The Psychology of Dreams<>On Line Since 2012

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[Since 2005]
Myths-Dreams-Symbols    Since 1998
The Dream is to The Psyche

As the Immune System is to the body

Dream Analysis/Interpretation by Dream Analyst Gerald Gifford
Read: Methodology I Use in Analyzing Dreams,,,,,Based on Jungian Psychology
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Contributors to the Dream Forum

I want to thank all the contributors at the Forum for their great work while I am busy with other things {the social dragon}. For many it is the next step in investigating the dream world. The many posts supports my theory that within us all, for those who choose to look inward for the true Self, there is that connection to the psyche that provides insights far beyond that which is available to the mere mortal mind. Contributors to the Forum are providing a valuable service to those seeking inner wisdoms. Thanks for your support.
aka Jerry

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Murfreesboro, Tn

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