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Alien Crash Landing

Okay, I definetly see some symbols in this dream, but I can't tell what exactly they are:

We were going to be able to see a satellite going across the sky. Like when they look like stars moving quickly across the sky. Anyway, we were watching and suddenly I saw it. I was all, "Oh I see it...Wait! What is that behind it?" Behind the satellite, there was a green and orange space ship. I saw it crash somehow and I went to go see what was in it. I walked in and saw this alien. It had the same basic shape oh a human, but it was I think green and only had a body until the waist. Then it sat on a floating saucer dish. I had so many questions for it. My first one, "What planet are you from?" He started mumbling and I didn't think he spoke English. Then he said something along the lines of, "Algoopta," I was all, "Okay, that isn't in our solar system. Someone else standing behind me asked, "Do you believe in Heaven?" He said flatly, "No, I do not believe in Heaven (Yes, he knew what it was)."

I remember like taking him to school and some point. I let him borrow my cell phone and when I got it back, okay you know how on the number buttons you have the alphabet? Well, instead of the alphabet, he had changed it with dirty words. So I was just wondering, "What galaxy are you from?" He looked at me and said, "You've never heard of it, Mandarin." You're right, I haven't heard of it.

It was one of the most put together and realistic dreams I have ever had. I figured the symbolism came a lot from colors. The green and orange ship, him being green...Well, it might have just been green hair. Anyway, when I woke up, I felt as if questions really were answered. So now I refer to dreaming as being abducted by aliens!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 Tennessee

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Alien Crash Landing

Hi Aaron,
can I ask what symbolism you saw in your dream?
how's your life been lately - anything crashed that turned into something amazing?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} M

Re: Alien Crash Landing

Symbolism...I figured the green and orange on the ship had symbolism. What do stars or even aliens mean? I can't think of anything even crashing down in my life. Um...No, I can't think of anything.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 14 Tennessee

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Alien Crash Landing

Hi Aaron,

Some thoughts follow. If even wrong they may prompt you in discovering your interpretation. The dream may be be addressing inner questions about dream interpretation, religion and/or spirituality.

Going to see the satelite going across the sky: Could be looking for answers.

Behind the satelite a green and orange space ship: Indicating the answers aren't found in the usual but the unsual. Maybe hidden beyond or behind the normal scope, in the unconscious or a discipline new to you.

Went to go see what was in it: looking inside yourself, your unconscious or into another 'philosophy'.

You go inside and see an alien: Seems alien as it's not a sphere of yourself you've not explored or been conscious of before.

Green & orange: what do these colors mean to you?

From the MDS dream dictionary - Green commonly symbolizes the fertility of Nature (as in the Green Man, the spirit of fecundity). In your dreams, therefore, it may indicate personal growth, some new development in your personality.

(1) May symbolize aggressiveness.
(2) Because it is the colour of the sun, it may symbolize life, or consciousness.
(3) If you are depressed, orange may symbolize the dawn of a new attitude of optimism and proper self-love.

only had a body until the waist: possibly represents a higher self aspect or 'no legs to stand on' as it was supported by the dish. A dish serves as a tool, holder of food, nourishment

mumbling & didn't think he spoke English: communicating but not understanding

not in our solar system: Feeling it is outside rather than inside the self

do you believe in heaven; no I do not believe in heaven: This is where I find an inference to dream interpretation, religion/spirituality. Perhaps referring to the literal interpretation of heaven and/or the connection between spirituality, dream interpretation and the inner Self.

Schools are a place of learning. Cell phone a tool for communication. Not sure about the numbers/alphabet changing to dirty words. Could be changing attitude toward a learned religion or thought process. Conscious expression of a negative connotation to new way of thinking.

Mandarin: have you thought about exploring eastern spirituality, even if just from an intellectual interest?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Alien Crash Landing

Sorry Aaron, had to leave before putting it all together.

Going to watch a satellite go across the sky is similar to a scene from the movie October Sky. Have you seen that movie? It’s about a young man who follows his Bliss, (NASA rocket scientist), rather than his father’s and local societal/cultural demands (coal mining).

Algoopa may be a play on words – could it be All gooped up or All goofed up? The message isn’t yet clear but with your continuing search (questioning) it becomes more clear.

So, putting it all together…

“Anyway, when I woke up, I felt as if questions really were answered.” From this statement it appears both questions and answers are held within the dream. It may help to examine your thoughts and actions the few days prior to the dream because the conscious mind has difficulty seeing these questions and answers. (Welcome to dream interpretation! Find my individual dreams are the most difficult for me to interpret due to the personal garbage still inside and lacking trust of the inner voice/intuition.)

Perhaps this points to a new development in your personality such as a realization of the higher consciousness, the psyche, Self, the collective unconscious, the role of religion as opposed to spirituality as it pertains to your Self, etc. Possibly showing you the answers you seek to those questions will become more clear or apparent as you explore and study the topics, in realizing of your Bliss.

If you can reply with your thoughts it would be truly appreciated and most helpful in my education here learning about these very same topics.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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