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white house

you know i had this really weird dream a couple of months ago that really freaked me out and i still cant figure out.

im in this beautiful white house and im dressed in white. im walking on this white marble staircase when all of a sudden i see my sister but shes a child and everytime i get near her she ages and the older she gets the sadder she gets. i get to the other side of her and theres a room with a rocking chair in it. whats really weird is that this is the only room in the house that is dark.
i leave that room and in another room my mother is in it and it looks like she outside but its a room. she was using a bucket to throw out the water which i didnt even notice and all the while she was weeping.

thats all that i remember

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17/houston

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: white house

Often when I look at dreams of someone younger, especially in their teens, I have to look at it a bit different than I do with an older person. The current personal aspect is often the focus of many dreams of those younger than 20-25 more so than the deeper aspects. In older people it is both the current personal and acculated personal, and often the archetypal dreams, whose purpose is to confront the deeper psychological aspects of the dreamer. Your dream has more of a tone that may be addressing deeper issues as much as current personal issues. And because it seems do so I want to look at the possibilities of the deepr aspects.

I have a couple of questions that may help explain a lot about the dream {and your
} and provide some insights that might
help us come up with a good interpretation.

How old is your sister? What is that relationship like?

Are there anything experiences from her childhood or your childhood that may be important to the dream?

How is your relationship with your mother?

Does the room with a rocking chair have any meaning?

I don't often ask questions but with your age I want to know as much about you as you feel comfortable giving so I can better understand the dream. If there is any unconscious psychological message within the dream I certainly want to look at those aspects.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: white house


at first the relationship with my sister was rough we didnt get along. she is 24 and i am 17 but when we were younger i hardly saw which ties in with our relationship with our mother. now though were are very close when she moved out we realized we found a bond we never had before.

the relationship with my mother is another story. shes what you would call a sexist, she prefers males over girls. ever since i can remember we had to give our stuff to our brothes and do things for them. which is what our mom taught us to do. the funny thing is my mom never letted my dad boss her around. because of this me and my sister rebelled against her.

the rocking chair... well when i was little my grandma bought me a little rocking chair. i loved it! i dont know why but i would just sit there and daydream all the time. unfortunetly one day when i was at school my mom threw away a couple of my childhood toys away including my chair.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17/houston

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: white house

i just rememberd how the dream ends
im pleading her to stop crying and she just pushes me to the side and just hauls off more water and cries even more bitterly.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17/houston

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: white house

Thanks for the aditional info. It provides a lot to the dream interpretation.

I believe the dream is addressing concerns about the relationship with your mother. At 17 life should be full of innocence {the white house, the white dress, the white marble staircase}. You probably have a positive outlook on life but because of the bad relationship with your mother in the past you have created a complex {the room your mother is in} towards her. Your sister is an example of how you feel that relationship will evolve as you grow older; the older you get the sadder the relationship with your mother will get. Is this not the case with your sister, her relatinship with your mother has gotten worse? She rebelled against your mother and you ae probably doing the same.

The rocking chair would exemplify the unconscious attitudes brought forth from earlier childhood toward your mother. You state in your reponse that she threw away your loved rocking chair when you were a child. This is an inbedded memory that has stuck with you and has been re-inforced every since.

The dream is also probably questioning the wisdom of your mother. This is another reason for rebelling against her. Even though she would give your brothers more attention than she did the two girls, she treated your dad differently {this will have to do with her own complexes toward men which probably can be explained from her own childhood experiences}. You can not respect someone who says one thing and does another. You probably intuitively sense the complexes/problems your mother possesses and would even sympathize with them if the relationship were better.

Another aspect of the dream that unconscious plays in your mind is your fear that you too may turn out like your mother. Your defense is rebellion. But if the unconscious attitudes are not realized and put into proper perspective your life may evolve to some those attitudes your mother possesses. You grew up with those experiences and even though you outwardly reject them, unconscioulsy they are re-inforced in your mind and can present themselves later in your life. You may not be like your mother but may go to the other extreme and be too different in your reltaionship with people in later life.

Let me know your thoughts to my interpretation and perhaps we can discover more about the message of your dream. As I stated I beleive you have a positive attitude toward life dispite the negative experiences from earlier life. Moving out with your sister has helped but both of you need to confront the relationship with your mother and put it into proper perspective. If not then the unconscious attitudes provided to you as children could cause negative results later in life, for both you and your sister.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: white house

you know a creepy thing happened just the other day my sister was yelling at her son for something bad that he did, but just in that one second she reminded me a lot like my mother. the relationship with my sister and my mom is better now seeing that my sister is a mother now they get along but what really creeps me out is that when we were young we would vow never to become like her and scary enough that how she is. i saw her crying the other day and she told me she tried not to be like her but she couldnt help it. the only thing me and my sister got from my mother was her temper.
you know i miss that rocking chair but not because i would use it all the time but because my grandmother gave it to me and she told me to take very special care of it because she had it made especiallly for me and when my mom threw it away i felt like i failed in something again. my mother was always there to remind me of my faults and not my accomplishments which is very rare in her opinion

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17/houston

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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