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My Related Dreams...See Previous Post

This dream is another one that has been puzzling me. In this dream, I'm in another empty house. With other people. It seems important to keep this house secure, even though there are no material possessions inside. So, securing the people seems to be the objective. It's cold outside...frost and ice on the eves. Another female hands me some lingerie, a slip-type gown, and it's silky and red with black lace trim. However, when I put this gown on, it's suddenly emerald green with black lace trim. Then I find myself and others walking thru a gymnasium that is full of sporting displays, like an expo. There's bicycles, and a guy demonstrating a snowboard. And I am dancing thru the gymnasium. Then I come to classrooms and hallways, with stairs going up and down. I roam the hallways and go up and downstairs trying to locate the place I'm supposed to be. I find myself in a locker room, but I can't find my locker.
Then I find myself in a darkened room, in front of a closed closet door. I see a bright, white light underneath the door...and I am suddenly quite afraid. I believe there is a spirit or demon behind this door, and I try to run.
Suddenly, the door flies open, bright white light shining out. A hand grabs my arm! Pulls me toward the light. I am screaming, fighting in the dream. Back in the waking world, it seems that I was quite vocal. I was saying "no" and "stop" and "let me go". My husband woke me up from this dream. I was quite shaken. I can't get this one out of my head because I swear that I FELT this hand grab me! It was a physical sensation!!!
I've had dreams of ghosts and haunted houses in the past, but this dream was different, and I didn't feel that it was about old issues from my past. It feels relevant to my present situation. Thoughts?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, GA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: My Related Dreams...See Previous Post

Of course the house is you. The insecurities are your insecurities. In your waking life things are not going well.
Lingerie is what you wear underneath, the emotions, possibly to do with sex, or probably more so to do with relationships. When you engage these relationships the emotions change. There are unconscious emotions that you may not fully understand.

The gymnasium is probably your overall view of life. The classrooms are your learning experiences. You are searching for your place in life. But there are many games that are being played. The true self, and the place it belongs to, is locked away and you are unable to find it.

The darkened room are those unconscious aspects. They are closed off from being realized by the conscious mind. But there is a light underneath, frightening because you fear there are negative aspects behind it. You refuse to go with it because of the fear. It affects you waking life.

This last part of dream suggests there are unconscious motivations that have yet to be realized/confronted. Perhaps you are repressing certain emotions and the fear is from the ego not wanting to confront thes emotions/experiences. Our waking ego will fight against letting these motivations/emotions from becoming realized. They can have a very strong influence on the waking life and th ego doesn't want to deal with them. Repressed past experiences may be at play here. Something you fear has a grip on you.

This fear in your dream may have to do with your current situation. But you may want to look at past experiences, earlier in life, and see what may be there. It probably ahs some bearing on how to react to your current life. Ghosts and haunted houses are often about past experiences that still haunt you. I sthere anything from your past that you can relate to?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: My Related Dreams...See Previous Post

Well, I am sure that this dream sequence is probably present and past combined. I appreciate the insight, really. The dreams I'm having keep running along these lines...more public places with shopping, amusement parks, hallways that slam down and lock. All kinds of weird stuff...churches attached to my house, can't get to my kids, there's lots going on in my head. I am trying to work on this issue while I'm awake too. But it seems like I'm not working on it hard enough, as it bleeds into my dreams.
Thanks for al the input.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, GA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: My Related Dreams...See Previous Post

I look at your dream and get the impression there are closed closet doors that need to be openned. The darkened room suggests unconscious aspects, perhaps something that you don't want to acknowledge for some painful reason.

In your response you mention amusement parks, public place such as shopping. Parks sometimes represents a temporary escape from reality. Public places may be those parts of the psyche that share a common interest, aspects that have been affected perhaps by some past experience. Shopping is the unconscious looking to open these aspects up to your conscious mind. But all the connections between unconscious and conscious {hallways} are 'slamed down and locked'. This suggests perhaps you may be repressing past experiences.

The churches attached to your house {the house is you} may have some significant meaning. The kids you can't get to may either refer to your own childhood or perhaps fears having to do with your children, which may be a result of past experiences that now give you concern about your won children. The churches could be symbolic or they could be real. Are there any past childhood experiences having to with churches that you may need to revisit?

The good thing is you are working on these possible aspects consciously. Dreams help to sort out these things, they help compensate those experiences, fears that may be stored in the unconscious and bring them to the conscious mind. Perhaps the light under the door in your dream is represented by your consciously looking at the possibilities. And the spirit/demon that is experienced in the dream with the light is the fear from the repressed experiences.

If you have other thoughts that may lend thmeselves to what I have suggested please post them and perhaps we can continue your positive journey to consciously recognizing what your dreams are trying to communicate. There is one thing that is certain. The only way to heal any wounds from the past is to confront them. That is an absolute necessity or the pain of the past will live with you into the future.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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