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Betrayal of Trust

The dream started when i was going to a friends house for a party. Most of my were there the ones i keep in contact with. We were going to the party, so we went there and my girlfriend(which i am single)from elementry was there all grown up plus it was her party. The more and more people started to show up.

Her uncle looked just like Arnold from the termanator. We went outside and most of the females at the party went with us. We looked down the hill i told him we can snowboard down the hill he said "lets do it". I went down the hill and the females went crazy, and then i stopped, cause there was fog coverin the rest of the mountain. He said "we better not", so i went back in to the cabin. Sitting on the table was Tiffany but i called her Olivia (a name from my other ex). She would move away and he would move closer to her, so i grabed a glass mug and punched him in the back of his head.

She was mad at me,and he turned out to be Frankie Muinz. More & more people kept comming in. Frankie and my girlfriend were on the couch talking and laughing. I went to talk to other people there asking them have they seen my friends they did'nt know, so i sat on the couch were frankie and my girlfriend were sitting and they were gone.There was this dude in all black that looked exactlly(but i didn't have on black) like me and i asked him were did they go he pointed to the front door. Before i got up to leave for some reason a i looked at the tv at first it was the white noise, and then it was Olivia kissing Frankie Muinz.I got up and walked outside there was this huge bonefire, and people were laying on the floor under different covers, so i asked the group of people have they seen my girlfriend. They said she's by somebodies car (i can't remember the name of the dude), so i kept walking towards the openning of the coldasect. She got out of a red convertable and said "Oh My Gosh". She tried to run i caught up with her. I told her what are you doing she said "We didn't do nothing". She then ran and climed over to small orange nets i ran and jumped over both and caught her. Trying to figure out what has happened she started to cry. I sense that Frankie Muniz was trying to come up from behind me i kicked him in the stomach, and then he collapased. She then asked me how did you find me i said you were on the tv she started even harder.She said im sorry, and yelled no out loud . I then picked her up with both arms in mid air. Bright lights and then i woke up.

What i thought was my ex olivia it was Tiffany all grown up , but i kept calling her Olivia. Didn't look like Olivia at all.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 St, Louis

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Betrayal of Trust

I thought that i was getting the basics on how to inturpret a dream, but my dreams seem different they a harder, longer and more detailed. Even though that it is easiser to have someone else who knows what they are talking about teach an dhelp you figure out how a dream goes and what information a dream is trying to tell you. No matter how hard it is i will try since i still can't do it . I will learn.

This dream is long and hard for me to interpuret . I would like someone to help me with this dream if it isn't a problem Thank you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 St, Louis

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Betrayal of Trust

Hi Gary
well your dream is quite long comples and detailed.
My impression is that you have a keen mind - you have said that you are looking into and learning dream interpretaion so with all this ,,, here are some thoughts to start.
I am also confused about the characters in your dream, so a bit limited.

Dreams reflect and feed back to us another perspective or information about what is happening in waking life - so think about what is going on in your life at present, or what thoughts are on your mind.

Your dream seems to have a lot of anger and energy in it ,,, does this reflect you in real life? Has there been violence in your life (the uncle like the Terminator ,,, although I forget how he was in the movie).
The fog covering the mountain ,, the things you cannot see or understand in life.
There seem to be matters around trust, trust of the feminine - this could mean women in general or trust of your own feelings, and how to find a way to deal with this side of yourself.
Do you have a side of yourself that is similar to 'Frankie Muniz'?

What's your take on this?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

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Re: Re: Betrayal of Trust

Yes when friends start to blow me off like im some kind of freak off nature it makes me mad , but then when they need help with someone or something they come to me.Yes i do have alot of anger and energy.

It is hard for me to trust females i have had my heart broken over a dozen times. Every time i lay my heart on the line it gets destroyed and i have to cope and put it back together. I had a premanition of Olivia cheating on me. I told her and she says it was only a dream it wasn't me. A month later it wasn't a dream it was reality.I guess you can cakll me a medium i get premanitions and i can sense energy. So i can see alot of things before it happens more like the warrning parts.

I guess i do have a side thats like frankie Muniz i like to make people laugh when they are uncomfrotable.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 St, Louis

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Re: Re: Betrayal of Trust

Hi Gary,
That makes sense - perhaps what you call premonitions could also mean that you are INTUITIVE - your dreams may be a way that some of this information comes to you?
Hang in there - that's the hero's path (see links to Joseph Campbell)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Brisbane Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} M

Re: Betrayal of Trust

I think Frank Muniz,the uncle, the men in black are the same thing: your shadow, try to isolate their qualities, is confusing but he is trying to tell you something, are you a young men?, I see in the mayority of the cases men hit their shadow, when they should listen to him, he has the answer of the bad luck in your relations with women, the last dream you have posted is related to this one, but I need more time to interpret them.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 FL

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

Re: Re: Betrayal of Trust

Yes i am a young man im 22yrs old. I didn't know that men hit their shadow. I thought it was just me. In alot of my dreams i've fought my shadow but does the shadow holds the knowledge in the dreams that they are in?

Thank you and i can't wait to hear from you a gain.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 22 St, Louis,MO

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

Re: Betrayal of Trust

Hi Gary
The party is the location, represents your inner psyche. Arnold the men in black, what qualities does he have?, did you do your list?, he is strong, secure, very masculine…, what else he means to you?, then you want him to follow you, he does at the beginning, but then he acts more like a father, an authority, then you followed him. Because it’s risky where you are going (driving your life?, it will get you only fog). Don’t get stuck on negative experiences, it will make you feel just anger. He relates and get close to your girlfriend, your anima. I don’t think this dream is related to the betrayal. You are into this too much.

Then Frankie, is like a continuation of what your shadow wanted you to do: express yourself, re-build good self esteem, sense of security (I don’t watch tv,don't know about Frankie) but your shadow is saying something about your teens years (how old is Frankie?), you where doing something good for your shadow, he is missing that, he expresses through the art, can be an artistic activities you were doing, take a look, your strength came from there. Your shadow has excellent qualities, don’t put him apart, give him a chance to be your first counselor, he knows what is good for you.

Second part of your dream is mixed with many factors, you where deeply affected for that experience, that it is affecting your unconscious, you have to find a way to heal yourself. Much provably the girlfriend is your anima.
We all have a two million year old self, he/she knows what is good for us, if you can read about this book: The two million year old self by Anthony Stevens.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 FL

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