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Green field & two circles

Hi All,

1. In the dream the boy is like my dog Hannah- happy and unruly!
2. Back on the 9 to 5. Feels good to have a job helping people & to be out and about.
3. I feel this dream describes need to continue working toward personal growth.
4. Confused by the symbolism of two men & two circles. Add them together for 4 or leave each set as two in interpretation? Feel they are somehow linked but not sure in what way.
5. Still reading - while reading Jung about syncronicity became interested in I Ching. Remembered a friend gave me a book on I Ching a year ago. Sitting on book shelf unread. An example of synchronicity maybe? Finding the text on I Ching interesting.

Walk to a hill top field beyond green tree break. With a boy on a long leash, he runs wildly back & forth, tell him that is why he can’t be off leash. Farm field, not mine, know I shouldn’t be there but beautiful, so green & lush, peaceful. Tie leash to a tree.

Walk around field, to valley edge, looking down at creek, see creek bottom thru clear water, listening to water bubble, feel very calm. Look back over field, low dense carpet of green plants, look like morel mushrooms but soft & green. I’m enthralled at the sight, the dense green velvet texture. See two barren circles in field. Kneel down to examine. What is it? The greenery is gone, brown bare earth. Don't know why circles are there.

Look back at creek. See older man in small fishing boat land on opposite bank. Another older man, flying solo on an ultra light plane. Lands behind man in boat on bank. He walks toward field. Must leave now before he finds us trespassing. Get boy on leash, walk to tree break. Send boy through opening. I stop. Hear man approaching. I must tell him I was here, let him see me here. Turn to face him. He smiles says Hello. I return smile & hello. Walk forward extend hand, shake his hand.

Hope every one has a wonderful week!

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