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Weird, Stephen King Dream

I had a dream a few nights ago that I was living a Stephen King book. I was waiting for an elevator to come so I could go up a few stories. I believe I was in a hospital. When I boarded there were two women on already. They were standing on opposite sides so I assumed they didn't know each other. But I was wrong. When I stepped on, one of the women came forward and said, "Hello, and zees is my wife," she almost had a French accent.

I was SO confused. Mainly because the woman who indroduced herself and her wife was my mom! So then we got to talking about how girls shouldn't wear revealing clothes because some guys will loose respect. Suddenly, their teenage daughter was there. She was all, "I know," and she pointed to her shirt which showed a lot, "But it was so cute I just had to have it!" Then I was talking about Stephen King and how talented he is (Mind you, I have never read one of his books, just seen some movies) and my mom/lesbian aboard rolled her eyes.

The next thing I knew I was in a Kroger type store. But it was better, they sold aquarium fish! (There I go with fish again!) I was standing there and this woman, who is on a fish forum, was standing next to me. I never saw her face, but I did see her hand as she pointed and got very excited over a very common fish.

I believe I woke up after that.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 & Tennessee

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Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

Interesting dream. It will be a challenge trying to interpret this one mainly because of your age. If you were an adult it would not be as difficult. But I appreciate the opportunity and the learning experience of interpreting dreams of a young person.

I believe this dream is about conflicts having to do with inner emotions as well as actual experiences in your waking life. There are opposing views of the feminine, again in your inner psyche and your waking life. One apsect of the dream may have to do with sensuality {the French accent}.

Your Mom and the talk of revealing clothes on girls may have to do with revealing emotions {a feminine aspect} that you have recently experienced {perhaps having to do with the embarrasement in class?}. The emotions from that may cause you to feel you can not show emotions or the guys would loose respect.
The teenage daughter probably gets back to waking life experiences. Isn't it irritating to hear the "I know" all the time? Yet the sensual aspect of the revealing clothes is appealing. The talk of Stephen King is probably representative of your persona, the desire to be noticed. Your mom/lesbian may be the imbalance over your conflicting emotions about girls. In fact that may be the conflict the dream is addressing.

Kroger is a food store where you buy nourishment. Nourishment is emotional nourishment. Fish is probably symbolic of your true self as opposed to the mask you have to wear awhen you are around your peers. The woman would be the true feminine self as well as that natural desire men would have for women. You naturally would want girls to life you and the inner self definitely needs to appreciate the feminine side.

A question. If you feel it is too personal you don't need to answer it. Or if you want you can e-mail me the amswer. Do you have any questions about your sexuality?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

No, I know who I am and I find it a weird question...How can you pull a question like that just be reading someone else's dreams? Come on!

I personally think this dream is just replaying everyday conversations and or thoughs (Though I don't know where the French Lesibian comes in). I say this because, for one I think girls (Especially teenage girls) shouldn't expose everything. Some guys will loose respect and try to take advantage of them.

Second, I am an aquarist. I have at least seven aquariums in my home. I often have to urge to go to a fish store and either look or buy.

Third, I had a recent visit to a hospital. My uncle had his esophagus removed along with a third of his stomach. While there I rode on many elevators with three other people. My mom, her sister and my brother. Which would expain why there were three people besides me on the elevator in my dream.

Kroger is where we do our shopping around here. And the other woman is someone I talk to about fish on a fish forum.

That is my interpretation.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 & Tennessee

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Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

It is with vast experience that dreams have little to do with normal every day events. We may pull people that both we know and don't know to portray the aspects of ourselves. For example, the negative and positive masculine and feminine, our shadow, to name a few.
Please don't misunderstand my motives. I am not looking down on you because you're 14, or anything like that. You just need to know that dreams are not as simplistic as you make it sound.
I have put actors in my dreams many times, usually because I identify with them at some level. I was curious if you have given any more thought to having Stephen King in your dream. Is there maybe something about him you identify with? And why call your dream weird, and then offer such a simple interpretation?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Atlanta Georgia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

I think some of you are looking too deep into this stuff...

I guess in a sense, I share something with Stephen King. I really enjoy writing novels (Though I can't get past 50 pages) and just the other day I wrote one about a bus explosion that is terrifying because of the way it is set up. While writing it, it made me upset. Strange...

About the dreams not really playing real life...I have many dreams that re just clips of my day's events. Especially the nights I don't sleep well. They will be short little times that occured during the day.

Like one time I was feeling stressed over a stupid fund raiser. My teacher was pushing us too hard to sell. So, the night before it was due I had a dream that she was screaming at me because I didn't sell anything. Now tell me that's not taking real life.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 & Tennessee

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Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

I think what can happen sometimes when everyday life situations become stressfull, that yes, we can dream about it. I have gone to sleep with a problem that needs solving, and on two occasions have dreamt the solution. But that was rare, obviously.
The dream you submitted seemed a bit more complex than you assert. I guess if you feel that most dreams are based in everyday events, then why submit it to be interpreted?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Atlanta Georgia

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Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

Dreams often replay life's events over in your dreams. This is to help you sort through the experiences and help make sense of them. But dreams also go deeper into your life trying to work through those issues that form who you are. At 14 you have not had a lot of life's experiences. But that will come.

As for taking this 'stuff' too seriously. Of course we do. But as adults that is what we should do, if we are interesting in personal growth. For you this 'stuff' may seem trival. Perhaps it is best you stick with your Stephen King novels for the time being. Dreamwork is best suited for adult minds.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

Well, I am sorry that you took this so seriously. I was more offended by the question. It is hard to live with people questioning who you are just because they don't understand, so I figured that a dream interpreter would be a little more open, but it just hit me again. No, I have no questions about my sexuality.

