issues/experiences that you are attempting to deal with in your waking life causing an improper/opposite emotional response which as a norm you would governed by established internal emotional energies

Then, I see myself in a conference room of sorts with two young women, one who appears neutral and never talks, and the other one with a piece of paper, writing something down on it. She seemed focused, but also somewhat upset and resentful. This woman then asked me, without looking at me, "What's your position?". I replied, "Business Analyst" in a neutral and assertive fashion. The woman looked up, clearly even more upset by the news, while the other quiet woman had a face of shock about her in reaction to the resentment of her peer, and the angry woman simply stormed out of the room.
-applying learned disciplines, prone to take a not expressing true emotions, tendency to take a neutral position to avoid conflict but being in a position {experience} where you discard normal reaction

Suddenly, I find myself in my female boss's car, in the passenger seat while she drives, on our way to work. My boss congratulates me on my robe ceremony, and apologizes for "not being able to make to it". A sense of confusion overcomes me, for I do not even recall said ceremony, or anything about a robe, and now I find myself wondering what on earth I'm supposed to be doing.
-being assertive despite your normal passive tendencies due to not being provided {early life} with proper preparation for conflicts in life


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Being promoted to judge against my will

Thank you, Jerry, for the insightful interpretation, and your theory of dreams. I do have a tendency of taking a neutral stance and have for many years; I have been always brought up not to question my parents, and would largely comply. But every once in a blue moon I'd have short outbursts of verbal opposition towards others, and have been put in a situation where I voiced it a lot in a short period of time (by my standards) half a year ago.

I feel as though I have a lot of information not only on the dream, but also about dreams in general. However, I do want to be more aware and take better care of my psychology; are there any readings you recommend for beginners? I am also interested in working as an adult to better prepare myself where my childhood has been lackluster on that...would CBT be the right approach?

Thanks again!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 F TX

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} May 25, 2020 - 10:49AM

Re: Being promoted to judge against my will

I apologize for not responding sooner. So many things on my plate too little time to get em done. I am care taker of my colony of cats which in itself is a full time job. Although I am retired I have had to work an extra day a week {usually just Saturdays} for the family fence company. have as much or more to do than I did when i wasn't retired.

What you state about your family as well as the more recent period of outbursts come through in the dream. Dreams reflect what needs resolution in your emotional life, the recent outbursts being a compensation for unresolved emotional energies. Family environment in the early years primarily form the central psych{ology} of who we become and when there are issues from those years that left you not being your true self {dreams attempt to bring about balance}. Your short outbursts could very well be a response to a need to compensate what you could not do when you were younger. Authoritarian type environment when younger is ingrained in the psyche with a need for resolution and the outbursts may be a part of that need. Something is out of balance and dreams attempt to help in that resolution. This is why I gave my interpretation for the dream statement, "It starts with me having received the news that I am being transferred to a new facility". In short this represents my interpretation, 'recent emotional experience{s} where you were in an undesirable position and and your reaction was being guided by established internal energies/may point to mother relationship that possessed strong emotional experiences/pressures related to mother'. The new facility would be, in one aspect related to emotional energies, a transference of early life energies that need resolution to later life attitudes and actions. These are unconscious responses which you are likely not aware of and for what the dream is attempting to convey {a primary function of dreams}.

And there is this part of the dream statement with my analysis.
Suddenly, I find myself in my female boss's car, in the passenger seat while she drives, on our way to work. My boss congratulates me on my robe ceremony, and apologizes for "not being able to make to it". A sense of confusion overcomes me, for I do not even recall said ceremony, or anything about a robe, and now I find myself wondering what on earth I'm supposed to be doing.
-being assertive despite your normal passive tendencies due to not being provided {early life} with proper preparation for conflicts in life

The female boss would be both your mother {not necessarily a traumatic emotional event{s} but one that your psyche took notice of} as well as a controlling inner dominate energy. These early life experiences are why you have issues with speaking your true mind, a personality trait that has positive as well as negative contexts. Dreams are attempting to help resolve the negatives.

I think overall the dream title {as often the case} sums up what energies are in play.
Dream Title: Being promoted to judge against my will
Increasing or a need to increase your self confidence to overcome insecurities

You get past the barriers formed in early life with your outbursts. Recent experiences compensating for early life experiences {negative aspects}.

Pay attention to future dreams. It is a usual response For dreams to build on past dreams when you take time to understand their meaning. Usually the dream language is with entirely different scenarios. May seem unrelated but when analyzed and interpreted you see the relationship.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Being promoted to judge against my will

Gerald M Gifford
I apologize for not responding sooner. So many things on my plate too little time to get em done. I am care taker of my colony of cats which in itself is a full time job. Although I am retired I have had to work an extra day a week {usually just Saturdays} for the family fence company. have as much or more to do than I did when i wasn\'t retired.

