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A dream about Two Chalices!!

I am a 33 year old male living in New York. I am currently try to start a company with the free time I have but I struggle to generate sales at the moment and I worry my funds will run out before I even have a chance to succeed.

I share this as it may provide some insight into interpreting the dream.

A day ago I asked what would have to happen for me to start a successful business and some of the things that are holding me back. I saw god as treating me unfairly being that now I am sick and trying to start a company. This is the dream I received below last night:

I saw were I was attending a live Jordan Peterson lecture about bible scripture. He was reading me a bible verse about two gold cups.
Apparently, there was someone who was asking god why he wasn’t getting his prayer answered and

why he wasn’t getting what he wanted.
And God answered him “What makest thou feel that I have not fillest thy cup..”

There were some other things said but I can’t remember what they were.

Then I saw the image of two gold cups with red and green ruby stones in them.

Then I saw two vampiric goats with red eyes trying to attack me and then I got in and elevator to escape them.
I think the elevator was going down.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33, Male, New York

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Re: A dream about Two Chalices!!

I'll provide an analysis of your dream tomorrow {Sunday}. Have most of it worked and only need a little more analysis to finish it.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

Re: A dream about Two Chalices!!

My sense of your dream is there are conflicting issues in both your personal life as well as spiritual life {Two Chalices}. As to what they have to do with your current position related to your job the conflict in both aspects. One is related to the other in relationship to early life indoctrination/instructions. The early life would be you as a child and the environment you grew up with.

As to the issues with your spiritual self, they are being addressed in the dream figure of Jordan Peterson who has peculiar vagueness in his concepts but with appealing allure to many who are seeking spiritual enlightenment {some based on Jungian concepts}. Are you weighing your spiritual beliefs, seeking answers beyond what you were taught in early life?

The personal life issues are at the core of what the dream is trying to communicate. I sense issues in early life, possibly related to your parents. Something has limited your personal growth which is partly illustrated by your current fears with your job and succeeding in creating a business. Going beyond that there are other deeper issues related to personal growth. What was the relationship with your parents especially our mother? Whatever you learned as a child are the foundations to who you are as an adult. Unconsciously as much or more as consciously. Something is holding you back and needs recognition as to what it is and reconciliation of those issues.

Below is my interpretation of the images and actions {that form my final analysis}. But before this is my approach to analyzing dreams {primarily Jungian} which hopefully will provide insights to my interpretation of the images and actions.

1. Dreams are about emotional energies of the dreamer
2. All dreams have at least two meanings/applications. One focuses on early life programming and another dealing with recent experiences that possessed strong emotional energies {there can be more than two}.
3. A primary function of dreams is to help resolve emotional conflicts. Just as the body has the immune system to heal and protect, the psych{ology} has the dream
4. Early life programming {experiences with strong emotional energies} are always a factor in actions and re-actions and dreams address those issues, and has some inclusion in all dreams
5. An experienced dream analyst {Jungian} possessing only the age and gender of the dreamer can provide an outline of emotional energies but seldom actual personal experiences.
Also note. One important concept of Jungian dream psyche is unknown or unnamed people in a dream are aspects of the dreamer. Some will include references to actual people as well as being a personal aspect {example: The boss could be a reference to an actual person, a person who is authoritative in their position. But it would also be referencing 'authoritative' emotional energies within you, what drives you emotionally.

Interpretation if Images and Actions

Jordan Peterson
-liberal but conflicting psychologist both in personal political views and contrasting Jungian concepts vs opposing concepts {personal views}

attending lecture
-weighing emotional decisions

Bible verse
-religious influence with a caveat of fear

He was reading me a bible verse
-need to obtain more information and knowledge/seeking vindication

about two gold cups
-conflict of true self/spiritual self

someone who was asking god
-seeking spiritual and personal nourishment/unattainable notion of perfection

why he wasn’t getting his prayer answered
-unreciprocated love

wasn’t getting what he wanted
-longing for what is lacking

God answered him
-identifying true emotional issues/true self

What makest thou feel that I have not fillest thy cup
-reasons for feelings of emptiness, unfulfillment

I saw the image of two gold cups with red and green ruby stones in them.
-perceiving objectively vs subjective emotions
-conflict in personal growth
-cup represents love, nurturer and the womb
-gold represents true self
-red and green represents decline vs growth
-ruby stones represents unyielding beliefs within self

I saw two vampiric goats with red eyes trying to attack me
-lacking proper judgment due to diminished psyche energies
-vampiric goats represents ‘things’ that emotionally drain you
-red eyes represents conscious assimilation of negative emotional energies

I got in elevator to escape them
-seeking direction in liberating of negative emotional energies

Elevator was going down
-decreased personal growth
End of Interpretation

Please provide a response. My service is free and all I ask is feedback to my analysis.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

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