I never said that ALL dreams come directly from real life. I do think some have symbolism, but not all. I see that I offended you...I wasn't really going for that effect.

But I find the whole leaving the dreamworks to the adults degrading. I just don't like being asked such personal questions by a stranger on the internet. Plus, everytime I would give my consent, you all would argue.

Why not be open to a variety of interpretations? You did take this too seriously, I didn't mean, "Stuff" in a bad sort of way, I was uncomfortable and searching for words. I'm sorry I fumbled a word there. I guess I will got elsewhere for dream talk. Bye!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 Tennessee

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Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

I did want to pull one more thing out:

"Interesting dream. It will be a challenge trying to interpret this one mainly because of your age. If you were an adult it would not be as difficult. But I appreciate the opportunity and the learning experience of interpreting dreams of a young person."

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 Tennessee

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

Pull this whole interaction out in ten years. You might see it from a different slant...hopefully!
If you don't want people questioning your particular bent, then don't put under gender-male or female male.
It implies confusion on your part.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 Atlanta Georgia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

That's the setup of the site. I guess I could be genderless! But that would be weird...Sorry, I probably just created the most controversial thread...Oh well.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 Tennessee

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Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

Hi Aaron,
Possibly the conflict in this thread is one of simple misconstruction.

“A question. If you feel it is too personal you don't need to answer it. Or if you want you can e-mail me the answer.”

From your response I gather this question was too personal. I think most people understand the trepidation of internet and sexual topics. And you can never be too careful. However, perhaps a more appropriate response would have been to post or e-mail Gerard that you simply do not want to respond because you believe that has no bearing or is inappropriate. Gerard would not have been following his path had he not asked the difficult question. (ref: Arthurian tales) There are many difficult tasks and questions and he asked what he thought MAY be relevant. Is what we think a possibility always relevant? No. But that questioning is the way to reach into the deeper meaning of dreams.

What Gerard does by way of MDS is encourage and help us look to the psychology behind ALL human action and interaction, particularly within ourselves, with our dreams being the link to that inner psychology. Every dream has multiple interpretations with some meaning so deeply symbolic that the untrained sometimes encounter difficulty deciphering. The same dream can have two, three even four different interpretations each addressing a different topic. (Review & cataloging of the days events; personal issues; spirituality; the collective psyche to name a few.)

For instance the stress dream:

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it. This you have the power to revoke."

Marcus Aurelius

(I must repeatedly remind my Self of the awareness contained in these simple words. Yep, even at my advanced age…born when dinosaurs ruled the world.)

Were you stressed because your teacher was pushing to sell or was the stress a result of YOUR psychology in the situation? Your waking reaction was an amplification of stress in the situation matching the amplified action of the teacher. The dream allowed you to see the psychology in the event. And by describing this, the psyche attempts to indicate an opportunity of resolution.

This is a point I take regarding the patriarchal societal rules that hold women accountable for the ‘evils’ that are visited upon the ‘earth’.

Within “girls exposing everything” I believe lies a fundamental misgiving regarding female responsibility in our, and other, cultures. As women we are expected to subjugate ourselves and control the male libido by covering our bodies so as to not be the “temptress”. While the male who ‘takes advantage’ is merely exercising ‘normal’ male predisposition. No where does this account for the absolute lack of self control on the part of the male. (A psychological issue rather than a physical issue.) A suppression of the female rather than lack of control by the male in the patriarchal society.

Look to the psychology. Read the Anima/Animus
page. Many times females ‘act up’ for attention they aren’t/didn’t receive from their father or have been taught by their family psychological interaction this is the way to gain approval and/or attention. Then factor in the constant social sexual messages in television, movies and advertising depicting female sexuality is equated with power. It can be a difficult sea to navigate for young women made even more so by the psychology of their most inner circle, their parents.

Then look at the “males who take advantage”. Why do they lack an inner compass in their actions? Same situation, different gender.

Your interest in dreams is a distinctive factor in your life’s journey. Dreams will guide you if you allow them license in your waking life.

Have a great weekend!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Weird, Stephen King Dream

That is great advice. I could not have given better. If Aaron will take it upon himself to delve deeper into his dreams, and himself, his life as an adult will be much more harmoneous and less conflictive than his peers.

I identify with Aaron because I have an 11 year old grandson whom I have given much time trying to instill in his very young psyche {began at the age of 4} the importance of 'following his bliss'. I am constantly encouraging him to discover what it is in his life that he really likes to do. And when he gets older to follow that, make it his work. The great majority of people dislike their job. But if they would do what they truly love doing then it is not a job but is your bliss. The most positive thing about my grandson is his already sense of intuitive development. Not only do I see the possibility of his following his own bliss but also that of following in my footsteps of exploring dreams and the psyche. And he is so much more intelligent than I.

So Aaron, if your paying attention I hope you will look past these posts at the forum and look deeper into the psychology of dreams as a guide to your life. You have a great imagination which indicates a possible creative trait that is your bliss in life.

And for any adults who have yet to follow that intuitive desire to be their true self, I am a perfect example of what Joseph Campbell said as having two opportunties to follow one's bliss. I have always had an interest in psychology, as far back as into my teens. That was the first opportunity which I failed to utilize {my childhood having a lot to do with that}. Then in my early 40s I came across Campbell and his Power of Myth series on PBS. Today I am being my true self, living my bliss. Myths-Dreams-Symbols is part of that bliss.

And if a simpleton like myself can do it then anyone can.

Thanks Kathy for your post. Encouragement from us older folks can make a difference if we encourage the younger people to give more attention to the inner world more so than the outer.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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