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Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
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Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

I had a dream where two lions were chasing us. We (there was a man and child with me, presumably it was my husband and our child) ran up to the door of our home, and found a dead duck on the doorknob. Somehow we got inside. One lion was killed by townspeople, and the other escaped.

I immediately had another dream (as if it was Part 2) where the second lion was running toward me as it approached our fenced-in yard. I grabbed the child (mine, i guess) and ran to the house. Again, there was a dead duck with his bill on the doorknob. I started to hesitate then pulled it off and just got us inside in the nick of time.

This is one of the most unsettling dreams I’ve ever had. :-/

* * *

I've dreamt about lions in the past, but although I was fearful of them they weren't out to hurt me. Rather, they stopped me (in 3 different dreams) from going down a path that looked right and inviting to me. But in this dream, I was terrified of them as they were out to kill.

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

My usual method of analyzing dreams is to interpret the images and actions within the sentences to get an analysis of a dream. I have done this for your dream which is below. Having only limited info, age and gender, {in your case only gender assuming you are female} I can provide a general outline of the emotional energies from interpreting the images and actions. It is up to you to put those together to fit within your life.

Outside that my sense of the dream is you are now confronting issues of emotional dependency which could restrict proper actions/reactions to current experiences in your life. You have escaped from the physical aspects related to this dependency {moved away from original experiences} but are governed by the emotional energies. Those emotional energies are now resurfacing.

I your post you mentioned 'going down a path that looked right and inviting to me'. Perhaps you are now in a similar position/experience and the deep rooted emotional energies from childhood are still attempting to govern your decisions. In such a case the dream points to removing yourself from the physical aspects even when the emotional aspects still remain {childhood experiences that are the foundations for personality and personal attitudes remain throughout life}. In past dreams the lions {strong emotional energies} were contained and you made the right decisions. This present experience mat require the same attitudes so to overcome the inherent emotional forces.

Here is my interpretation of the dreams. Please provide a response to my analysis. My services are free and all I ask is feedback.

First Dream
I had a dream where two lions were chasing us. We (there was a man and child with me, presumably it was my husband and our child) ran up to the door of our home, and found a dead duck on the doorknob. Somehow we got inside. One lion was killed by townspeople, and the other escaped.

two lions were chasing us
-strong, powerful emotional energies/emotional and physical aspects you are avoiding/incapable of handling

We ran up to the door of our home
-confronting barriers of dependency
-also consider your husband representing the qualities of your father in which you projected onto this figure or the masculine side of your own personality

found a dead duck on the doorknob
-inflexibility/restricted to following emotional dependency likely related to childhood experiences.

Somehow we got inside
-family or domestic issues that you need to deal with

One lion was killed by townspeople, and the other escaped
-escaping one aspect {likely physical} but not the emotional aspect

Second Dream
I immediately had another dream (as if it was Part 2) where the second lion was running toward me as it approached our fenced-in yard. I grabbed the child (mine, i guess) and ran to the house. Again, there was a dead duck with his bill on the doorknob. I started to hesitate then pulled it off and just got us inside in the nick of time.

the second lion was running toward me as it approached our fenced-in yard
-emotional aspects/energies that are now resurfacing/restricted qualities related to your social being

I grabbed the child (mine, i guess) and ran to the house.
-latched onto childhood issues that are the foundations for emotional energies

Again, there was a dead duck with his bill on the doorknob
-incapable of escaping emotional dependencies

I started to hesitate then pulled it off and just got us inside in the nick of time
-proceeding despite uncertainty/emotional obsession to inner emotional energies


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

Thank you so much for your time, Gerald!

I found myself quite emotional when reading parts of your analysis, so yes, in general, it hit the mark. In trying to figure out the dream on my own, I had difficulty trying to decide which waking life events it may pertain to. As you suggested I have "escaped physical aspects" in two very strong commitments but now doubting I made the right decision.

