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Proper Posting of a Dream

When I think of a dream I see it as an on-stage play, with characters and scripts that readily define what is trying to be communicated. Each character {aspect} has a role to play and in its presentation on stage one character can not tread on the lines of another {unless it is scripted that way}. If everyone speaks without clear definition then nothing is understood.

When a dream is written down for presentation it should be done so that there is clear and precise understanding of what needs to be said. Proper structure of sentences and paragraphs are important and make it much easier for understanding. Just as in a letter there should be breaks between thoughts and actions. Running sentences together makes it so very difficult to grasp the message of the dream. It may be hard for some to do this but for a proper interpretation it is most important. I am not taking anyone to task for how dreams are presented in a post, just trying to inform how much more clear the dream can be if the thoughts and actions are preserved in presenting a dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Murfreesboro, Tn

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