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Before I go into the dream let me just say that I don't remember much. I was watching tv this morning and I saw stairs. That's when it triggered my memory of this dream that I was on top of a staircase and I am so scared and frantic and my hand was reaching out for something or someone that I needed. Thats all I remember and I knew it was important to remember this dream. Five minutes later my best friend called and said why did you summon me in your dream and then ran off? I told her I couldn't recall anything. Then she said at 2:17am she heard me calling out her name for help and when she reached me she saw my father (who died when I was a baby)and 3 shawdows around me. Before she approached me she said I was sitting on top of stairs scared to listen to him my father was trying to warn me about something but i wouldn't listen and i wouldn't look at him. He stop talking when she was there. And she said Tracy listen to him and I said thats not my father, its your father. Leesa said no it is not my father Tracy its yours just look at him but I wouldn't and she said she got angry and said how can she contact you when she's ready? And he pointed to the sky. Thats when I stood up and said Leesa I can't do this they(meaning the shawdows)want to fight and I can't I'm not a fighter like u r. And she said yes you are Tracy and I ran off. Then she saw the shawdows and asked what do you want and one in particular kept laughing at her. Just then she saw me in a corner with her husband(who's in Iraq)sheilding me. And she said Kelmore whatever you do protect Tracy's face and thats when she woke up which was at 4:15am. The crazy part is I only remember being scared and on top of stairs with my hand reaching out. But I woke up at exactly the same time with my heart beating fast and breathing heavy. What does all this mean?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 30 NYC

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

Re: Please Help us

I am afraid but unfortunately I get lost in the narrative. It is very hard to understand what is dream and real life and whose dream is what. I understand your statement about your dream but some of the details about your best friend's dream is not so clear.
The statement "said why did you summon me in your dream and then ran off?" Should ran be run and was she asking why you ran off?

The time you give in her dreams. Were they part of the dream or are they actual times she was aware of while awake?

To be honest the best way to understand the dream is for your best friend to write it down just as she remembered it. There are probably small important things in the dream she can provide that will clarify the dream message {have her write the dream down just as she remembered it}.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 55 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Please Help us

Hi Gerard, I have Leesa on the phone and she's explaining to me as I type it to you. She was sleeping. Around midnite or so I summoned her by calling her name for her to come to me and help me. Because in her sleeping state I needed help and I was scared. She said when she saw me I was talking to my father and I asked him where can I contact him if I needed him and he was pointing to a bright star in the sky. Leesa looked at me and said did u summoned me to look at a star in the sky? Leesa said the man to the right of me was my father and he was pointing to the star in the sky and she was wondering why I was so scared and nervous and why I did not want to look at him. She grabbed me by the shoulders and asked me whats wrong because she knew that i was scare but she wanted me to look at my father. And I refused to look at him and I said r u sure thats not ur father? She looked over my shpulder and said yeah my father is not that white my father is dark. Leesa said once she told me that I said I can't deal with this right now this is too strong and I cannot fight the way you can. I touch her shoulder and said I have to go and ran off. She tried to chased me and said I was trying to sleep and you woke me for this. And Leesa said not right now because I am tired and pregnant and before she knew it I took off and when she turned she saw my father pointing to the star still and then as he started to walk away there was 2 dark figure a real tall man and a average size female and she felt a 3rd presence but couldn't see it. Out of frustration she said leave me alone but she'll deal with him another time and the tall one laughed and out of nowhere to the right of her she sees her husband and since she knows he's not spiritual in all actuality there was nothing else for him to do but sheild my face. So she told him to protect my face and he did. He said nothing and just did covered my face. She then said f**k that i'll deal with you when I am ready. And that when she got up and turned on the tv which was 4:15am waking state.
This is not the first I call on her for help but i never remember everything only parts of it. Any comments?

Re: Re: Please Help us

Hi Tracy
It is nice that you are helping your friend It is hard to interpret this dream - it really helps if it is written by the dreamer ( example: I am sleeping and I call my friend Tracy to help me. When I saw my friend she was talking to her falther ,,,,,) and some paragraphs to break up the ideas. This way you can start looking at the dreams yourselves too.
I done some of this at ths bottom of my reply - this si how I started to look at the dream.

This response is written to the dreamer - I suggest that you print it out and give it to her. I think that she will need personal space and refection to be able to address some to the issues that the dream may be raising.

In this dream I see something like internal conflict.,,, almost a separation of self. You are fighting hard to look at difficult issues; one part of you can see the issues and the other cannot. You may not know or recognise what those issues are in you waking life. Something that part of you doesn't want to address: (f**k that i'll deal with you when I am ready).
Perhaps you feel separated, one part of you spiritual the other is not.

the shining star ,,,, hope? new light in her life, that part of her is not seeing
pregnant ? new life, creation, seed of the masculine


Hi Gerard, I have Leesa on the phone and she's explaining to me as I type it to you.
She was sleeping. Around midnite or so I summoned her by calling her name for her to come to me and help me. Because in her sleeping state I needed help and I was scared.

She said when she saw me I was talking to my father and I asked him where can I contact him if I needed him and he was pointing to a bright star in the sky.
Leesa looked at me and said did u summoned me to look at a star in the sky? Leesa said the man to the right of me was my father and he was pointing to the star in the sky and she was wondering why I was so scared and nervous and why I did not want to look at him.

She grabbed me by the shoulders and asked me whats wrong because she knew that i was scare but she wanted me to look at my father. And I refused to look at him and I said r u sure thats not ur father? She looked over my shpulder and said yeah my father is not that white my father is dark. Leesa said once she told me that I said I can't deal with this right now this is too strong and I cannot fight the way you can. I touch her shoulder and said I have to go and ran off. She tried to chased me and said I was trying to sleep and you woke me for this.

And Leesa said not right now because I am tired and pregnant and before she knew it I took off and when she turned she saw my father pointing to the star still and then as he started to walk away there was 2 dark figure a real tall man and a average size female and she felt a 3rd presence but couldn't see it. Out of frustration she said leave me alone but she'll deal with him another time and the tall one laughed and out of nowhere to the right of her she sees her husband and since she knows he's not spiritual in all actuality there was nothing else for him to do but sheild my face. So she told him to protect my face and he did. He said nothing and just did covered my face. She then said f**k that i'll deal with you when I am ready. And that when she got up and turned on the tv which was 4:15am waking state.
This is not the first I call on her for help but i never remember everything only parts of it. Any comments?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

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