One was pushing for a divorce just over 10 yrs ago (I felt justified at the time, felt emotionally paralyzed and believed he was unfaithful although he denied it). The other escape was stepping down from a management position about 8 months ago. I was being bullied from both my superiors and a couple subordinates. I could not figure out why they would do this to me. I was hard-working, honest, effective and meeting all protocols required for success, not to mention generally well-liked... having previously won and been recognized many times over a 10 yr period by past superiors and peers... but these few gas-lighted me to no end. The position was not something I sought, but rather just worked into as I like to say "doing the right thing at the right time". I needed a means to support myself and it fit. But I could not handle those last couple years, and feared it was affecting my health and sanity. But, getting that divorce a decade ago and stepping down last fall both felt good at the time... I am now in severe doubt about those decisions. However, I do understand that you're here to interpret the dream and not my situation itself. I wanted to add it as background and feedback.

The third possibility is a man who is making me feel stalked. He comes into my place of employment and gives me too much attention. I feel he is leering at my body and it's very uncomfortable. It is nice to be flattered and admired, but he keeps pushing me... giving me his number and such. He seems a bit older than me. After leaving, he will call the store and ask for me and repeat all the same talk.

7 or 8 yrs ago I dated a man for a short while, our beliefs were in alignment and we were both attracted to one another. However, he became controlling only after a couple dates, demanding I call him after being out at meetings or with friends, stalked me on a hike, and ripped a plant from a pot on my patio in the middle of the night. At this time, I started having recurring dream themes about lions (although one was a tiger). Those lions, however, were different than the ones I presented above because while I felt fearful of them, they were only guarding me from going down a path. These recent lions were out to devour me.

The man in the recent dream seemed to be my ex-husband. It was vague as was the child who I guess was ours. (In waking life we had 4 children together... I suspect... wow I just had a thought! This child in dream may represent our grandchildren. You see I stayed married to my husband for so many years for our children's sake, but I never thought about future grandchildren. The future is now here, and I feel such guilt and sadness that we are not together for them. I am the family-minded one, so idealistic when young and is it turns out just as idealistic as 60. :face_with_rolling_eyes: It was a rough birthday for me last month, and to realize how optimistic I was at 50 compared to now. I had been contacted my ex-husband's family due to an imminent death which has now occurred. He, not knowing they contacted me first, called to tell me. We spoke perfectly normally as we always have since divorce, even on subjects not related to the death.

The dead ducks on doorknob of recent dreams. I did not want to touch them! I was appalling and creepy to touch them, but it was the only way to get in to safety. But I don't know what to deduce that in first part, the man takes cares of it and the in the second I must do it myself.

Another reason I held back on details is there are so many and I feared making too many suggestions that would confuse or cloud the different scenarios. Anyway, I'm so very grateful for the forum and, again, your time! :slightly_smiling_face:

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 yr old female, Southwest USA

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Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

I appreciate the detailed response. I have another long dream to analyze today and I'll provide a more detailed response Sunday.

The personal info is valuable in understanding the dream. As I stated in my analysis I am only able to provide a general outline with the limited info I have about you. It is when I do have personal info I can provide insights to associations to current experiences. I'll look at what you have given and see how it fits with the dream, and vice versa.

If you see this response before then it will be valuable to have info about your childhood. My philosophy on dreams is they all address both foundations to personality and personality as well as current emotional experiences. Some dreams will focus as much on foundations while others will address current issues. in my experience all dreams will provide insights to both. The emotional energies from both are relevant since personality and developed attitudes from early life and environment will influence actions and reactions to current emotional experiences. If you could provide some context to your early life we may be able to expose unconscious influences to decision making and the self doubt you are experiencing currently. Th two lions would have associations to both. Escaping one {childhood environment as an adult} but with the emotional energies from those foundational years remaining within the unconscious and having influence if not control over the adult life}. Killing one lion but with the emotional energies surviving. That will apply also to recent decisions as well.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

Gerald M Gifford
If you could provide some context to your early life we may be able to expose unconscious influences to decision making and the self doubt you are experiencing currently.

I'm not quite sure what to share. I feel it was uneventful. I suffered no abuse from my parents. I was a middle child of 5 yet the 3rd daughter. It was not a perfect home (as compared to some neighbors sterile-looking houses), but I look back upon it thinking my parents were wonderful although there was some turmoil between the two of them. I never felt left out as a middle child, my father included me with everything he did with my brothers. He taught me to shoot, and how to use his printing press. I was mostly a quiet child, but found my voice at 13 when my mother bought me a tape recorder. I went around interviewing everyone and they were all surprised by it. An introvert but not shy.

