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The Ninth House in Astrology

Something that should be of interest to those interested in the hero/heroine path. And the number nine.

NINTH HOUSE: This is the House of
how you seek the meaning & purpose of Life through: philosophy, religion, higher learning, spirituality, mysticism, inner vision, journeys of the mind, psychic attunement, taking the long view, seeing history and the present from a higher perspective, a sense of humour, observing and connecting widely-divergent ideas and opinions;
how you learn about life and its diversity through: study of foreign ideas or foreign cultures or religions, travelling to foreign lands, encounters with foreign people and their differring viewpoints, tolerance of foreign races, cultures, religions, or traditions.

This is from astrology. And it is exactly the 21st century hero/heroine path to discovery. It is Jung's 'Individuation'.

This is an excellent astrology site Be My Astrologer I don't normally promote outside sites but this one offers great insights to many aspects of the psyche. We see more and more genuine astrogers consult and write in Jungian language. The symbols, the energies and patterns in nature, the individual psyche are all connected. And although we often call it mysticism, it deals more in natural law than we may think. If the language is similiar, the symbols are similiar, the metaphors are similiar, you had better believe there is an important conncetion.
To fully understand the dream all possibilities have to be considered, and those closest to nature are always the most revealing. The relationship of myth to dreams is most important. Astrology is a part of the mix when you want to understand the psyche.

In Greek mythology psyche is feminine, the 'soul. The nine muses, the nine daughters. She is intuitiveness, illumintaion, enlightenment, balance and harmony in life.

If nine is illumination, the number 6 must be its 'shadow'. In dreams think of the neumber six as the shadow.


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