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Children's dreams

I would think that dreams differ at different ages/phases in life and I've been searching for information about children's dreams for quite some time with no success. Do you know of any books, literature or sites that address these?


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Re: Children's dreams

Hi Lina,
I have not read anything from the Jungian approach about childrens dreams.
If I can quote from Jung in "the Portable Jung" Edited by Joseph Campbell, in the chapter on Stages of Life (pp.7) he writes 'in the childish stage of consciousness there are as yet no problems; nothing depends on the subjest, for the child itself is still wholly dependant on its parents. ... Psychic birth, and with it the conscious differentiation from the parents, normally takes place only at puberty, with the eruption of sexuality. ,,,, Until this stage is reached the psychic life of the individual is goverend largely by instinct, and few or no problems arise.'
Well it sounds as though everything in childhood is rosey - and we know that it is not. I interprete this to mean that what the child experiences and probably dreams is much less filtered (by consciousness). Much more direct. I would intuit that the dreams of children would be representative of their place in the world + the unconscious communal psyche. Like the 'primative' that jung describes.
Let us know if you find anything specific.
Gerard may be able to give some insights - when he gets better.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

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