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Mid-Life and Dreams

When you look at the posts at the Forum you may notice the number that are being posted by those who are at that mid-life stage. Having been in that transitional stage myself for what seems an eternity {I turn 55 in March} I am very familiar with the many changes that come about at this time in life. Family and career are no longer the great priorities they once were. Health become s a daily issue. Death becomes a reality. And in our dreams these issues are a common theme that come up in our nightly sleep. If you listen to your dreams and take them seriously you may find a whole cadre of information within your own self, information that is about you and your life, and possible solutions to the onslaught of emotions and physical changes that accompany mid-life.

Through Jung's 'Individuation Process' you learn to accept the body's decline, understand the transfomational psychological process and begin to understand the importance of finding and doing that one thing in life that you have always been drawn to but never could find the will or time to put to doing it. Joseph Campbell said they we have two chances to find true bliss in life. One is in our early years, teenage/young adult when we are thinking about the possibilities in life. And the other is at mid-life, where the changes are shoved upon us whether we want it or not. The choice is between living a life of extreme anxieties and unresolved conflicts {which most people choose are have chosen for them} or finding resolution to these conflicts through inner reflection and what Marion Woodman called 'soul work'.

Soul work was the lifetime endeavor of Carl Jung, through the understanding of dreams. Any one can participate in this adventure, and if there is enough effort given to it anyone can learn to understand their dreams, and themselves. It is a challenge, especially in today's fast paced world where the demands of time and energy are so great. And it is not something you can casually approach, it takes effort. But the choices of not acting to insure balance and harmony in te individual life are what lead to the many conflicts on the world stage, the cumulative state. We as individuals, by making wrong choices in our lives, and carry through with those wrong choices throughout a lifetime are reflected in the state that the world is in. Stuck in a maze of material worth, power, greed and religious zealousy we are not only demoralizing our individual pysches but world psyche also, not to mention the planet and environment in which we are but a part. The process of sorting out the individual life and restoring balance is what will lead to a better world. And it can only come with one individual at a time.

For those who have yet to embrase the possibilities of the soul's journey or who are at that starting point, I suggest you begin your inner quest with my page 'A Dummies Guide to Dreams'. After these series of pages I have pages and pages of information dedicated to dreams, spiritulaity and mid-life issues. And I incourage you to visit the Forum often so you can see first hand how interpreted dreams offer the insights I speak of.

And to those who are already activitely engaged in their own personal 'soul work' and who lend their time to the Forum by posting dreams and followups, I want to say thanks. By providing information that is often very personal you have given great insights to how the dream functions. It is not only educational for me, it also gives first hand experience for us all to how dreams do work on an individual basis and how they reflect the waking and unconscious life of the dreamer. It is truly a learning experience.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 54

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Murfreesboro, Tn

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