What you state about your family as well as the more recent period of outbursts come through in the dream. Dreams reflect what needs resolution in your emotional life, the recent outbursts being a compensation for unresolved emotional energies. Family environment in the early years primarily form the central psych{ology} of who we become and when there are issues from those years that left you not being your true self {dreams attempt to bring about balance}. Your short outbursts could very well be a response to a need to compensate what you could not do when you were younger. Authoritarian type environment when younger is ingrained in the psyche with a need for resolution and the outbursts may be a part of that need. Something is out of balance and dreams attempt to help in that resolution. This is why I gave my interpretation for the dream statement, \"It starts with me having received the news that I am being transferred to a new facility\". In short this represents my interpretation, \'recent emotional experience{s} where you were in an undesirable position and and your reaction was being guided by established internal energies/may point to mother relationship that possessed strong emotional experiences/pressures related to mother\'. The new facility would be, in one aspect related to emotional energies, a transference of early life energies that need resolution to later life attitudes and actions. These are unconscious responses which you are likely not aware of and for what the dream is attempting to convey {a primary function of dreams}.

And there is this part of the dream statement with my analysis.
Suddenly, I find myself in my female boss\'s car, in the passenger seat while she drives, on our way to work. My boss congratulates me on my robe ceremony, and apologizes for \"not being able to make to it\". A sense of confusion overcomes me, for I do not even recall said ceremony, or anything about a robe, and now I find myself wondering what on earth I\'m supposed to be doing.
-being assertive despite your normal passive tendencies due to not being provided {early life} with proper preparation for conflicts in life

The female boss would be both your mother {not necessarily a traumatic emotional event{s} but one that your psyche took notice of} as well as a controlling inner dominate energy. These early life experiences are why you have issues with speaking your true mind, a personality trait that has positive as well as negative contexts. Dreams are attempting to help resolve the negatives.

I think overall the dream title {as often the case} sums up what energies are in play.
Dream Title: Being promoted to judge against my will
Increasing or a need to increase your self confidence to overcome insecurities

You get past the barriers formed in early life with your outbursts. Recent experiences compensating for early life experiences {negative aspects}.

Pay attention to future dreams. It is a usual response For dreams to build on past dreams when you take time to understand their meaning. Usually the dream language is with entirely different scenarios. May seem unrelated but when analyzed and interpreted you see the relationship.

No worries on the "late response" (not at all that late, in my opinion). These modern days in society do not make it easier on making time, but I just wanted to drop a line out and make sure you know I am aware you replied. I'll be reading it out this up coming weekend and take it from there. Just you spending out time, expertise, and advice on these forums to a stranger like me is awesome as it is. Thank you for being a mentor.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 32 F TX

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} May 25, 2020 - 10:49AM

Re: Being promoted to judge against my will

Look forward to your response. Every dream is a learning experience with each dream a way of verifying what we/I believe is a viable, comprehensive and reliable approach to analyzing and understanding dreams. When I use 'we' it is because there are many like myself who use general Jungian concepts in analyzing dreams and find good results {actually very good results}. Why is this? We have an understanding dreams are:

1. about the dreamer's emotions/emotional energies
2. have a language of symbol and metaphor but with literal applications as well
3. have many levels of interpretations. My approach is every dream addresses early life foundations that solidifies attitudes and personality, as well as addressing current emotional experiences. Who we become in adult life is predicated in a great way by our early life learning, indoctrination by constant experiences that possess strong or important emotional energies.
4. and have the intent to help the dreamer resolve negative emotional issues. Just as nature gave us an immune system to heal and protect, it gave us the dream to serve the same purpose for the psych{ology}

when interpreting a dream and the messages it is attempting to communicate is not as difficult as many believe {still a great many psychologists who believe we are still trying to discover what dreams are, but few are Jungian}. If you google dream interpretation most are now Jungian based and not Freudian {Jung was a student, protege and 'heir' before break from Freud and their differing concepts of the unconscious}

An aspect in my analyzing dreams at the Dream Forum that needs mention is I only know the dreamer's age, gender and sometimes location {cultural applications in dreams can be important, to a degree}. With these I can determine, from the dream dialog and language, structure and actions, an outline of the emotional energies the dream is focusing on and trying to communicate. When I am provided with actual personal experiences there can be a correlation of the dream images/actions/symbols to actual waking life experiences. Both from childhood as well as more recent and current experiences. What is out of balance or in conflict emotionally in the dreamer's life is the plot and subject in all dreams.

It doesn't take an Einstein to properly interpret dreams. But with some Jungian educations most anyone can.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

stats from 7-14-10 to the present