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i dreamt that i was in bed with my husband, but we were not alone in the room, my cousin was there. We started having sex under the covers and my cousin then left. After we had both been satisfied I began giving him oral sex which I truly enjoyed.I think what concerned me was that i initiated a change in position so that he was kneeling over me while i lay on the bed on my back. We contniued until he came and i took in all of him and his semen. When we were done i smiled like a satisfied chessire cat. Then i got up and went to make him a cup of tea. When i came back with the tea he was curled in a fetal position sleeping. I placed the tea on the bedside table and sat in the chair sipping my tea and watching him sleep.

Nb: I am not married in real life.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33, st.lucia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: sex

The sexual content of the dream may be addressing some issues you are dealing with concerning sex. If you are in fact having such issues consider that as a part of the dream message.

If is something other than sex then the possibilities are most likley addressing some issues to do with inner conflicts {or even perhaps other issues as well as sex}. If this is the case then it probably involves masculine/feminine conflicts. In your dream there seems to be a need or desire for a changing of positions. This may apply to waking life circumstances or even inner developments within your own psyche. His being in a fetal position may indicate some feelings that are still undeveloped. This too may apply to him as well as/or your own psyche.

Your cousin in the dream is most certainly symbolic, unless of course there were such actual events. You did not state the gender of your cousin {male or female} but in any case it would represent some related issues having to do with your masculine aspects, or your husband, or both.
Oral sex could very well symbolize communication between male and female {the joke where oral sex is described as something more than just something you talk about?}. Perhaps there are problems with communication between you and your husband. The fetal position may represent a lack of 'finishing the job'. While you sip your tea {a desire for satisfaction} he is sleeping.

When interpreting dreams I can understand the perimeters of what may be happening in your life. But the actual experiences only you can know. Dream symbols could be addressing actual waking experiences in your current life or they could symbolize aspects of your own psyche {the masculine aspects trying to unite with the feminine aspects}. Often the dream is doing both. The only way to determine which it is can only be discerned by you, you know about your real life experiences while I can only speculate.

Compare what I have given to your life and let me know your thoughts. Perhaps we can find which of the above applies to you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: sex

Hi Gerard,

I do not think you saw my note, that i am not married in real life nor am i in a relationship. So it seems that the other interpretation of the dream is more applicable. I seem to be having a battle reconciling the male and female aspects of my pysche.And there is a need to change positions, to move more comfortably into the female aspects and to rely with confidence on the guidances i receive from my female side. My masculine side has great issue with it and as i go deeper spiritually, the conflict seems to intensify.

I found it really interesting that you saw my sipping the tea as the need for satisfaction. Because although after the sex, my smile was like that of a cat who had just lapped a bowl of milk. When i was sitting there sipping the tea my expression was not one of love or satisfaction. It was more of a resolute expression, not sadness just resignation, finality. I do not know if that makes sense to you.

There is one other view i have been considering as well: Could it also be my relationship with the male in real life? My constant need to give in to their needs and satisfy them which may be in conflict with my desire to control them.

My cousin is female.Let me know what you think.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 33, st.lucia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: sex

Yes, there may be that conflict having to do with males. It may also have to do with the inner conflict. Both need to be given attention.

As for your cousin. Are there aspects about her that may contribute to this aspect of the dream or you identify with that may provide insights to this other aspect about yourself. She was in the room while you were having sex {metaphorical of course}. And the relationship to your spiritual search. Is there a relationship there?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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