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Some More Dreams...

First: I was in my room with some friends. They were talking about some alien invasion and I turned my back. I got this weird feeling that aliens had just invaded my friend's bodies. I turned around and they were staring at me, strangely. They grabbed some of my things and then the next thing I knew I was swinging from my ceiling on a rope. I then heard me cat calling my fat. I went dashing down my hallway where I could see her under the door. Her eyes got wide and she ran away hissing. I woke up.

Second...Okay, I am a Sarah McLachlan fan and about two years ago, I went to her concert. So, in the dream... She had come back to Nashville and of course I had gotten tickets. We had decent seats, they were kind of on the right of the stage. They wanted to call roll and see who all came and how many empty seats there were. They never called my name, I was bothered. The next thing I knew, I was in some market kind of place. My dad, being the chef he is, was asking about a freezer. "Did you build this yourself?" The guy standing there replied, "Yes." Then, after studying the freezer longer my dad said, "Oh, I see. It is a box with a space cooler (Instead of a space heater)." He picked up some of the ice blocks and it was full of dead goldfish. The ice crumbled and the fish fell back into the freezer. I then went back to the concert. This time, I had front row seats. I was reaching onto the stage to try and touch her hand when I realized that there was a glass wall in front of her. This was weird. I noticed a kid from school sitting behind me. I said, "Is she behind glass or something?" He just gave a weird look and agreed. Then she began to sing a fake (Not real in "real life") all about bad choices. I was singing along and so was the girl next to me. It was weird, as she would sing about bad choices some girls would come out and demonstrate bad choices. I guess the girl beside me was singing too loud because Sarah yelled at her. Then, I vaguely remember running up a driveway. The drive was lioned with trees and there was a southern style house at the end. I can't remember anything else.

Are there more symbols in these dreams that could be similar to those in the other dreams?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14-Tennessee

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Some More Dreams...

I will lok at your dream and give a response later today {Saturday}.
Thanks for your patience,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Some More Dreams...

These dreams are most likely addressing your everyday conflicts of personality and interactions with parents, friends and no so friendly people you encounter in your life. There are so those questions about how you perceive yourself among your peer groups and how you want to be perceived. The girl running away hissing may be the encounter in class having to do with your humiliation in class.

The second dream is doing the same. The Sarah Mc concert {by the way, where in Nashville was the concert held? Just kidding guy} and not being called probably reflects how you feel about yourself around others at school. You are not noticed as much as you wish to be {a normal reaction- I had such feelings when I was going to school in East Nashville}.
The scenec with your father may represent trying to find your true identity. Fish often symbolize our true selves {compared to how we often have to act, put on a false face, just to please our peers}. Perhaps you feel this is crumbling at times when you have to act a part and you fear others see through you.

The second part of the dream is probably wish fulfillment. Instead of being ignored you are in the front row. But still you can not be a part of that peer group, there is still that need to be protected from having to act all the time and not be your real self.

There are probably deeper aspects involving the masculine/feminine aspects but I don't believe they are as relevant as the outer world conflicts you are facing. As I stated previously adults dreams are much different from a young person's dreams. Young peopel haven't accumulated all the baggage that adults have.

The bad choices are again most likely addressing the episode of the humiliation you experienced, plus other conflicts you have had with others {possible other girls}.
The good part of the dream is the last. Running up the tree lined driveway indicates a positive attitude about yourself. The southern style house may reflect your roots, a good upbringing with a loving family.

The experiences in your dreams, and your waking life, are normal experiences. At 14 I remember thinking about being accepted {I was shy introverted child at that time, opposite of my true extraverted personality of today} not really fitting in. And the girls! 14 is a period of transformation where girls are still girls but you begin to really notice... girls. In a few years the biological aspect will kick in and girls will become most important.

All in all the dream is merely reflecting the challenges of being 14. The best thing to do is 'be yourself' and let the chips fall where ever they may. Trying to be something other than you are only causes more problems. If people can not accept you for who you are then they are not worth the effort. Find like minded friends who are conscience of other people's feelings, with good hearts and minds.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Some More Dreams...

Interesting...I guess they weren't nearly as depressing as the last few.

I had some thoughts. Like with me being at the Sarah McLachlan concert (By the way, it was at the Gaylord Entertainment Center), I have just recently purchased another one of her CD's. I have listened to it very many times and I often say that I really wish she would come back to Nashville. I guess the dream was wish fufillment (Spelling?).

But the fish in the ice, I was thinking it had something to do with my fish. I just took in about 12 goldfish from one of those festivals. I really didn't like the way they were given out to small children in Ziploc bags. So I brought 12 home. Soon, they began dying one by one...I figured the dead fish were symbolizing my dead fish.

I am happy that this had more positive interpretations than dying feminine aspects.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 & Tennessee

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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