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keys, time travel, christening, memory loss

i dreamed i was babysitting a small toddler. my boyfriend came over dressed in a suit to go to a christening. i told him we were supposed to attend one, but he prefered ot go to another one without me. he said he was talking to his good female friend aobut me and that when i drink i am awful (in day life i don't drink much at all, he is rather heavy drinker). then soldiers showed up in tan humvee to hand us another baby to watch. we lived in the country. then i was watching archie bunker abuse store shopkeepers for a polishing wheel for car. i felt sorry for him like he was my dad, so i stepped in to buy the item for him after he stormed off. the back of him leaving frustrated brought me pity. he was right , the price was not on the shelf, i bought it for him, then realized i was stuck in new york with no idea how to get back for christening. i was also stuck in 70's. i poured salt on the ground from high above city in the shop and it landed on manhole cover. it melted ice and four disco ladies danced over it, safe now. i needed directions and when went to use the palm pilot it had turned into a bracelet of old, rusty skeleton keys. i couldn't rememver how i had gotten to new york. i am a vegeterian, but when i looked at the food i was eating out of a tupperware container i the taxi i hailed i realized it was full of pork. the keys stick out as the most symbolic part of dream.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 40 new orleans la

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: keys, time travel, christening, memory loss

This dream may have to do with a desire to begin, or to christen a new way of life. These may thoughts that you have just now started to comtemplate {babysitting a small toddler}. But it may also be something that you see as being outside real possibilities {living in the country} because you feel stuck where you are in life.

The abusive Archie Bunker may be referring to both your boyfriend and your real father. Was your father abusive? This may represent a pattern of behavior you possess when it comes to men. Abusive. Perhaps that is why the 70's appears in the dream. You want/wanted to please both of these men. The further {New York} you get from your intended goals the harder it is to get to the christening {the christening of new possibilities}.

The disco ladies, the melting of the ice may be related to a time where you had such opportunties to be that person you wish to truly be. The opportunity is within your own grasp {palm pilot} and you hold the keys to the sketeltons that hold you back. You are having to eat those things that are opposite who you really are.

Do you feel that you are locked in a situation that you wish you could change, especially having to do with the relationship with your boyfriend? Was your father abusive? Being from New Orleans and having to put up with all that you have had to go thru {Katrina} perhaps you are now at a point in your life where you want to break that cycle of life you have lived with up until now. If the answer to these questions is yes then the dream is probably addressing your desire to christen a new you.
If not we may need to start over.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Re: keys, time travel, christening, memory loss

thank you, i am living a collective dream and i am just waking from the shock of losing my city, my home and also my beloved father just weeks ago. he was not abusive, but the abusive (verbally) boyfriend is right on the money. i kinda felt it could be my dad, as he turned his back and left the store, for all the compassion i felt for him and being lost in a big city after he left. i appreciate the key symbolism the most, for due to the circustances of my life at the moment i am stuck, my house was demolished yesterday, i guess there is no mystery there. i did have a prophetic dream days before katrina , before we knew he was sick, where my dad told me he was leaving, but could not give me a key yet, because he didn't know he was going. thank you for the interp., it has given me something to think about.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 40 new orleans la

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: keys, time travel, christening, memory loss

Thanks for the follow-post. Those times of extreme experiences such as you have been through often invade our dreams reflecting the stresses in life and trying to help you sort through all that is confronting you in the present. The inclusion of your dad, although brief, would be natural and important to the relationship of the other symbols. Perhaps he had something to do with the keys. Was he a source of strenght throughout your life, providing directions?

It seems the warnings of Katrina were quite strong to many people. I myself had a feeling of her impending arrival. I am of the belief that the human psyche is a part of the whole consciousness of the planet {Gaia} and when natural, and unnatural, forces reach the energy level as Katrina, we can sense such events. Science shows us animals can sense earthquakes, tsunami, volcanos.
It is an extra-sense that most don't/can't tap into because they are so involved in the material, ego world. Its akin of intuitiveness which is important when trying to understand and interpret dreams. Studying dreams is an investigation of the psyche.
Both Gaia, the earth goddess, and intuitiveness are both from the feminine psyche. And that's another reason many can't sense events such as Katrina. The masculine mind is too in control. And you know how abusive the masculine can be to the feminine, human and psyche.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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