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Hi, my name is Jason. I just recently came across this site and decided to try out the accuracy of the dream interpretation. My dream starts out as my friend and I and his female friend are leaving the mall, and I purchased a pair of red air shoes, which I'm guessing are shoes to help me jump higher i don't know,anyways ,and I get in the car and as I'm waiting on my friend (which is talking to his female companion in front of the car) a girl and her friend (best friend I presume) are passing by and the girl makes this statement, which makes me laugh, "Here in ohio the guys don't train the girls, the girls train the deer out of the guys". Then my friend starts chasing his friend and i get out of the car and start running too, only to find myself leaving them and talking to this girl, which I find out her name is Lucy, shes 5'10 to 5'11, dark to black hair. We start walking to this place where this sign was posted in the middle of no where saying something about a guy driving two hours to retrieve his john deere lawn mower, then we leave and find a can of alcohol of which Lucy picks up and drinks it, and shoves it into a hole in a concrete wall which while shes doing this i climb a tree and hang from a branch, and she gets bored and says she wants to go, so we leave and come across a poem spray painted on a wall by one of her friends, which i can't remember what the poem said, and we start putting our hands around each other as we walk (which i think symbolizes dating), then we go to the mall to see a movie, only to find that alot of people are there and we leave. And thats where i woke up, please give me what insight you have on this, as it is driving me crazy.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, Cincinnati

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Lucy

A test of dream interpretation hey? I best give it time later in the day since my creative juices are on the decrease this morning. The biggest obstacle I see is with your age and how that affects the interpretation. I will have to give your dream soime extra thought and effort.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Lucy

Ok Jason, let's take a look at your dream. I will approach it with the knowledge of your age {18}, that being important in the understanding of the dream. I won't hold your location against you {Cincinnati} since there is one great 70s radio station located there {WKRP}.

Often the first part of a dream presents the condition of the physical life, in this case being a mall. Malls can represent the totality of all the different inner aspects of the dreamer's psyche {in an older person's dream this would be the first thing I look for}. But it can also represent more outer personal aspects. A mall can represent materialism and/or a need to keep up with the trends. Being 18 this is quite possible in its application. But the inner aspects as mentioned are also a real possibility.
The male friend and his female friend may be positive aspects of your masculine/feminine qualities since they are all friends. Shoes may represent materialism as well as how you look at life in general, your attitudes. Buying the shoes so you can jump higher may be that desire to propel yourself in a better light among your peers {common among teens}.
The dream then seems to focus on girls. And it is the girls that are in charge. This is probably the hormones at work, girls are a main focus of your attention at this stage of life. Deer often symbolize feminine qualities. John Deere is what men often wish for to satisfiy their masculine ambitions. So the statements together seem to re-inforce the proposal that the dream is addressing those feminine issues which you are spending so much time chasing and running after.

Question?What type girls do you prefer? Tall with dark hair?

The rest of the dream focuses on girls also with the alcohol perhaps suggesting you are intoxicated with this notion {of girls}. So much so these instincts of animal behavior {uncontrolled animal instincts of sex} are blurring all other attitudes that you perhaps need to focus on {alot of people at the movie and mall}.

If I am correct in my assumptions about your dream it is addressing your overwhelming need for feminine attention. This, for a guy at the age of 18, is quite normal, if it is addressing the outer world of dating and seeking attention from the opposite sex. I believe this is the focus of the dream.

If there are deeper inner issues at work then the dream would be addressing a need for feminine attention, more in line with the deeper desire for attention from your mother or siblings. I don't see that as applying in this dream. And being 18 the first possibility best fits.

How to determine if this interpretation fits? Are you indeed focused on girls in your waking life? Is it something that per-occupies your thoughts? If so then this is perhaps what the dream is addressing.
Let me know your thoughts to what I have posted?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Lucy

Thanks for your inquiry and sorry for taking awhile to respond, right now I want to be in a relationship, especially since 6 months ago my girlfriend and I broke up. its hard for me to feel loved, even though I know I am, I don't feel it, but I felt that way with my ex-gf, and I miss that feeling. I know my mother lives far away, but I dont feel the need for her presence, so don't think its that as part of the dating. Refering to the question of wether or not I prefer tall dark hair girls, I like dark hair, as for the height she has to be shorter than I am or the same height (but no shorter than 5'5). There is one thing though, in the beginning of the dream it seemed imperative that the shoes were there, and i think they stand for something more than materialism, because I don't portray those qualities (I'm more of an extroverted person), but the dream focused on the shoes while i was in the car and how red they were, like i marveled in the essence of the red characteristic of the shoes... But I agree with the idea of holding myself up, because i feel the constant need to prove myself all the time.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, Cincinnati

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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