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My weirdest dream

In my dream, A sexy liquid metal man had sex with me. His name is Busta. He and I were lovemaking. I had my pajamas on but his entire body was silver except his face. Busta would hold me while kissing me on my neck. When he morphed into a liquid, Busta would kiss me on my stomach. I really loved him and the sex. The dream ended when he told me that he love me, tickled and hugged me, gave me a kiss on the forehead, cheek, neck and lips when he was a watery figure of himself, and he morph into a silver liquid and left. I tried to look up what my dream means but I found nothing.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17 Female and Waynesboro, Georgia

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Re: My weirdest dream

My sense of your dream is it is focused on serous relationships with males whereas your interest has been on something other than that. Or something you have consciously ignored or repressed. Something has likely stimulated these thoughts and because of your age the dream is focused on this aspect of life and bringing it to the forefront in your life. Look at your perspective on love, sex and romance and see ow those fit within the dream {as I have interpreted in the list of actions and images below}. It should fit and if so then you have the answer to what your dream means. The next step is to reconcile the emotions, how you have felt in the past and how to go forward with these emotions in the future.

Some explanation to how dreams function and my method of analyzing dreams {primarily using Jungian dream psychology}. Although your dream is primarily focused on the future your personal attitudes are primarily shaped from early childhood environment. This dream is less about any issues related to that than it is to your current attitudes.

1. Dreams are about emotional energies of the dreamer
2. All dreams have at least two meanings/applications. One focuses on early life programming and another dealing with recent experiences that possessed strong emotional energies {there can be more than two}.
3. A primary function of dreams is to help resolve emotional conflicts. Just as the body has the immune system to heal and protect, the psych{ology} has the dream
4. Early life programming {experiences with strong emotional energies} are always a factor in actions and re-actions and dreams address those issues, and has some inclusion in all dreams
5. An experienced dream analyst {Jungian} possessing only the age and gender of the dreamer can provide an outline of emotional energies but seldom actual personal experiences.
Also note. One important concept of Jungian dream psyche is unknown or unnamed people in a dream are aspects of the dreamer. Some will include references to actual people as well as being a personal aspect {example: The boss could be a reference to an actual person, a person who is authoritative in their position. But it would also be referencing 'authoritative' emotional energies within you, what drives you emotionally.

Interpretation of images, actions and symbols
-a strong emotional related to the masculine {or males} that needs confronting and assimilated so to understand its emotional energies
-someone/something that has caused a strong emotional experience
-integrating masculine aspects with feminine self {psycological and literal}
-role played in the bedroom/intimate thoughts and attitudes
-something hidden {unconscious energies you are not aware of} but of value to personal growth
-not something you normally identify with {ego self}
-under the control of strong masculine emotions
-neglected aspects in relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical
-changing attitudes toward the masculine/looking at males with a new or different perspective
-aspects related to repressed emotions/unexpressed feelings
-integrating neglected aspects into waking life
-embracing needed integrated aspects that fits your stage of life
-aspects related to judgement and intimacy that develops into romance
-unconscious feelings, diluted ambiguity of what is imagined
-resolution to changing attitudes with a different perspective {toward the masculine/males}
-lingering impressions/introspection on what are continuous thoughts

Interpreted images and actions along with dream language
-A sexy liquid metal man-a strong emotional related to the masculine {or males} that needs confronting and assimilated so to understand its emotional energies

-his name is Busta-someone/something that has caused a strong emotional experience

-he and I were lovemaking-integrating masculine aspects with feminine self

-I had my pajamas on-role played in the bedroom/intimate thoughts and attitudes
-his entire body was silver-something hidden unconscious energies you are not aware of} but of value to personal growth
-except his face-not something you normally identify with {ego self}

-Busta would hold me-under the control of strong masculine emotions
-while kissing me on my neck-neglected aspects in relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical.

-When he morphed into a liquid-changing attitudes toward the masculine/looking at males with a new or different perspective
-Busta would kiss me on my stomach-aspects related to repressed emotions/unexpressed feelings

-I really loved him and the sex-integrating neglected aspects into waking life

-dream ended when he told me that he love me, tickled and hugged me-embracing needed integrated aspects that fits your stage of life
-gave me a kiss on the forehead, cheek, neck and lips-aspects related to judgement and intimacy that develops into romance
-he was a watery figure of himself-unconscious feelings, diluted ambiguity of what is imagined
-he morph into a silver liquid-resolution to changing attitudes with a different perspective {toward the masculine/males}
-and left-lingering impressions/introspection on what are continuous thoughts

One request. MY services are free but I do ask for a response to my analysis. More than just a thank you please.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 70 Altoona, Fl

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