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female horse

hi Gerard
i know on many occasions you have stressed the importance of allowing the female side of our (male) nature a more dominant role.
this dream of mine reflects this truth,
i am invited by some native americans (cheyenne)to ride with them.
they ride on ahead,while i try to get to grips with my horse,(white mare)
it's head is bent back,and i realise i have hold of the reins to tightly and i need to sit back,relax,
someone shouts,quit fighting your horse,
i realised that the horse knew where to go and that all i had to do was hold on and let it take me there,i remember thanking the horse for teaching me this,with a pat.
we galloped through some trees and bushes,which was a bit uncomfortable,but on clearing them,we came to the brow of a hill,

before me lay a panoramic scene of such beauty,rolling grass plains as far as the eye could see,
i knew then why the native americans had such reverance for life.

if handing over the reins to the feminine,leads to this discovery,then the journey is well worth the effort and struggle.
regards steve.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50-england

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

Re: female horse

I believe when we accept the feminine as equal, and let her lead instead of the masculine, the natural evolution and result would be what we see in Jesus, or Siddhartha Buddha.

Jesus said, "Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him." parable 108 the Gospel of Thomas, the Gnostic Gospels.

Ghandi is a perfect example of a true disciple of the spiritual Self. It is not that we should become historial as they have but to be historial in our own lives by being that Christ-like person. And when we achieve that, nature provides the boons for the hero/heroine. By living authentic lives we have the power to control our life. Your dream is about that power. In your dream that power is the horse.
Native Americans, very spiritual, conscious of nature, the original American, the original Self. You probably have a positive bias toward 'cheyenne'.

The horse, the stallion, powerful and knows how to lead. Integrated with the feminine this symbol will lead you through life, wisely, honestly, spiritually.

And the stallation probably applies some where in your waking life. Soul Future's list of possibilities have a lot of merit. How many apply to you?

Your 'Individuation' is being played out in your dreams. Your myth is also on show. You know you will have to live your life, why not live it to its potential and enjoy life. Usually the search for meaning ends up with the discovery of that creative self where you can find expression.

Keep us informed as to how your dreams fit your waking life. When we start comparing the two, with an understanding of dream metaphor, we begin to see how they do apply and influence our lives. The helping hands of fate are there t every turn.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: female horse

many thanks for the soul future ref,the power,energy,movement,of the horse entry struck a chord,
you are right about my bias towards the cheyenne,
a few years ago i met a cheyenne holyman in a dream,he told me i would have trouble reaching the centre,and that i would have to follow him,this i did,at the centre i had to fight a huge red minataur like demon,i defeated it.
unfortunatly i mentioned this dream to the wrong people,they told me it was a trick by the devil,
it is this sort of predjudice and narrowmindedness that creates the problems,i am glad to say that i have cast that garbage off as a thou shalt and i am on my own path,albeit well lit by all who have gone before.
as campbell once said,when you think you are alone,you will be one with all the world,i think i understand what he means.

i don't remember hearing or reading anywhere that this journey would be easy,
but what a journey!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 50-england

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

Re: female horse

In a perfect world the journey would merely be an exercise of the psyche in paradise. In the real world it is an experience for the psyche ina world of turmoil. Thus the struggle of the hero/heroine of myth. We merely need to read the myths to see the different paths that are taken. Each path represents a pattern of behavior that fits us as individuals. Of course often for the individual the patterns are found in more than just one myth. But all myths speak to us. One of the greatest myths is Buddhism where in their proverbial wisdom they tell us the first thing about life is it is 'all sorrowful'. Life is full of pain. But the life of the hero/heroine is also full of triumphs. Slaying one dragon at a time. That is the adventure, and the journey.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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