I was closer in age to my brother (12 mos apart) so we shared a room even after the next brother was born. When I was about 11 or 12, my sister's boyfriend started finishing our basement and I asked to have a room down there. I moved into it but it was never finished. Then the older sisters moved out, and I took their room upstairs.

My mother was not the best housekeeper but gave us nutritious meals 3 times a day, got us to bed on time, read my favorite book night after night. She was very involved in activities for us 3 younger siblings... liking to bring around neighbor children for stories and crafts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, football, softball, etc. Many were frightened of my dad (although I never was), because he lost his temper once with a neighbor. The neighbor's son had thrown an ice ball at my brother. My father never knew this, but the same boy once walked into my yard and punched me so hard I couldn't breathe (I could've been anywhere between 4-6). He also accused me of cheating in 5th grade... out loud in front of the whole class. What really happened is at age 10 I started having wandering thoughts when the teacher was talking, and all of a sudden I noticed the whole class picked up their books and I didn't know what page to turn to, so I gave a sidelong glance to see the page number. I was mortified. The girl behind me made fun of a matted hair knot I had. I was embarrassed, but learned how to brush my own hair. In 1st grade there were 3 reading groups, and I was placed in the average one but the teacher thought I should be in the higher level so decided to try me out and I participated in both reading groups for the day so was unable to do my phonics assignment. When she realized I hadn't done it, she pulled my hair which hurt. The same teacher also complained to my mother that she couldn't hear me when I spoke, and I told my mother if she took that thing off her head she could hear me (she was a nun so the "thing" was a veil).

My parents separated the first time when I was a teen, and I became closer to my youngest brother during this time. That year, we three were the only ones living in the house. My mother went to work, and I looked after him for the summer. I sometimes took him with me to a friend's house who also watched her little brother, or sometimes we'd walk to the shopping center or bowling alley.

I'm not sure if I've said too much, or not specific about the right things. There were times writing this that I was reminded how often I've been misunderstood and how painful it is to have others wrongly accuse me.

Back to my dream earlier this week, I did not want to touch that dead duck! And my thoughts immediately go to my marriage (going back to my husband worth pursuing? dead and best left alone?), or going back to my higher position at work pointless? or worse, would be detrimental.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 yr old female, Southwest USA

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

There was one huge loss in childhood -- my best friend died at age 10.

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

I appreciate your sharing your story. Having responses to my analysis allows me to better understand the dream world. It also helps to verify the validity of my analysis. Having analyzed thousands of dream here at the Dream Forum has allowed me to understand that Jung got it right with his concepts on dreams as well as my analysis of dreams having validity. There are many like myself who use Jungian concepts who can successfully analyze and interpret dreams. Nothing magical about it, merely following the laws of nature and tapping into the deeper unconscious realm of the psyche.

Just as the body has an immune system to heal and protect, so to the psych{ology} has the dream.

It is likely this dream is focused more on current experiences and past relationships {divorce} and the emotional energies associated with those experiences. It could be your divorce has associations in some way to your parent's divorce. That would require deeper examination and although possibly important not what this dream seems to be focusing on.

Although there were not any serious or memorable issues in your childhood the benign experiences can play into development of personality and personal attitudes. We all are products to some degree of our childhood. School and peer pressure can make a big difference. My own experiences as a child from a poor family, being embarrassed and shamed at receiving free lunches and even being singled out as being unable to afford new shoes had a lot to do with having an introverted first 15 years in life {in reality I am an extrovert}. Not having father was also very damaging {he abandoned my mother and 4 children when I was 5}. Such things live on throughout life if not resolved.

The dead duck seems to be a key image {metaphor/symbolic} in the dream. Reading about finding your voice at age 13 made me take a look at my dream dictionary describing possible duck symbology. Here is part of what I found

'To see ducks in your dream represent your spiritual freedom (if flying) or the subconscious (if swimming). They serve as a connection between the spiritual realm and the physical world. Ducks are multi-talented animals in that they can walk, swim and fly. Thus, a duck indicates your flexibility and your ability to blend and adapt in various situations.'

