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charlies angels

i was in a very famous temple in india, running down a corridor like hall with two other girls with me-both friends, and we were spys, i think, wearing leather suits, very high heeled boots, carrying guns and looking all together very sexy. One side of the hall was practically not there because there were so many windows . outside the windows was a huge courtyard were tourists waited to see the temple, and on the other side of the courtyard was another windowed hall, where our (my friends and i) enemies ran, shooting at us. We shot back. at the end of this hall started another. My friends and i ran into that hall, hoping to defend or get what ever it was that we were supposed to find. At the end of that hall more of our black-clad enemies waited for us. We shot them, exept one, who i had to kick in the nuts multiple times in order to take down.
We ran out of the hall again, the way we had come in. more black enemies were there shooting at us, this time they had yellow glowing eyes. My friends and I jumped over the heads of the tourists waiting including the my very puzzled best friend who was waiting in line for a tour, about 20 feet below us, with me in the lead. our landings broke tiles as we hit the ground, but we were unharmed. We broke into a sprint and escaped....i woke up smiling. ?

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

? age

Hi Jo
your age would help in interpreting your dream

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} M

Re: charlies angels

teen; less than legal is that ok?

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: charlies angels

Age is always important when looking at dreams. Younger people's dreams are less reflective of an accumulative life and more reflective of a forming life. Of course archetypal {universal} symbols still have their more intensive applications no matter the age.

If I may ask a question. In your dream you are in India and there are temples. What is your knowledge of the cultures and religion {Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, etc.}? What are thoughts on this subject. Often the universal symbols are guised in such relationships of knowledge {symbols from myth and dream} and provide clues to the deeper dream message, if there is one of real consequence. Older people have acculated experiences and the dream would seriously address that aspect as well as the personal.

Other than that I see a dream typical of someone your age. In general dreams for you, unless there is some negatives experiences that need addressing, are more focused on the coming experiences and the fears, desires and aspirations you hold. I will let Justine finish his assessment of your dream. He will provide insights that will help you understand the dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: charlies angels

I have many brown friends, male and female, so i know a lot about the indian culture. The best friend i spoke of is, in fact, indian. I wonder where the gung-ho girl thing came from, too, as i have never actually seen charlies angels, nor do i watch action movies. generally speaking for all ages, is it more common to have a meaningless, entertaining dream, or one that reflects issues in your waking life? it seems that many of my dreams have nothing to relate to in real life. Thanx 4 your insite!

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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