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The Baby Boomer Generation Flollowing Their Bliss

How many times has it be said at the Dream Forum that finding the true self is what the inner search is all about? Joseph Campbell's call to follow your bliss is in full form in today's Boomer generation {which I am a part at age 55}.
Here is an article from today's edition of that provides real evidence that not only is this 'search' happening on a large scale among Boomers but also varifies for me Campell's assertion that it is a part of our fiber, who we are as humans with a soul.
The call to bliss, to follow the heart's desire, the intuitive desire, that is the journey of the hero/heroine motif, experiencing the highest quality of being in this life through the inner resources {creativity, true spirituality, intuitive cognition of the soul}. And dispite all the dragons must be slain {ego-center,materialism}, it is still so very strong in its appeal to the psyche.

The Boomer Files

This article provides a lot of excellent facts that can be valuable in understanding the Boomer generation psyche. It has a lot to read so here is the paragraph that best illustrates my point. I hope you will read the whole article and some of the related pages. Undesratnding the generational psyche is very important in persoanlity development and important when interpreting dreams.

"But neither do they necessarily want to keep going to the same office or classroom or shop every day. The Merrill Lynch study found that 56 percent of boomers would like to change careers, and AARP surveys show that just over half have already made at least one major career change. "That's mind-boggling," says Dychtwald, whose latest book is "The Power Years: A User's Guide to the Rest of Your Life." "You have corporate CEOs who want to be schoolteachers, and marketing managers who'd really rather run a coffee shop, bookkeepers who want to join the Peace Corps. They'll work fewer hours or only eight months a year, and they won't be as concerned about having the biggest office or the most lucrative job. It will be more important to do something they enjoy." And they're not going to let geography stand in their way.

In an a attempt to find meaning we yearn for the bliss in life. Getting there requires a lot of energy, time and discipline. As a generation Boomers had good intentions. And many disapointments; JFK, RFK and Martin King assainations, Viet Nam, Nixon, integration. Too many have sold out to the dragon of capitalism and materialism and ego. But we went to the moon and because of our imaginations there is still hope more will discover within themselves that bliss they have beem seeking since birth.
I hope so.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: The Baby Boomer Generation Flollowing Their Bliss

Interesting stuff Gerard,
I wonder if the changes / attributes of the Boomers are not more widespread and that the Boomers are the first wave, manifesting a change in the communal psyche. I am outside the Boomer generation I think, and yet have these characteristics. As I see the youth today, there are many who are shunning the traditional ways of expressing their personality - indeed they are 'better', or more adept at expressing their true natutre than I - and I think this is part of the legacy of the Boomers ,,,, they (the Boomers) have I think 'spawned' or given example that has had a 'pebble in the pond effect'.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} M

Re: The Baby Boomer Generation Flollowing Their Bliss

Can personally atest to this trend. Currently in community service work through the domestic version of the Peace Corps named AmeriCorps. Several in the program are 40's, 50's, 60's making life changes to be more in tune with their inner selves. Although most in the program are the younger 20's.

Programs receiving AmeriCorps grants are non profit community service organizations including legal aid, adult education, teen intervention programs, domestic violence shelters, mentoring, etc.

Anyone interested in exploring this program google AmeriCorps with your state & you'll likely find programs receiving funding in your area.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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