I included the part about the spiritual realm not so much to point to spirituality but experiences with school and nuns. The negative experiences could have left a mark, emotional energies associated with such experiences being implanted in your psyche. A nun in a veil may represent hiding her dark side, your negative experiences being what the dream could be addressing. The connection between the spiritual realm and the physical world, your physical life and early experiences with religious nuns.

But what really caught my attention about the dream dictionary duck description was 'Ducks are multi-talented animals in that they can walk, swim and fly. Thus, a duck indicates your flexibility and your ability to blend and adapt in various situations.' The latter part seems to describe your flexibility to adapt both as a child and as an adult. And possibly as important is being multi-talented. You found your voice when given a tape recorder and your ability to excel in interviewing people. Part of the
archetypal energies we all are born with is a creative aspect which in Jungian perspective is how we truly live a meaningful life when we discover and utilize our inherent talents. Looking back at your childhood and finding your voice may help in understanding how that played into your adult life. If the duck is dead it may indicate you have not been able to expand on your inherent talents {which is the norm in today's society of abiding by social duty and materialism}. It is quite possible the dream is addressing that issue as well {dreams can have multiple applications}. Being inside {dream language “Somehow we got inside”} is a literal ‘going inward’. One lion is killed. Possibly referencing the creative aspect.

Dream Dictionary under Lion
To see a lion in your dream symbolizes great strength, courage, aggression and power. You will overcome some of your emotional difficulties. As king of the jungle, the lion also represents dignity, royalty, leadership, pride and domination. You have much influence over others. You also need to exercise some restraint in your own personal and social life. Alternatively, a lion represents your need for control over others. You have to be in charge.
Also: Dreaming of a dead lion refers to your fall from power or status.

You can see where I am going with the lion symbol.

Where are you when it comes to your creative self? Also consider the spiritual associations. Although the dream is likely more focused on current experiences to do with relationships and decisions, everything is relative in dreams as well as life. I was 42 when I discovered my true calling {Jugian psyche, dream analysis and web design}. The intent of dreams is to help the dreamer find wholeness in life and that requires resolving the conflicting emotional energies as well as finding the true self. The true self has a creative aspect and a spiritual element {not necessarily religious but in the spiritual realm of nature and natural law}. Could be important at this stage of your life if you have not yet resolve any issues associated with the creative and spiritual aspects.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

I've been working quite a bit, and considering all of this. I would like to ask (in reply to the following):

'To see ducks in your dream represent your spiritual freedom (if flying) or the subconscious (if swimming). They serve as a connection between the spiritual realm and the physical world. Ducks are multi-talented animals in that they can walk, swim and fly. Thus, a duck indicates your flexibility and your ability to blend and adapt in various situations.'

This very much fits me, but in the dream the duck is dead. Should I make anything of that? Could the fact the duck is dead mean that it is fruitless to go through that door. But then, I'm conflicted because the lion is pursuing me on the outside. Or maybe my ability to adapt is changing...

As to my creative side, I am frustrated about that. The creativity in my head is as active as ever, but my ability to make anything happen seems severely restricted. That is partly my own shortcomings and reaction to stress, all of which is connected to my job.

Thank you for your time. I'm amazed at your generosity with it as evidenced on this site. :slightly_smiling_face:

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

The dead duck would likely represent a blockage in your creative self. One major Jungian concept is we all have a creative aspect which when accessed and utilized indicates the person is in balance. But because of social duty, obligations to the social world {including materialism} the creative self is often blocked. That causes an out of balanced psyche. Stress is a powerful blocker of the creative self.

As for the lion chasing you on the outside. This could be the stress, current emotional energies that are pursuing you. This could affect your ability to adapt as you have been able to do in the past. Doubt is a powerful emotion and even when you have experience with similar situations in the past {and having the ability to adapt} doubt is always looking over your shoulders. The dead duck is on the doorknob in your dream and a doorknob often symbolizes access or restriction to some aspect in your life. Dream language; 'Again, there was a dead duck with his bill on the doorknob.' You are incapable of escaping emotional dependencies. This could apply to many aspects in your life and not just your creative self. As I have stated previously all dreams have more than one meaning/application.

