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Ego & Archetype questions

Hi All,

Need some insight please. In reading Pathways to Bliss & working toward identifying personal archetype two significant and related dreams emerged which hold a profundity of the unconscious, the psyche, in seeking development. I woke from each dream with a deep sense of “the mysterious and meaningful”, of vital importance.

1. Resolve conflict in regard to instinctive animal drives vs spiritual being
2. Identify the archetypical myth of my life

The first dream addresses an animal instinct/drive issue I wanted to be rid of. I was, am still to some point, using conscious suppression while working to integrate and accept ownership. This dream describes the negative projection of a perceived male trait/aspect as responsible but in truth it’s a negative female facet of the same aspect, and how I own it. Two sides of the same coin, again. There is more to the dream so am still peeling back the layers to get the entire meaning and the solution. I believe this dream relates to the second dream as an ego obstacle to overcome before moving into archetype work. Many times on these significant dreams I have the greatest amount of trouble interpreting the ending, the solution. Because the Ego is the aspect most ‘in danger’ from the solution does this signify the Ego is exerting control to prevent progress and the complete interpretation?

From the I Ching cast on this dream:
“The influences (animal drive and spirituality) are in actual conflict, and the forces combat each other like fire and water (lake), each trying to destroy the other.”

Must have inner strength as well as influential position (as relates to the component’s position in the psyche, which is still lacking )

Shows its distinct pattern from afar (projecting as an outside male element rather than claiming ownership, personal responsibility of the FEMININE.)

Large, clear guiding lines become visible, understandable (Guidance is there, but for now I can not ‘see’ it.)

The second dream addresses and describes the personal archetype but I’m confused. The basics in order are a medical diagnosis, ritual (circumcision) scene with my waking childhood doctor who was Greek, treatment, myth (an ancient ruin with univesity within), with the mythical main character’s a young woman & a professor but the professor appears as both a Queen (majestic, authoritative) & Higher Feminine (caring, wise, revered), who names a successor. Examining the archetype information of each I see some of each but neither is more dominant.

Is it possible for there to be an intermingling of two or more archetypes in a personal archetype?

At least a part of the archetype should be Hera – “Some have jested that the most common form of worship is…the burning of food within the home.”

Oh so true, a smoke detector IS a cooking timer.

Thanks much,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central Oh

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Ego & Archetype questions

You have posed some interesting questions and since you have given a lot of time to investigating and understanding the psyche process I believe you are on track to discerning unconscious contents relevent to your journey. But not knowing the dreams you speak of makes it difficult to accertain the relationship that you request. If you will post the dreams perhaps I can give a informed opinion. And also {separate from the dreams} the questions you have in context to the dreams and associations to your path.

Look forward to your reply,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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