But there is an important part of the dream which could be positive. The end of the dream which usually states current emotional energies states,'I started to hesitate then pulled it off and just got us inside in the nick of time.'
-proceeding despite uncertainty/emotional obsession to inner emotional energies

Now that you are consciously aware of negative tendencies and your positive abilities to adapt you can work on the positive. Your ability to adapt, knowledge you have previously overcome past issues, is a strength.

This philosophy in life may be helpful.
Do all you can do and don't worry about the rest.
I have found attitude this to be true. When I have things on my mind and I know I have done all I can do, worrying doesn't change things {except causing more stress}. And in the end all turns out OK.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

I'm still studying this... and feel like I am somehow supposed to act upon it, or perhaps, just mentally/emotionally think upon these situations differently than I have in the past.

I've had several more dreams where there was the same young child. Always I feel responsible... not too many details remembered as I've not had enough time to record them due to work. I do remember going through a town with the child... the child somehow was lost from me for a little bit... and I was greatly concerned for the child's well-being. It appeared to be an ancient place... the dwellings seemed to be hollowed-out rock with only openings as doors and windows and no furniture or decor of any kind. There were paths throughout the dwellings, leading one to the next. (I hesitate to say cave-like because although primitive it seemed well-formed and designed.)

A few days ago, I remembered an incident from my waking life. Many years ago when moving into a new (to us) home (that had been vacant for a year due to repairs needed after a tornado ht), we discovered a dead duck. It had become wedged in the chimney. No telling how long it had been there...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 yr old female, Southwest USA

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

Most likely the young child is you. I have found in many previous interpretations if a child is mentioned in the very first part of the dream it is indeed the dreamer as a child. The same is true in mentioned in later parts of the dream but may be in a different context. Either way there is usually a connection to the dream child to the dreamer as a child.

As for the symbolism of the child as you mention in your post.
'Always I feel responsible'.
The word responsible may be another term for guilt. As a child often their are feelings of guilt for something someone else has done, to the child. Something to consider.

'I do remember going through a town with the child... the child somehow was lost from me for a little bit... and I was greatly concerned for the child's well-being'
This could be you as a child as well as a child you know {your child?}. The concern would be for past experiences as a child as well as more recent or later experiences of concern. Often the experiences are related. What happened to you as a child may be a fear you have for the later day child. Being lost from you may be pointing to something that was lost, perhaps past experiences as a child you have forgotten. Going through a town with the child may be you 'mentally/emotionally thinking upon these situations'.

Ancient is something old as in the past.

The dwellings may be your inner self. Caves are often symbolic of the unconscious. Primitive can be symbolic of ancient, original which again would point to past experiences {as a child}. The description of the dwelling {your inner home and possibly your real home as a child} is a description of your emotional energies. It is lacking any real 'decor', your interior design. Doors and windows offer insights to these 'ancient' emotions. Paths may be the direction in life which is in a great degree determined by your childhood. Are there any shared experiences to your childhood and other children in later life {possibly your children}.

Another symbolic possibility for the cave is representing the womb and the mother relationship. Your mother and possibly you as a mother which could have associations to each other.

The experience with moving into a new home may have been a synchronicity event. Another symbolic representation of a duck is 'flexibility' in handling emotional situations {flexibility/ability to adapt}. A chimney is how you vent your emotions. Wedged is being blocked. Dead is not alive, not working or possibly buried.

A lot of the symbolism seems to be pointing to experiences within the unconscious that is not remembered or is being blocked {due to traumatic or bad experiences}. Associations to later life experiences {often a stimulus for a dream or dreams} would be common. Look at these possibilities and see what you come up with. The intent of our dreams is to get us to think about our emotional energies so we can reconcile what is out of balance. It is not an easy process and takes time and effort.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

I've been away, and taking another trip in a few days with no breaks from work inbetween. I continue to be hounded (didn't want to say plagued) by dreams; I'd rather have the dreams than not. Don't other people dream much? I'm surprised this forum isn't a mile long with requests... Anyway, I'm still trying to take all things into account but going in many directions which I welcome at the moment as I'm feeling very stuck, not an unusual feeling for me, but I do love going places, seeing new scenery or even rediscovering the old. It's one way in which I derive hope. "Hope is generally a wrong guide, though it is good company along the way." ~George Saville

Still, these dreams continue. Finally bears have made an appearance and they, too, are chasing me. But last night, the lions were back (a pair), they did not see me... and I almost missed spotting them as I was so busy caring for some children. I turned into another path that was hidden by a bush and a large trail sign. I forgot one of the children's names (and I felt ashamed), and as I had to leave hurriedly I left his bottle behind and was struggling trying to figure out an alternative way of feeding him.

To be sure, you've given me enough to go on and I certainly have some clues. :blush: I just like being able to keep this all in one spot. :wink:

I've been thinking, too, of Jung and others who relate everything back to one's childhood. I feel that at 60 yrs old, then 37 could be considered my childhood. Or childhood, per se, could be in any formative period in one's life, that is, some point at which you struck out anew, tackled a new concept, moved in a new direction (literally as well as figuratively).

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 yr old female, Southwest USA

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

I'll address your question about other people dreaming but first to why the forum doesn't have a lot more posts. At one time it did and I had a few other people help with the requests. For many years it was ranked high in internet searches, in the early 2000s. It got to the point I couldn't get to all the requests and when I lost my supporting help I had to scale back.

Also Google and smart cell phones came along. I am the webmaster and design all the pages at Power of Dreams {2012} and Myths-Dreams-Symbols {on line since 1998} and keeping the sites current to the new changes required by both were/are very time consuming. Designing sites for cell phones requires new individual pages that fit that medium, thousands of duplicate pages I have designed over many years. And the older I got and closer to retirement the less time I had to put into the sites and still properly analyze all the dream requests. When I did retire and got involved with animal rescue {I have 16 cats I care for} my time was even less.

On the positive side the rate of requests I get now fits my schedule. It allows me to more thoroughly focus on analyzing dreams and has let me form my own philosophies from the experience of 27+ years of interpreting thousands of dreams. I use primarily Jungian concepts but have my own 'hypothesis' that fit more with Freudian concepts of shaping our personalities and personal attitudes. Everything that is involves patterns and personal behavior follows the patterns formed from early life and are prominent as emotional energies when we dream. Jung different somewhat in his beliefs.

As for other people dreaming. Most everyone dreams every night {this page will provide insights to our dreaming brains Dream Science: Science and the Dreaming Brain. Science has shown the stages of sleep and it is during REM sleep we do most of our dreaming. Dreams are about emotional energies of the dreamer and have a primarily symbolic language but with literal applications as well {metaphor, the house is you but may also be a comment on a house you lived in}. An experienced 'Jungian' dream analyst can derive an outline of the emotional energies by translating the symbolic language and determine what 'patterns' are being addressed. Parental issues, those years in early life when personality and personal attitudes have their foundations, are common dream topics. A question I would ask you in a deeper analysis would be 'what was your relationship with the 'dependencies' in early childhood, it being a common pattern of experience in life with all people. With limited personal info I have about you I can not say this as a fact, that requires more personal information. The formative period in life you noted is real and to later or change those psyche energies requires a knowledge of them {what dreams attempt to communicate} so there can be changes made to better the person's psychological life.

I'll provide my thoughts on the bears and rest of your latest dreams in another post.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

Au contraire! my comments were in no way a criticism; rather, I was expressing surprise that you're not flooded with requests. I continue to be amazed of your sharing this gift freely.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 60 yr old female, Southwest USA

Re: Unsettling Dream (lions and ducks)

Not to worry, I didn't take it as a criticism. Just a short history of the evolution of the dream forum. Have learned a lot from responses to my analysis. Confirms Jung got it right and has allowed me to form valuable concepts which I have found to be useful and more often than not correct. Will provide more on your previous post tomorrow.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

stats from 7-14-10 to the present